Season 15 SET Game

Finally...the SET game is now within striking distance. Season 15 SET game is on Nov 11 @ 8pm Sharp.

The list below shows who has qualified to play the SET, their bonus chips earned from points during the season, and what they owe at game time. Since I was the Points Champ, I get my $120 back and freeroll this game. However, history being what it is, this most likely means I'm going to bust out early.

Please confirm your attendance to this game by posting on this thread and I'll BOLD your name.

Who's IN?

STR82ACE 410 -$120.00
WETTS 380 $50.00
MILO 125 $60.00
CRAZYKOBY 200 $60.00
GARRYC 340 $0.00
ICEDOG 210 $50.00
HARWOOD 175 $60.00
MILTONSLIM 350 $20.00
HVEEPOKER 135 $80.00
KEITH 370 $0.00
ACDC 315 $10.00
JBIRD 145 $70.00
ALLY 320 $30.00
MR CHATTY 210 $50.00
NINJADAN 180 $60.00
STEVEKERR 155 $80.00

If everyone shows, we should have just shy of $2000 total pot to play for.


  • Wetts1012 wrote: »
    Only cause I am lol
  • In . . . I'll just pretend it's a cash game.

    Wetts, HVEE, and Steve I'll bring your cards.
  • Milo wrote: »
    In . . . I'll just pretend it's a cash game.

    Wetts, HVEE, and Steve I'll bring your cards.
    COOL. How Much in Canadian Tire Money would you like lol
  • I will accept CAD at par, seeing as how we are doing so well against the greenback at the moment.
  • Lots of people playing for second ITT.
  • Wetts1012 wrote: »
    Lots of people playing for second ITT.

    Well I know that's a lie... but I do now see one with a big target on his ass.
  • Thoust shall enter one self in the annual Tournament of Champions.
    Where i shall fight to the bitter death and continue to fight until one man and one man alone shall stand tall.
    And his name shall be carried high, through the heavens above for all of eternity.

    p.s...i havent forgotten the snacks
  • MR.Chatty wrote: »
    Thoust shall enter one self in the annual Tournament of Champions.
    Where i shall fight to the bitter death and continue to fight until one man and one man alone shall stand tall.
    And his name shall be carried high, through the heavens above for all of eternity.

    p.s...i havent forgotten the snacks

    Okay...who logged into Dave's account and started philosophy lessons??
  • To crush your enemies, to see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentations of their women . . .

    THAT is best.
  • Yes, I will attend.
  • MR.Chatty wrote: »
    Thoust shall enter one self in the annual Tournament of Champions.
    Where i shall fight to the bitter death and continue to fight until one man and one man alone shall stand tall.
    And his name shall be carried high, through the heavens above for all of eternity.

    p.s...i havent forgotten the snacks
    Sammies again?
  • HVEEPOKER wrote: »
    Sammies again?

    Ok ive only won once...i cant afford sammies.
    I might be able to do week old hot dogs from 7 11?
  • MR.Chatty wrote: »
    Ok ive only won once...i cant afford sammies.
    I might be able to do week old hot dogs from 7 11?

    Springing for the fresh ones...sweet!
  • MR.Chatty wrote: »
    Ok ive only won once...i cant afford sammies.
    I might be able to do week old hot dogs from 7 11?
    No EV here I see lol
  • In. Might be a little late
  • in!

    Milton Sick!
  • And Dave makes 16! Finally heard from Dave. Guess he brought back a bit of something from his golf holiday, but he says he's ready to go tonight.

    See everyone tonight. If you can make it a bit earlier than usual, to get your bonus chips and what not, that would be great.
  • Just an FYI to everyone, i feel like taking this down tonight.
  • crazykoby wrote: »
    Just an FYI to everyone, i feel like taking this down tonight.

    Guess you're going home disappointed then.
  • I swear, I was just trying to get to the cash game sooner . . . :bs:
  • On a typical NinjaDan hand, Dan sucked out to win the first place prize of $890! Dan hit his miracle straight on the river against Chatty Dave's 2nd pair. Chatty takes home $530 for his consolation. Garry held onto third place for $330 and Allan took home $150 for fourth after the chop. And poor ACDC...bubbled!

    Great season guys. Next season starts next week!
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