Hamilton Bounty tourney every monday night

HI all we are holding a 50.00 bounty tourney every monday night in Hamilton on limeridge rd 45.00 + 5.00 for the bounty


  • What time does it start ?
  • 7 PM same as before but now it is bounty tourneys not for poker classic(No more point) just weekly tourneys
  • Should be able to make it out tonight.
  • just got a call it is 6:30 tonight
  • Is this raked or is the entire buyin being payed out?
  • not sure I have a call into the tourney director I belive 40 into the pot 5 for bounty and 5 to the house for exspenses....but as i said not 100% for sure .I do know it will not be more
  • can u pm me the address, exact start time and buy in...thanks
  • I would also like a bit more info, might be able to make it if I get home from work in time.

    lmk, thx
  • Iwant in too. Is this still going on?
  • Id like to get into this as well can someone pm or email me he details...thanks
  • pm me some details please and thank you
  • is this game still running? djgolfcan, you end up going to any?
  • I went to a few of them. 14-18 players, wide variety of skill level. I think the organizer stopped them and wants to start up again with different players.

    It was organized fine, structure was fairly quick, but on a weeknight, it has to be. Usually finished around 11pm.
  • i live really close to limeridge mall, and im very interested in this $45+$5 bounty tourney, if you could PM me about this i would love to come and have friends who would also wish to join in the tourny
  • I'd be interested in going to this, or any other Hamilton Touneys or Cash games.

    PM me.
  • Is this still running, if so I'd be interested. PM me the details if it is. Thanks, Scott
  • sorry no longer running
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