Never Felt So Lame

Been job hunting for the past couple of months. No luck whatsoever, except for a part time, minimum wage, seasonal job at Future Shop that I could only have if I cut off my long hair (direct quote from the store manager). I've never had this much trouble finding work. Any tips on how to keep from robbing a bank?


  • What level of education do you have?

    Are you trained for anything?

    What do you want to do with the rest of your life?
  • 2 months, that's it? hard to not get frustrated but try 2 years nowadays.......

    But ya, it's mostly seasonal right now for the next month or so my friend and then usually slow January and February( depends on what companies too I guess).

    Even UGH! employment agencies are slow but could always try them even though I don't like any of them.

    Probably not what you want to here, but coming from the guy who's lived it the most...........
  • Oh ya, I am multitasking so bear with me here Cerb,lol

    Wanted to type more,lol

    Are you still in Windsor?

    Also good Luck!:)
  • Here you go!

    Creative writer, they sure do need it! lol

    WWE Corporate - Title
  • JohnnieH wrote: »
    What level of education do you have?

    Are you trained for anything?

    What do you want to do with the rest of your life?

    High school.

    11 years of health food experience, focusing on organics and natural foods. Had my forklift certification, first aid and WHMIS, all of which have expired in the last few months. Extensive customer service experience. 7 years of management experience. Have helped open new stores and renovate original stores.

    Find a place that I can make a career. I'm happy here in Windsor, as odd as that will be to most people, so I'm looking to put down some roots.
  • philliivey wrote: »
    Here you go!

    Creative writer, they sure do need it! lol

    WWE Corporate - Title

    Agreed, they need the help. However, they only hire people who have written for TV shows. Fans need not apply ;)
  • Not the best time of year for anything other than seasonal. However, I would urge you to seek out headhunters and give them your resume now. I find that many companies start looking again in late January/Feb for full time.

    Meanwhile, also check out Its described as Facebook for Professionals. Set up a profile and copy your resume on your profile. Then start networking by adding family, friends, and co workers to your profile. In no time you will get those looking for help PMing you for a copy of your resume and might get some hits that way.

    here's the link to their homepage

    Good luck. Not the time of year to be looking for work for many reasons, but I do hope you find something soon.
  • Cannot add much to what AJ said, beyond telling you to include the forklift and WHMIS training (where job appropriate) on your resume. You can note it as lapsed, but it is a beneficial skill set in some venues, and having shows you probably won't "fork" anyone.

    It is tough at this time of year to find anything outside of seasonal, so you may need to bite the bullet in the short term just to tide you over. Roots are easier to establish, in the spring time. Good luck Matt.
  • Cerberus wrote: »
    Been job hunting for the past couple of months. No luck whatsoever, except for a part time, minimum wage, seasonal job at Future Shop that I could only have if I cut off my long hair (direct quote from the store manager). I've never had this much trouble finding work. Any tips on how to keep from robbing a bank?

    So tuck your hair up under your hat and go in to ask him why. ;)
  • Hobbes wrote: »
    So tuck your hair up under your hat and go in to ask him why. ;)

    You sir get better with age!!

    You should be getting pretty fucking good by now no?


    P.S. - I always thought Cerberus looked like a fine outstanding young man.
  • I think he'll do . . .
  • Then take off your hat and say Imagine That, Me working for you.
  • You guys are awesome. Funny enough, after I post the thread, got a call and went for an interview. P/T Meat Department at Food Basics. Boo P/T but yay for a job I can do in my sleep that is a 4 minute walk from the wrestling school. Interview went great. Should hear tomorrow or Wednesday if I got it. When the guy introduced me to the store manager and was asked which resume, he said "the one with all the experience", so I'm pretty sure I'm in :)
  • Glad to help.
  • just a comment on the original title...its definetly a humble time for everyone
  • Cerberus wrote: »
    You guys are awesome. Funny enough, after I post the thread, got a call and went for an interview. P/T Meat Department at Food Basics. Boo P/T but yay for a job I can do in my sleep that is a 4 minute walk from the wrestling school. Interview went great. Should hear tomorrow or Wednesday if I got it. When the guy introduced me to the store manager and was asked which resume, he said "the one with all the experience", so I'm pretty sure I'm in :)

    Good to hear. Just hope the guy did not confuse you with the clean cut kid willing to provide his own hairnets . . . :o
  • Just got a call from Investors Group. Couldn't remember applying so I asked a few questions to the lady who called. She said they got my resume off of and her boss saw some transferable skills he thought would work well with their company. When I pressed about what type of job it was, she wouldn't tell me. I politely told her I like to be as well prepared as possible for interviews, so she said it was a consulting job. Now I'm really confused, but intrigued enough for the interview tomorrow at 10am. This could be cool or really lame.
  • Cerberus wrote: »
    Just got a call from Investors Group. Couldn't remember applying so I asked a few questions to the lady who called. She said they got my resume off of and her boss saw some transferable skills he thought would work well with their company. When I pressed about what type of job it was, she wouldn't tell me. I politely told her I like to be as well prepared as possible for interviews, so she said it was a consulting job. Now I'm really confused, but intrigued enough for the interview tomorrow at 10am. This could be cool or really lame.

    Good luck, but this sounds like you may be cold calling potential investors.
  • My thoughts exactly :)
  • Cerberus wrote: »
    saw some transferable skills he thought would work well with their company. When I pressed about what type of job it was, she wouldn't tell me.

    Yep, pretty sure this is the same investors that keep calling me. Not interested in that myself, but some like it.
  • Meh . . . I like Investor's Group.

    Cold calling? Not so much.
  • Good interview. Guy tells me it's a 4 interview process. Asks how I heard of Investor's Group. I explain that they found me. He looks a little puzzled, even though he had said someone brought him my resume. Looks at my education level (high school) and seems more confused. Covers pretty well by saying he doesn't hire resumes, he hires people. Spends about 10-15 minutes explaining what it was all about. Asks if I'm interested. I say thanks but no thanks, I'm not big on selling to my friends/family.

    And that's when his panties get in a bunch.

    "We don't push or sell people on anything here. We're guiding them to their financial goals." Umm... ok, but you have to sell them on you being better at it than the guys down the block right? "We're guides."

    And we're done here. I politely explain that it's not the job for me but I appreciate their interest and thank him for his time.
  • Cerberus wrote: »

    And we're done here. I politely explain that it's not the job for me but I appreciate their interest and thank him for his time.

    i was gonna write a big post on what these guys do, how they basically just sell mutual funds, but im glad to see you figured it out anyways. if its your bag fine but if your not down you'd hate that....
  • run and run fast from that cerb.
  • Just got the call. Now gainfully employed at Food Basics, P/T in the Meat Department (you may start your meat handling jokes now). Still going to my interview Monday at Cypher Systems for Customer Service Insurance job that sounds more like an insurance broker job.
  • No jokes here, buddy, as a job is a job is a job, until you land your dream job, that is . . .

    so, if you want to make $$$ handling people's meat, who am I to cast the first stone?

    OH, COME ON !!! You knew I wasn't going to let that one go, didn't you?
  • Johnnie, remember how you said when it rains it pours? Well, had an interview for an inside customer service rep yesterday, had my first shift today at Food Basics and when I got home got a phone call from Blinds 2 Go for an interview. Now if that damned $40K + bonuses job would just call back I'd be set!
  • Bully for you, cerb . . . hope it all works out the way you want . . .
  • Cerberus wrote: »
    Now if that damned $40K + bonuses job would just call back I'd be set!

    lol...I remember saying those EXACT words. About 40k ago.
    < what?>
  • Cerberus wrote: »
    Johnnie, remember how you said when it rains it pours? Well, had an interview for an inside customer service rep yesterday, had my first shift today at Food Basics and when I got home got a phone call from Blinds 2 Go for an interview. Now if that damned $40K + bonuses job would just call back I'd be set!

    No you may not want this, I went for one there, after 3 months your pay goes down! and you have to go to Montreal for training.
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