Season 16! Lets Begin

We already had a short break between the last game of the season and last week's SET game, so we're just going to start up again right now.

There was some interest recently from potential new players. If you're still around, this is where you can join up.

Also, Ninja Dan has started a thread about game snacks. The current rule is that the winner of the previous game buys snacks/drinks for the next game...losers eat and drink for free. His question or recommendation is concerning the quality of the goodies. He's thinking about making it a more healthy alternative to the standard chips/chocolate/crap we normally get offered. If you would rather have a more healthy choice, let us know.

So who's in for the first game of the new season?



  • Hey AJ. Can't make it for Nov.18 but I'll plan on making Nov.25 and probably every 2nd after that. Are there any breaks in the 12-week schedule (ie. Dec.23 & Dec.30)? What time do you usually end?

  • asxn557 wrote: »
    Hey AJ. Can't make it for Nov.18 but I'll plan on making Nov.25 and probably every 2nd after that. Are there any breaks in the 12-week schedule (ie. Dec.23 & Dec.30)? What time do you usually end?


    Most likely we will be taking that week off. Not sure about the 23rd but definitely the 30th. Will keep you posted
  • Out until December due to my work schedule.
  • Only cause Wetts is in, and Cause I owe Dan a terribly BAD BEATING.
  • Just heard from Mike re: replacement cards.
    Modianos, bridge size, regular index. In the mail Monday, AJ, yours for $10.00, if you want them. Otherwise, I will force myself to make do with them. :)

    I will drop by when I get them so you can scope them out.
  • "Raj66" is in too, for some reason he can't post. Is this a restricted forum?
  • workforce wrote: »
    "Raj66" is in too, for some reason he can't post. Is this a restricted forum?

    Not to my knowledge, but he may have to confirm his email address. Tell him to double check his junk folder. I'll mark him in either way.

    You need my address?
  • STR82ACE wrote: »
    You need my address?

    No, you sent it to me prior. Thanks! See you on Thurs.
  • In.

    Give me some more feedback in my snacks thread. Some good ideas but would like some more input, oh and Kris don't worry about bringing a sandwich.
  • I'm pretty sure I'm in. Just for clarification, your starting up this thursday?
    As for the snacks, I love the shitty food but I really should less of it so either is fine with me. Since this is the first game for this season are we all pitching in with the snacks?
  • Shtebs wrote: »
    I'm pretty sure I'm in. Just for clarification, your starting up this thursday?
    As for the snacks, I love the shitty food but I really should less of it so either is fine with me. Since this is the first game for this season are we all pitching in with the snacks?

    Previous games winner buys the snacks.

    You lose, you eat free.
  • On hiatus for the last 6 seasons...

    I'm finally back gluton for more punishment...,


  • Welcome back Micheal.

    Shebts...since HighFlyer won the SET game, he's bringing snacks. Like Darryl said...losers eat and drink for free.
  • STR82ACE wrote: »
    Welcome back Micheal.

    Shebts...since HighFlyer won the SET game, he's bringing snacks. Like Darryl said...losers eat and drink for free.

    Oh okay. I thought with the new season there was no previous game winner. Works for me!
    So this Thursday then? What time do you start?
  • Shtebs wrote: »
    Oh okay. I thought with the new season there was no previous game winner. Works for me!
    So this Thursday then? What time do you start?
    8pm Same bat Time
    Same bat channel:)
  • investor over at 6. Should be gone by 7
    if so, in
    if not, out!

    Good group assembling, hate to miss it!

    Where's Dave "The Mouth"? Yap Yap Yap!!!!!
    2 more sign ups and Steve might surface
    Harwood r u there?

    Will post

    Milton Slim
  • to be gone by 6:45
    Should be good
    Count me in !

    Milton Slim
  • Sorry A J. I have to sit out until next week. Sick and don't want anyone else to be..
  • Beware of NinjaDan! He giveth, then he taketh away.
  • So did everyone enjoy the snacks last night? Hope so...cause you're getting MORE of them!

    Dan made it quite clear last night his goal this season is to run perfect! Lofty goal, but he has a good head start now after beating Milton Slim for the top prize last night. Keith had to settle for third place, and McFlip's return to The Hill earned him bubble boy honours.

    Great to see some new faces last night too, hope Workforce and Raj66 continue to come out. We need all the help we can get if we are to smash Dan's goal all to hell.
  • I'll be back to (hopefully) redeem myself, might bring a couple new faces as well (who hopefully won't cripple me in the first few hands when I play right into their top two pair).
  • STR82ACE wrote: »
    Ninja Dan's Day Job

    YouTube - ninja sneak

    Ha ha! Yes!

    And this is me going to work, YouTube - District B13 - Chase Scene
  • STR82ACE wrote: »
    Dan made it quite clear last night his goal this season is to run perfect!

    Whoa whoa, easy there putting targets on my back. I said points champ, running perfect would be nice but is a little much ;).
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