Last minute FTOPS BAP

Decided to play couple of FTOPS, mostly mixed games and wierd games with weak fields:

Event 11: NLHE 109 KO
Event 17: 216 PLHA
Event 20: 216 10 game
Event 28: 322 2-7 triple draw

These 4 event BI's total at 863 dollars and I'll sell for 1,05:1 until I feel I don't want to sell more, probably around 40-50%

I'll update as soon as I wake up tomorrow if anyone want my opr stats or if anything else comes to mind. I usually play lower limits but I still feel I have an edge in these wierd game FTOPS events as I've been playing a bunch of 8game cash on stars and feel I have a solid style in each of the 10 games played with 2-7 triple draw being in my opinion my strongest of the 10.

Here are some rates for anyone interested:

1% = 9,06 $
2% = 18,12 $
5% = 45,3 $
10% = 90,6 $

Please send to either "llRichardll" on full tilt or
"IRichardI" on pokerstars. Any winnings will be shipped back to the account it was sent from

Reserved:____ paid:
Suited pair 2% [x ]
reibs 2% ____ [x]
actyper 5% [x]
datamn 5% [x ]
compleXEH 1% [x]


  • Richard~ wrote: »

    1% = 9,06 $
    2% = 18,12 $
    5% = 45,3 $
    10% = 90,6 $

    I'll take 1%. yes, big spender am i.

    your Tilt name again?
  • Bad day for a last minute deal since Royal is today :)
  • SuitedPair wrote: »
    I'll take 1%. yes, big spender am i.

    your Tilt name again?

    Anything is appriciated :P Updated the original post with stars and tilt usernames

    Edit: Also, since this is a last minute thing if you're a member of the forum that I trust and respect feel free to book action now and ship the payment in a day or a couple
  • I will take 2%.... will ship in a minute to stars name IRichardI
  • Recieved from reibs and updated, I have a good feeling about this one ^^'
  • i'm a follower.....shipped 2%
  • I'll take 5%. Will be back online to play in a few hrs so will ship it then.
  • Confirmed from everyone. Would have updated sooner but was busy shipping a 5r on tilt for 460 dollars ^^'. Sold a total of 9%, it's not much, but I'll do my best to show some good results
  • if not too late I can ship 1% on stars
  • sure, go ahead
  • Ran bad in every pot I entered and ended up getting 2 outered. 3 more chances to go, pretty painful 1,5 hours imo

    Full Tilt Poker Game #25552650309: FTOPS Event #11 (186718673), Table 998 - 50/100 - No Limit Hold'em - 15:32:50 ET - 2010/11/14
    Seat 1: superyetz (5,401)
    Seat 2: BadcardsAA (11,995)
    Seat 3: LAVABIRD (6,762)
    Seat 4: diamondnuts (8,204)
    Seat 5: llRichardll (3,230)
    Seat 6: orest11 (4,091)
    Seat 7: bobboufl11 (6,880)
    Seat 8: skpipi76 (5,275)
    Seat 9: wazzy83 (1,627)
    skpipi76 posts the small blind of 50
    wazzy83 posts the big blind of 100
    The button is in seat #7
    *** HOLE CARDS ***
    Dealt to llRichardll [Qc Qh]
    superyetz folds
    BadcardsAA folds
    LAVABIRD folds
    diamondnuts has 15 seconds left to act
    diamondnuts folds
    llRichardll raises to 250
    orest11 has 15 seconds left to act
    orest11 raises to 700
    bobboufl11 folds
    skpipi76 folds
    wazzy83 folds
    llRichardll has 15 seconds left to act
    llRichardll raises to 3,230, and is all in
    orest11 has 15 seconds left to act
    orest11 has requested TIME
    orest11 calls 2,530
    llRichardll shows [:qc :qh]
    orest11 shows [:10d :10h]
    *** FLOP *** [:ts :3c :5s]
    *** TURN *** [:ts :3c :5s] [:7d]
    *** RIVER *** [:ts :3c :5s :7d] [:5c]
    llRichardll shows two pair, Queens and Fives
    orest11 shows a full house, Tens full of Fives
    orest11 wins the pot (6,610) with a full house, Tens full of Fives
    *** SUMMARY ***
    Total pot 6,610 | Rake 0
    Board: [Ts 3c 5s 7d 5c]
    Seat 1: superyetz didn't bet (folded)
    Seat 2: BadcardsAA didn't bet (folded)
    Seat 3: LAVABIRD didn't bet (folded)
    Seat 4: diamondnuts didn't bet (folded)
    Seat 5: llRichardll showed [Qc Qh] and lost with two pair, Queens and Fives
    Seat 6: orest11 showed and won (6,610) with a full house, Tens full of Fives
    Seat 7: bobboufl11 (button) didn't bet (folded)
    Seat 8: skpipi76 (small blind) folded before the Flop
    Seat 9: wazzy83 (big blind) folded before the Flop
  • just a little neg variance. bring on the positive

  • Sent

    EDIT: asked for stars name. didn't see it in OP lol
  • Do you still want more?

    Obviously I wouldn't pay for the first event, but I would take 5% of the other 3 events.

    I believe that would work out to $39.59
  • DataMn wrote: »
    Do you still want more?

    Obviously I wouldn't pay for the first event, but I would take 5% of the other 3 events.

    I believe that would work out to $39.59

    Yeah, doublechecked the math real quick. Happy to sell some extra action =)
    I'll update you in the orginal post right away
  • I dont see me in the OP! :)
  • I would like to get in on this, but will avoid jinxing you . . . thus ensuring a significant payday . . . yw.
  • Thanks Milo,

    cheers :)
  • Happy to help . . . buy me a beer at the next Royal Cup.
  • Alright, so tonight it's 216 dollar HA vs Johan Storåker. I've played quite a bit with this guy, should be fun, I just need to find the right table out of the 1000 entries ^^'
  • QQ < every hand in the game today

    Went out QQ < AK aipf 60 BB's each after only the first hour
  • Although it doesn't matter im still not seeing mine lol
  • Richard~ wrote: »
    QQ < every hand in the game today

    Went out QQ < AK aipf 60 BB's each after only the first hour

    dude, fold dat sh!t. 7/4 is da nutz

    call me a tin foil hatter but when that happens too often I have to play another game or site for a while.
  • I used to feel like that too :P it probably doesn't matter but it feels pretty good to switch up the software when running bad, just to have something to blame it on ^^'

    I was tilted yesterday but I'm better now after getting my sleep. Tonight is 10 game vs Howard lederer. The odds of not busting QQ v AK are much better when playing limit hold 'em or badugi =)
  • We had a really rough start in the 10 game tourney, ran 86 low into 76 low in the 2-7 triple draw twice and got QJ v 99 on a QJ9 flop but managed to get away on the turn. Things finally started to go our way in the single draw and we're back to 3,5k out of the 4k starting stack after being down to 1k. Here's a fun courtesy double up lol

    Edit: Also there's ten players left in the ten at ten tournament ironically enough ^^'

    Full Tilt Poker Game #25636027198: FTOPS Event #20 (195750826), Table 62 - 30/60 Ante 15 - No Limit 2-7 Single Draw - 14:50:36 ET - 2010/11/17
    Seat 1: toontownhustler (5,324)
    Seat 2: tilion (4,025)
    Seat 3: Yeshua_Won (3,719)
    Seat 4: llRichardll (1,318)
    Seat 5: crf88 (6,323)
    Seat 6: nagyy88 (3,483)
    toontownhustler antes 15
    tilion antes 15
    Yeshua_Won antes 15
    llRichardll antes 15
    crf88 antes 15
    nagyy88 antes 15
    Yeshua_Won posts the small blind of 30
    llRichardll posts the big blind of 60
    The button is in seat #2
    *** HOLE CARDS ***
    Dealt to llRichardll [:7c :9d :10h :2d :4d]
    crf88 folds
    nagyy88 folds
    toontownhustler folds
    tilion folds
    Yeshua_Won raises to 180
    llRichardll raises to 600
    Yeshua_Won raises to 3,704, and is all in
    llRichardll calls 703, and is all in
    Uncalled bet of 2,401 returned to Yeshua_Won
    *** DRAW *** (Pot: 2,696)
    Yeshua_Won discards 2 cards
    llRichardll stands pat on [:7c :9d :10h :2d :4d]
    Yeshua_Won is dealt 2 cards
    *** SHOW DOWN ***
    Yeshua_Won shows [:2h :2s :10d :7h :6d] a pair of Twos
    llRichardll shows [:10h :9d :7c :4d :2d] T,9,7,4,2
    llRichardll wins the pot (2,696) with T,9,7,4,2
    *** SUMMARY ***
    Total pot 2,696 | Rake 0
    Seat 1: toontownhustler folded before the Draw
    Seat 2: tilion (button) folded before the Draw
    Seat 3: Yeshua_Won (small blind) showed [2h 2s Td 7h 6d] and lost with a pair of Twos
    Seat 4: llRichardll (big blind) showed [Th 9d 7c 4d 2d] and won (2,696) with T,9,7,4,2
    Seat 5: crf88 folded before the Draw
    Seat 6: nagyy88 folded before the Draw
  • Ran better this hour, we're up to 11k in chips, average is around 6
  • Sooo...badugi is another one of my really strong games, you can tell by how I swap the 3 and keep the pair of 2s ^^' Don't worry though, this is pretty much the only real mistake I've made in this game since way back when, felt a bit silly though <.<

    Full Tilt Poker Game #25638168378: FTOPS Event #20 (195750826), Table 62 - 250/500 - Limit Badugi - 16:09:41 ET - 2010/11/17
    Seat 1: quantum leaper1 (2,418)
    Seat 2: tilion (6,611)
    Seat 3: Yeshua_Won (8,077)
    Seat 4: llRichardll (11,529)
    Seat 5: crf88 (2,794), is sitting out
    Seat 6: Felipe Mojave (4,996)
    Felipe Mojave posts the small blind of 125
    quantum leaper1 posts the big blind of 250
    The button is in seat #5
    *** HOLE CARDS ***
    Dealt to llRichardll [:2h :8c :3s :2s]
    crf88 has returned
    tilion folds
    Yeshua_Won raises to 500
    llRichardll calls 500
    crf88 folds
    Felipe Mojave folds
    quantum leaper1 folds
    *** FIRST DRAW *** (Pot: 1,375)
    Yeshua_Won discards 1 card
    llRichardll discards 1 card [:3s]
    Yeshua_Won is dealt 1 card
    Dealt to llRichardll [:2h :8c :2s] [:jh]
    Yeshua_Won bets 250
    llRichardll folds
    Uncalled bet of 250 returned to Yeshua_Won
    Yeshua_Won mucks
    Yeshua_Won wins the pot (1,375)
    *** SUMMARY ***
    Total pot 1,375 | Rake 0
    Seat 1: quantum leaper1 (big blind) folded before the Draw
    Seat 2: tilion folded before the Draw (didn't bet)
    Seat 3: Yeshua_Won collected (1,375), mucked
    Seat 4: llRichardll folded after the 1st Draw
    Seat 5: crf88 (button) folded before the Draw (didn't bet)
    Seat 6: Felipe Mojave (small blind) folded before the Draw
  • So far so good, three hours down and up to 19k. Since I'm playing 4 tournaments and 19k is more than 4x the starting stack I've done my share of picking up chips. I've represented and made this BAP +EV and now I'm gonna go ahead and crush gain a bunch more chips. At least the monkey's off my back and I won't have to worry about letting everyone down no by performing poorly ^^'
  • Out, got really unlucky in two pots to bust. First I had hidden aces in a stud8 hand against a pair of kings who made two pairs on 7th, then I lost a badugi hand where my 7 low badugi came up short against a better 7 low and finally busted in an omaha pot with AA97ds aapf vs Q743ds with the same suits who rivered a gutshot to knock me out. Really close to the bubble too.

    Went out on the final table bubble of the other 10 dollar 10 game tourney and lost a 390k pot in my 10 dollar superstack AA v 66 to bust that one too. Looked so good in all of them up until the last two hands or wtv
  • You got this one!

    This one being #28 :D
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