moving things along

I've read conspiracy theories about how online poker software is designed to move tourney's and sngs along so that players will bust and go spend more money at other tables and so that the company can squeeze more games in. After this one, I'm just about ready to believe LMAO!


The other theory I have heard is that the software is created so that it favours the larger stack with the worst hand. This particular hand doesn't apply because the winner was clearly ahead most of the way but after about 30 hours this week, I've seen the large stack with the worst hand suckout or win coin flips ALOT, including myself when I was the big stack. ie. A2 vs AK and the 2 comes or AA vs 77 and the 7 hits etc..


  • YOU SIR, we're obviously not wearing your hat!
  • Ed, I know it looks strange but it doesn't happen any more than its supposed to. Look at Cada and his final table of the 2009 WSOP, hitting his small pps for sets against bigger pockets. If that was online, everyone would scream FIXED.

    It happens, it sucks, next game.
  • djgolfcan wrote: »
    Ed, I know it looks strange but it doesn't happen any more than its supposed to. Look at Cada and his final table of the 2009 WSOP, hitting his small pps for sets against bigger pockets. If that was online, everyone would scream FIXED.

    It happens, it sucks, next game.

    When I first started playing online, I would tend to agree. Now I'm not so sure. It sure seems like there are many more bad beats in tournaments.
  • don't get me wrong guys, my post isn't about whinning about being beat. I lay em on as much as I take, it all evens out imo as it does everyone else.

    As for Cada, I know he sucked out many times but don't forget, that 2 hour broadcast was culled from a 17 hour game.

    As for the hat reibs, just went to costco and got 1500 meters of tinfoil ;-)

    going to give it another crack tonight, let the rollercoaster ride begin haha
  • Muddguts wrote: »
    As for the hat reibs, just went to costco and got 1500 meters of tinfoil ;-)

    Ahhhh, you're doing it wrong! Mylar > tin foil

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