
k how about this one....



  • Saddam was a Ba'athist, who helped spearhead a coup in the late 60's. any election he "won" has to recognized for what it was, namely rigged. But I see where you were going . . .
    If the electorate choose to remain ignorant of the issues in a given election, that is their choice. I cannot tell you how many times I have heard, "I voted for the 'white' name," when elections are discussed. Well, what if the "white" guy/girl is a raving loon (a la O'Donnell in DE)?
    Voting is both a Right of citizenship and, to me, an obligation of same. I believe people have a duty to perform on election day. Sadly, I believe this is where Mark would opine about the Wizard's First Rule.

    Democracy is the worst kind of government ever devised by Man, except for all the other kinds . . .
  • STR82ACE wrote: »
    I think that's my point exactly. Those who do vote currently really have no idea why or for what they're voting for, they simply put their X in the spot they choose, without any consideration of what their vote could mean.

    . People voted who really didn't know WHAT they were voting for.

    I think you have to amend that to something like this...Should anyone be allowed to vote who doesn't understand what giving the power to one individual or group can do?.....and yes, I believe you should be licensed to cast a vote.

    now you've attempted to define what the stupidity is and how to categorize it. this would be hard to do. people could probably never agree on it.... whats more important is to realize that right now the people don't decide...they are obviously swayed...its not anywhere near a fair system...
  • Milo wrote: »
    Voting is both a Right of citizenship and, to me, an obligation of same. I believe people have a duty to perform on election day. .

    what about a fair vote...shouldn't it be a right...its your vote vs. a majority of idiots who think taxes are bad because they have to pay them...
  • Darb, stop talking about "fair". "Fair" is an abstract concept which, for all practical purposes, does not exist. Is it fair that, just because my new insurance company demands it, I have to spend my hard earned $$$ to have inspections done which (surprise surprise) have all come back A-Okay? No, it isn't . . . but it is what it is.

    Same thing with our electoral system. You are never going to get a fair system, as someone will always feel aggrieved about not "qualifying".
  • Milo wrote: »
    Darb, stop talking about "fair". "Fair" is an abstract concept which, for all practical purposes, does not exist. Is it fair that, just because my new insurance company demands it, I have to spend my hard earned $$$ to have inspections done which (surprise surprise) have all come back A-Okay? No, it isn't . . . but it is what it is.

    Same thing with our electoral system. You are never going to get a fair system, as someone will always feel aggrieved about not "qualifying".

    a little different kind of fair, just pointing out that what we usually see as an equal opportunity to vote in a democracy is really a false sense of the people decide....the people don't decide, the rich still do....
  • You don't qualify to vote.

    Are you alive? Then you have a right to voice your opinion on how your society is governed. If they choose to do so in ignorance or be swayed, so be it.

  • DrTyore wrote: »
    You don't qualify to vote.

    no i don't think i do. so i don't.

    DrTyore wrote: »
    If they choose to do so in ignorance or be swayed, so be it.

    i just don't think its a choice...
  • darbday wrote: »
    I just don't think its a choice...

    Inigo says, "I do not think that word means what you think it does . . ."

    . . . sorry for stealing your line, Mark.
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