New Poker Site!
There is a great new poker site for Toronto Poker Players, or players from anywhere really. The site contains articles and guides, forums, buy/sell, links, and much more. Registration is free just as it is on this site. Come check us out and say hi.
"Yea, it's an ill movie fo sho. Everything about it is ill. Best scene is with the clip from the 88 series of poker with Chan. Flops the nut straight on Eric Seidel who has 2 pair (q-. The way he flips over his cards and pushes his chips in after Seidel goes all in. SO ILL!!"
Also they say tdot alot which is so annoying. I remember back in highschool when i went away for spring break we met all these guys from totoronto who kept saying tdot. That is annoying. I come to this forum mainly because there is a friendly atmosphere, educated responses to questions and a real sense its a poker forum. Toronto poker struckme a s a kiddy land for teens who have seen two episodes of last years WPT and rounders and think pokers really ILL.
P.s thats actually a quote from there boards, and no disrespect to anyone from Toronto i just cant stand that.
quite frontin homie.
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