Gg pat burns

A helluva coach . Pat Burns passed away today ( Cancer) A sad day for hockey. I am soooooo dissappointed in the HHOF. They should have inducted him before this.


  • rip pat youll be missed
  • Tom Cheek and Pat Burns - two gross miscarriages of justice. Clearly dying, clearly deserving, yet the powers that be, sit on their asses and do nothing. Yet Lemieux retires and they waive the 3 year waiting period put him in the HoF and then he comes back and plays...moronic.
  • Burns will be in the Hall the first year he is eligible. Sentiment would have him their sooner, but I do not think the big guy would have wanted any special treatment. Probably the best coach my Leafs had since Roger Neilson. Glad he got a ring, but wish it could have been a Leafs ring . . .
  • Gretzky went into the hall basically right after his retirement.
    Burns was arguably one of the best coaches . 3 Jack Adams awards ( No coach has matched that) He only got 1 ring but probably would have won several if he was still healthy.

    Gretzky pretty much destroyed 100% of the scoring records and was the greatest forward to ever play the game.

    I can't figure out what the great hype was about Lemieux. Yes he was a good player but not like 99.

    The Hockey Hall of Fame dropped the ball BIG TIME here. :o
  • moose wrote: »
    Tom Cheek and Pat Burns - two gross miscarriages of justice.
  • HVEEPOKER wrote: »
    Burns was arguably one of the best coaches . 3 Jack Adams awards ( No coach has matched that) He only got 1 ring but probably would have won several if he was still healthy.

    The Hockey Hall of Fame dropped the ball BIG TIME here. :o

    I'm not going to argue that Burns was or was not one of the best coaches, but let's not go overboard with the accolades.

    First 3 Jack Adams awards is indeed a record, but reality is it should be named the Scotty Bowman award. Also Jacques Demers won 2 (in a row) and by some act of god lost his third to Burns in 1993 after leading the Habs to one of the most improbable Stanley Cup wins ever. Does Demers deserve an automatic placement in the HOF?

    Great coach, great leader by all accounts great guy. He will get his place in the hall soon, no need to rush cheapen it by rushing it through just so he could see it.
  • Oh Gawd, life is over as I know it . . . I agree with a Habs fan . . . it has to be a sign from Burns in the hereafter . . .
  • Every team he coached became good. Even the Leafs. That means something. And the '93 Habs team had Burns' fingerprints all over it, even though he left to coach Toronto, who almost made it to the final that year.

    I'd say he was one of the best coaches of all time, especially considering his relatively short career

    GG Pat Burns
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