Election Day
Get your asses out to vote today folks (in Ontario). We have the privilege of getting to choose our political overlords in this country, and if you don't vote, don't complain later.
And, lest you think that one vote matters for little, the Mayoralty race in Oakville was decided by 6 votes last time around, and 32 the time before that. So, perform your Civic duty and pick the people you're going to bitch about tomorrow . . . >:D
And, lest you think that one vote matters for little, the Mayoralty race in Oakville was decided by 6 votes last time around, and 32 the time before that. So, perform your Civic duty and pick the people you're going to bitch about tomorrow . . . >:D
Better yet, you should have put up a sign for the person you want to lose, and see if she votes against just to "screw" you . . .
the KFC Double Down or our selection of candidates.
Anyways I can now bitch and complain ...
Poke me when it's time to vote out Dalton McGuinty....
This is Next November I believe.....
Voting in New Hamburg is -EV.
I was always under the impression that the paid time off was an American policy not Canadian, but I could be wrong.
No you must have 3 consecutive hours to vote. This would only apply if you are working a strange shift since the polls are open 10am - 8pm.
I used to work a 10-6 shift when I was with the MNR in which case they would have to allow me to leave at 5pm (not sure about the pay thing though)
The law states your employer cannot prevent you from voting. You have to be able to have three hours available to you to cast your ballot. Your employer does not have to pay you, however. So, if you work a 12 hour shift (7-7:00p.m., say), your employer would have to let you out at 5:00, if you asked for it off.
Dammit, Hobbes, stop that.
Still early but the turnout to vote looks pathetic here,lololol, but interested to see the numbers
EMS will be busy tonight with all the lefties out on ledges . . .
Sweeeeeeet . . .
Fail=Thinking that the next guy won't be a 2 faced lying sack of Dog Poo....
I do understand your comment. If you're going to get fucked in the ass you might as well have some variety.
Guess he was able to add enough to his buy me a beer at the legion entourage.
Orillia got big numbers to come out and vote, not sure what the percentage was here.
LEGALIZE POKER CLUBS, PHILLI !!! Make it happen!!!
hahahahaha, good idea Milo! Ivey's poker den could be a good name, but so many possibilities!