Congrats Dead Money

For winning the $200 Last Longer at todays GBH $550!

Oh and also final tabling this biatch and finishing 6th. I spewed away into 7th and Actyper finished 8th so the forum had lots of representation.


  • Well done guys
  • gg dead money. man we should have finished 123
  • Grats boyz!
  • Awesome job guys....good warm up for Fallsview where you guys can take 1 2 3....
  • Great Job guys

    Thinking about you all day.

    Wetts check your pm and get back to me
  • Congratulations! Instead of having a last-longer bet against a friend who is a +EV shark, I prefer doing a percentage swap. This worked out great for me at both the WSOP Main Event, and in a GBH $1,100 when I made the final five but my friend won the huge first prize! "cheers:
    Wetts1012 wrote: »
    For winning the $200 Last Longer at todays GBH $550!
  • BlondeFish wrote: »
    Congratulations! Instead of having a last-longer bet against a friend who is a +EV shark, I prefer doing a percentage swap. This worked out great for me at both the WSOP Main Event, and in a GBH $1,100 when I made the final five but my friend won the huge first prize! "cheers:

    yah, I was thinking about this afterwards... why should the rich get richer :) I finished in 33rd out of 110 after Actyper got moved to my table. Had about 12,500 left with the blinds at 400/800 a50 and get KJ on the button. Raise to 2,000 and BB calls. Flop comes J109 and BB ponders and comes out with a bet of 5k. I figure he isn't going to come out betting with two pair or made straight when he knows I have been aggressive so I shove. He thinks for a minute and decides to call with Q9. Of course he hits an 8 on the turn and I don't improve. Would have been nice to have 25k in chips going into the final three tables.

    Haven't played a tournament in ages and I can see where the thrill is. Good job guys and nice come back DM. I think you were down to under 2k in chips at one point? Nice recovery.
  • Place
    Players Name
    Vincenzo A.
    Richmond Hill Ont.
    Nancy T.
    Toronto Ont.
    Jeffery R.
    Oshawa Ont.
    John L.
    Toronto Ont.
    Robert M.
    Toronto Ont.
    Giovanni A.
    Vaughan Ont.
    Darryl W.
    Brampton Ont.
    Ashley C.
    Markham Ont.
    Tim D.
    Clinton Ont.
    Gino C.
    Brampton Ont
  • John L is also a forum member here, nice work all!
  • you got those names pretty quick.

    Funny thing happened at a poker tournament... we return from the lunch break and dealer deals first hand. Player comes back late and instead of saying, 'hey, where are my cards, you didn't deal me in??", instead he says "hey, where are my chips??". The guy's chips had disappeared. They pause the tournament for about 20 minutes and go to the cameras. Apparently the guy beside him had doubled up in the last hand before the break and accidently scoped his stack of 2,400 chips.

    What was really odd was the dealer never noticed the chips missing and dealt the player in with no chips or person at the seat. I guess subconsciously she still remembered a person with chips at that seat.
  • jontm wrote: »
    John L is also a forum member here, nice work all!

    Whats his alias here?
  • BlondeFish wrote: »
    This worked out great for me at both the WSOP Main Event, and in a GBH $1,100 when I made the final five but my friend won the huge first prize! "cheers:

    you had a stake in Jonathan D.?
  • I cant believe that guy won.
  • jontm wrote: »
    John L is also a forum member here, nice work all!

    John was the asian guy in seat 7 no? Very good player. Gets aces lots though.
  • Way to go guys.
  • Popkorn I believe, not sure when he last posted. He did take 4th in the WPT at Niagra a few years back
  • SYCK results ITT. Great show everyone!!
  • Thanks all, this is the first tournament other than Steve's/Greg's I have played in over 6 months. Nice to get back in the swing!

    Wetts1012 wrote: »
    John was the asian guy in seat 7 no? Very good player. Gets aces lots though.

    NO shit! I didn't get aces all day, didn't have a top 5 starting pair until hour 5 of the tournament. He got aces 4 times while I was at his table in two hours and everyone pushed into him. He is a good player, knows when to push back...hats off to him.
    pokerJAH wrote: »
    you got those names pretty quick.

    Funny thing happened at a poker tournament... we return from the lunch break and dealer deals first hand. Player comes back late and instead of saying, 'hey, where are my cards, you didn't deal me in??", instead he says "hey, where are my chips??". The guy's chips had disappeared. They pause the tournament for about 20 minutes and go to the cameras. Apparently the guy beside him had doubled up in the last hand before the break and accidently scoped his stack of 2,400 chips.

    What was really odd was the dealer never noticed the chips missing and dealt the player in with no chips or person at the seat. I guess subconsciously she still remembered a person with chips at that seat.

    This happened at my table...the guy was a little slimey that took the chips. Im pretty sure he didnt do it on purpose but adding 22000 to your stack was a good move. The interesting part is this happened the last hand before the break. He was in a all in pot. The question that came up during was was he all in with the other guys money? Did he double up through the spew girl at the table without all the money being his?

    The sweetest money of all was the last longer cause with 5 tables left I had 1240 chips blinds 200/400-50.^-^
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