honouring Milo's dust raiser... 9/11 attacks

A topic I'm really quite passionate about. Do you believe there is a government coverup and/or involvement in the 9/11 attacks?

I don't believe for a second that the plane impacts alone brought down the towers, nor do I believe for a second that debris brought down WTC8

I don't believe for a second a plane hit the pentagon.

ding ding ding


  • Then you are not as smart as I initially thought.

    Truthers are morons . . .

    The idea that the attacks were somehow an "inside" job, is ludicrous. You are talking about a govenrment that could not even conceal the abuses at Abu Ghraib prison. Yet, somehow, they are Machiavellian enough to conceal the truth about the largest terrorist attack on US soil?

    What colour is the sky on your planet?

    Please note that I am not necessarily implying that you are a truther, O-S.
  • Old-Sloth wrote: »
    A topic I'm really quite passionate about. Do you believe there is a government coverup and/or involvement in the 9/11 attacks?

    A) I don't believe for a second that the plane impacts alone brought down the towers, nor do I believe for a second that debris brought down WTC8

    B) I don't believe for a second a plane hit the pentagon.

    ding ding ding

    A) The impacts did not bring down the towers. The subsequent fires, combined with the damage created by the impacts, did.

    B) You are free to disbelieve whatever facts you choose.

    You did not mention Flight 93 . . . what happened to those people?

    The government conspiracy theory is easily disproved when you think about it rationally.

    Pick your small cabal of planners to mastermind the attacks. Afterwards, to prevent the conspiracy from being revealed, you need to kill them. Then, in order to prevent their killings from coming to light, the people who killed the cabl must be eliminated, and so on, and so on, ad infinitum . . . it just could NOT happen.
  • Also, many Truthers, and other conspiracy types, like to claim the WTC7 was brought down by a controlled demolition. If you watch video of the collapse of the building, one thing you do not see in the initial phase of the collapse is the blowing out of the windows due to the overpressure created by the triggering blasts.

    No over-pressure means no demolition blasts means no controlled demolition.
  • Old-Sloth wrote: »
    A topic I'm really quite passionate about. Do you believe there is a government coverup and/or involvement in the 9/11 attacks?

    I don't believe for a second that the plane impacts alone brought down the towers, nor do I believe for a second that debris brought down WTC8

    I don't believe for a second a plane hit the pentagon.

    ding ding ding


    Has to be... right?
  • This forum is so topical sometimes
  • GTA Poker wrote: »
    This forum is so topical sometimes

    T(r)opical for the thread save.

  • See? This photo is a fake. Notice how her hair is streaming right to left, while the foliage in the background is blowing left to right . . .
  • Old-Sloth wrote: »
    A topic I'm really quite passionate about. Do you believe there is a government coverup and/or involvement in the 9/11 attacks?

    I don't believe for a second that the plane impacts alone brought down the towers, nor do I believe for a second that debris brought down WTC8

    I don't believe for a second a plane hit the pentagon.

    ding ding ding
    Jeesh Neil, are you sure you were really the creator of pokerforum... :)
  • this isn't debatable....
  • That depends on which side of the question your neuroses lies . . . Truthers will debate you till the cows come home. Then they'll milk the bastards and STILL keep going . . .
  • Milo wrote: »
    Then you are not as smart as I initially thought.

    Truthers are morons . . .

    What colour is the sky on your planet?

    Please note that I am not necessarily implying that you are a truther, O-S.

    wow, gg doing away with all the civil discussion nonsense, get right to insulting someone's intellect. Am I guilty of anything other than voicing an opinion that is different from your own? Did I sleep with your wife or beat your dog?

    On the note of "smarts" the the 'it's' in your signature, should be its.

    The number of conveniences, scientific and engineering absurdities are too many for me to ignore.

    "what colour is the sky in your world??" it's the colour I perceive it to be, not the coulour CNN tells me it is.
  • compuease wrote: »
    Jeesh Neil, are you sure you were really the creator of pokerforum... :)

    wow is this for real? I was just starting discussion, it's so wrong to have a differing theory.

    close this thread before i get flamed to death.
  • Old-Sloth wrote: »
    wow is this for real? I was just starting discussion, it's so wrong to have a differing theory.

    close this thread before i get flamed to death.
    Jeesh Neil, you did see my :) didn't you?

    And there have been a few (err many) much heavier flamings than this..

    However if you seriously want me to close it I will tomorrow morning... You have that right as originator.
  • I couldn't care less if people disagree with me, just don't want to upset the masses. Close it, keep it open, fine by me either way.
    I'll just make sure to watch what I say.
  • Old-Sloth wrote: »
    I couldn't care less if people disagree with me, just don't want to upset the masses. Close it, keep it open, fine by me either way.
    I'll just make sure to watch what I say.

    Neil, there still is no real censureship around here unless direct attacks occur. Pokerforum is a little bigger and thus there is a lot more debate than when I joined but generally most of the razzing is in good fun. We have had many religious and political threads here waaaaaaay worse. Don't be put off that easily.. Just give it back to them...^-^ I do... Damn those a&&h*les that keep inferring that I'm old... They can burn in H*ll! ;)
  • Milo wrote: »
    That depends on which side of the question your neuroses lies . . . Truthers will debate you till the cows come home. Then they'll milk the bastards and STILL keep going . . .

    im on the other side as you, however, i agree many 'truthers' are crazy....

    lets start with some questions....

    did the us use 9/11 as an excuse to invade iraq....as in they greyed the lines and let people feel that iraq had something to do with 9/11?

    this is hard to word....what level of sophistication of weapons and tools do you think the military has that is ultra classified.....its your opinion but give examples? e.g. light sabers or whatever.....

    this also pertain to do you know explosives...specifically b-line...?

    do you believe the American government (in terms of an agenda....what it does) runs the American government....ie did bush and obhama really ok military strategic and economic affairs.....like do you believe g.bush jr. really 'ran' that country?

    do you know that the federal reserve bank is not federally owned or run, it has no reserves, and is not a bank...?

    how many people do you think need to be involved in a plan to leak intelligence about us air weaknesses in order to coherese the taliban (which is a known american trained army) in to hi jacking american planes?

    this is fun and i like this because although i think most people are insane i think you are sane be we just disagree...
  • Sloth, come on . . . do you seriously believe that the US government was behind any part of the events that occurred on September 11th, 2001?


    Because, for me, it has nothing to do with what CNN says, or anyone else for that matter. As stated previously, I believe there is no possible way that a conspiracy of that magnitude could be kept secret for this long without some shred of CREDIBLE evidence coming to light. There are just too many people that would have to be "secure".

    Remember, if two people know a thing, it is no longer a secret.

    For further discussion see:

    Penn and Teller's BULLSHIT. I believe they dealt with this crap in Season 1.
  • Do I think the US government has Death Rays? Not yet.
    And, yes, I was aware of all the info. you related re: the Federal Reserve.

    Lets stick to the topic at hand shall we? We can have a discussion of the Bilderberg Group, or the Trilateral Commission, later. At least, we can if the Black Helicopters don't land and zap our memories first.

    Question 1) Yup, absolutely. The Bush government sold the Iraq invasion on the back to the 9/11 attacks. They could have sold the invasion of Canada on 9/12 if they wanted to . . . so what? That is not evidence of an inside job.

    Question 2) I think most (super/ultra secret) weapons systems, and explosives, are not too far beyond what is publicly known. The leaps are just not that exponential anymore. An example would be something like the recently decommisioned F117 Stealth fighter. It has been around since 1981, operational in 1983, but only public in 1989.

    Question 3) Yes. Do I think that a government is somewhat beholden to it's supporters? Yes. Again, so what?

    Question 4) Yes.

    Question 5) None. The idea of using airliners as flying bombs has been circulated for many years. The origins of the plan for this attack could have come from anyone with a modicum of tactical awareness. The situation is not much improved, in spite of all the TSA "theatre".

    The Taliban and the US trained Mujihadeen are not one and the same force, however.

    I am not insane, but the voices in my head tell me to be careful around folks like you . . .:D
  • Milo wrote: »
    Do I think the US government has Death Rays? Not yet.
    And, yes, I was aware of all the info. you related re: the Federal Reserve.

    Lets stick to the topic at hand shall we? We can have a discussion of the Bilderberg Group, or the Trilateral Commission, later. At least, we can if the Black Helicopters don't land and zap our memories first.

    Question 1) Yup, absolutely. The Bush government sold the Iraq invasion on the back to the 9/11 attacks. They could have sold the invasion of Canada on 9/12 if they wanted to . . . so what? That is not evidence of an inside job.

    Question 2) I think most (super/ultra secret) weapons systems, and explosives, are not too far beyond what is publicly known. The leaps are just not that exponential anymore. An example would be something like the recently decommisioned F117 Stealth fighter. It has been around since 1981, operational in 1983, but only public in 1989.

    Question 3) Yes. Do I think that a government is somewhat beholden to it's supporters? Yes. Again, so what?

    Question 4) Yes.

    Question 5) None. The idea of using airliners as flying bombs has been circulated for many years. The origins of the plan for this attack could have come from anyone with a modicum of tactical awareness. The situation is not much improved, in spite of all the TSA "theatre".

    The Taliban and the US trained Mujihadeen are not one and the same force, however.

    I am not insane, but the voices in my head tell me to be careful around folks like you . . .:D

    no not death rays but i figured you would agree there a crazy amount of technology the the government has at different levels of security...certainly could create an untraceable explosive much like a b line type, it wouldn't pop the window so much...and there is video of floors below the collapse blowing windows out...

    no need to talk about bilderberg and the like...i think its simpler....

    im glad we agree about the afgan/iraq thing, it was just the definition of misleading a country....they hate mongred and went to war over wmd's that were never there but they did it anyways, and no one could do a thing

    i'm surprised you believe the government doesn't have technology quite beyond what we would know....i always assume if i knew what they had it would blow my mind.

    I had to look up beholden...

    i just think it would be very easy for a small group of people in the us to organize a hijacking by a foreign trained military of which we obviously controlled their intellegence

    The Taliban and the US trained Mujihadeen are not one and the same force, however.<<<<< this i don't know as well as you and so i will read about it!!! thx

    I am not insane, but the voices in my head tell me to be careful around folks like you . . .:D <<< naw im not crazy....just get pegged with the crazies cause i don't quite believe the 'story'

    i just see the lines we are told like country borders and government sections as being fake the real lines are the deals made under the rader to get things don't that we never hear about....
  • Old-Sloth wrote: »
    I couldn't care less if people disagree with me, just don't want to upset the masses. Close it, keep it open, fine by me either way.
    I'll just make sure to watch what I say.

    continue thread

    change tampon
  • I thought for a second about saying my piece on this subject. I think it's best for me to steer clear. BUUUUUUUUUTTTT.
    God I just can't help myself lol.

    Nahh forget it...
  • HVEEPOKER wrote: »
    I thought for a second about saying my piece on this subject. I think it's best for me to steer clear. BUUUUUUUUUTTTT.
    God I just can't help myself lol.

    Nahh forget it...

    Chicken . . . :D

    Darb . . . how do you know that the reasons behind the Iraq invasion were all BS? Because the information came out directly from the liars themselves. So, if they could not keep that information hidden, what makes you think that they could keep a conspiracy as hypothesized in the OP secret? You cannot have it both ways.

    Either they are very smart/sneaky, in which case we never would have found out the truth about Iraq, or they are not, in which case any 9/11 conspiracy would come to light.

    Governments don't really do Manhattan Projects anymore. They tell industry, "This is what we want, figure it out". That is why keeping super-weapons, or explosives, secret, is so hard. Even if it is just for mining purposes, a new, powerful explosive would be used by more than just the military/government.
  • Milo wrote: »
    Chicken . . . :D

    Darb . . . how do you know that the reasons behind the Iraq invasion were all BS? Because the information came out directly from the liars themselves.

    I think its obvious there is an American government that is the image that gets portrayed to the people, and some government officials believe in that image, and there are groups behind that which actual function...

    YouTube - Bush Caught Lying About September 11th

    lordy i have nothing concrete to add....just thought this was all obvious...

    edit: and i know this video doesn't prove anything...
  • Okay, If I said what I really thought I would be labeled as a WHITE RACIST which I am not.
    I could probably write a friggin 2000 pg book on whats wrong with the world today.
    Government is the biggest gang of disorganized ( LEGALIZED CRIME) AND IT IS IN EVERY COUNTRY.
    Politicians tell everyone in most cases what they want to hear.
    We live in a BIG CESS POOL.
    People come here and sponge of us. Free health care and welfare and WE PAY FOR IT!
    We aren't supposed to say Merry Christmas anymore or our Kids and grandkids don't recite the Lords prayer in school anymore.
    I have nothing against people coming here and practising their religion but don't make us stop our ways....
    It's not the oil that is the reason we are in this STUPID WAR
    It's all about RELIGION.
  • Milo wrote: »
    Also, many Truthers, and other conspiracy types, like to claim the WTC7 was brought down by a controlled demolition. If you watch video of the collapse of the building, one thing you do not see in the initial phase of the collapse is the blowing out of the windows due to the overpressure created by the triggering blasts.

    No over-pressure means no demolition blasts means no controlled demolition.

    YouTube - explosions can be seen coming from lower floors of WTC

    i guess this doesn't exactly relate, but as someone who works with explosives i thought this was quite telling...
  • so Milo, you believe this to be a jet and you believe the flight path?

    YouTube - 9/11 - New Pentagon Footage (May 16th, 2006)

    essentially this kind of "3 feet off the ground a la GI-Joe cartoon"

  • Cannot watch the vids at work, but on the anniversary, back in September, there was a very compelling piece on Discovery Channel (I think) about the plane that hit the Pentagon. and yes, I believe it was a plane that hit that building. Otherwise, where did the plane that "didn't" hit the Pentagon go? And what about all the passengers on that plane?

    As for Darb's "Lower Floors" video, if it is the one I think it is, it has been debunked already, as have all the other Truther myths, and conspiracy theories, and by far more learned folks than I.

    Much like religion, if you choose to believe, I am not going to convince you otherwise.
  • and because you asked about flight 93.. does this look like a crash site to you?


    looks a tad different from just about every other plane crash in the history of aviation from a plane hitting the ground.


    YouTube - 9/11 Flight 93 crash site
  • "and yes, I believe it was a plane that hit that building. Otherwise, where did the plane that "didn't" hit the Pentagon go? And what about all the passengers on that plane?"

    is that the only reason? because what happened to the real plane? that's the only thing that bothers you about the pentagon site?
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