705 Poker League Fallsview Equity Event

Equity tournament cancelled our regular freeze-out tournament will take place.


  • Don't see on your website how much equity is split?

    Please let me know

    Also is the voucher going to be already bought or bought after this satellite?
  • Thanks Steve, Floydthedog is working on the file for equity split details and it should be posted soon. I am going to buy the voucher this week. We just decided last night at our event that the group wants to do this so we are working out the details today.
  • What happens if someone wins that already has a voucher
  • Don, I am interested in this as well. we have met at a few West Side Events in the past I was fortunate to win one seat at Steve's tournament for the 1000.00 event. One of the things that made it so attractive was the winner got to keep 85% for himself. I believe in playing for the group, but the real incentive has to be for the player himself. I really think that number is no lower than 80%.

    Let me know

    Prophet 22
  • Equity Tournament Cancelled, our regular freeze-out will take place
  • Don, I am interested in this as well. we have met at a few West Side Events in the past I was fortunate to win one seat at Steve's tournament for the 1000.00 event. One of the things that made it so attractive was the winner got to keep 85% for himself. I believe in playing for the group, but the real incentive has to be for the player himself. I really think that number is no lower than 80%.

    Let me know

    Prophet 22

    It's not often your right, but if the winner is playing for anything less than 80% I don't see it working myself. But hell just having a small % to cheer a friend on is worth it in my opinion.
  • might be setting up a Fallsview $1k equity satellite in Richmond Hill. Looking at Sat. Nov. 27th date and one more in Dec. if anyone is interested. More details to follow.
  • AcidJoe wrote: »
    It's not often your right, but if the winner is playing for anything less than 80% I don't see it working myself. But hell just having a small % to cheer a friend on is worth it in my opinion.
    Hell... I'd play for 20% if someone else is paying.
  • Thats too bad, we need some $2500 sats running.

    Jah, is that with VPT?
  • actyper wrote: »
    Thats too bad, we need some $2500 sats running.

    Jah, is that with VPT?

    Its with VIP Poker Tour. Just need to work out the finer details. Don't think they will be running any $2.5k/$5k sats. Likely some of the private underground clubs will be running them.
  • actyper wrote: »
    Thats too bad, we need some $2500 sats running.

    Jah, is that with VPT?

    I will post something for a 2500. event if i don't see something i like by the monday. It will be posted Tuesday evening.

    Prophet 22
  • screenman wrote: »
    Hell... I'd play for 20% if someone else is paying.

    If someone else is paying the whole shot I don't care. I have friends who have been sponsored into some WPT events. They were to get a 25% share and the sponsor payed all expenses.

    After several tourneys and being up money they stopped because it was more BS than it was worth. It all depends on your perspective.

    If I BUY my way into a sat and win it.... I don't look at it as someone else is paying, I look at it as I earned that money to play.

    Just my 2 cents
  • Do the math. $100 dollar buy-in for 30 people you would normaly play out 3 to 4 places. Lets take 3 places 50% - 30% - 20%. So you would get $1500.00 first. With the equity tournament you get $3000.00 so someone else is paying for 50% to let you play in a $2500.00 tournament and still you get to keep 75% plus have $500.00 for expenses, and have the fun of playing in the event while they have to suffer out on the rail. That is of course if you enjoy poker. That's my 2 bits worth.
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