Heads-Up PFC Dust-Up (Dec.4)

We shall try it again...

WHAT: No Limit Hold Em Heads-Up
WHEN: Saturday, December 4, 2010. 1pm
WHERE: Oakville, ON. Private Residence
PRICE: $50
PAYOUT: 1ST- $450, 2ND- $250, 3RD- $100
CHIP COUNT: 10,000
BLINDS: 15 mins
500-1,000 capped

01. Muddguts
02. Prophet 22
03. djgolfcan

04. compuease
05. pjb101
06. pjb101's + 1

07. Muddguts' +1 (Matt Mc)
08. Muddguts' Dad!


  • I have found a tournament generator that will do a tournament from 2-200 in double elimination format, so no matter who bails without telling us we can run this tournament. Anyone can get a free account. I have been playing around with different numbers etc. This is the best elimination tournament generator i have seen yet.


    Prophet 22
  • I see i'm in. excellent
  • In, lets try again!
  • In PLUS 1 please
  • halfway there now.
  • I have found a tournament generator that will do a tournament from 2-200 in double elimination format,

    very nice find Prophet! I will indeed sign up and check it out.
  • Muddguts wrote: »
    very nice find Prophet! I will indeed sign up and check it out.

    Pretty nice little program eh? Sure would like to see a few more entries here.

  • You should get those who are interested commit earlier. by Collecting their cash in advance.

    I am down for that.

    we should have done that for the heads up tournament then u might have remembered to come. LOL

    Prophet 22
  • Oh Eeeeeed. Sorry buddy, The walking boss is scheduled to work that Saturday so I have to bail. If something gives I will let you know.
  • HVEEPOKER wrote: »
    Oh Eeeeeed. Sorry buddy, The walking boss is scheduled to work that Saturday so I have to bail. If something gives I will let you know.

    No probs HV. Appreciate the early heads up (pun intended)
  • Just though this could use a bump. Would like to 16 players.

    Prophet 22
  • 18 days left. Need 7 more players. Who's interested in showing the world that you're top dog?
  • Muddguts wrote: »
    18 days left. Need 7 more players. Who's interested in showing the world that you're top dog?

    Would you like me to unregister so that others think they have a chance? Then you save the last spot for me and I just show up after the others have paid?
  • If this was to Start at say 4:30 (nudge nudge wink wink ) I could play.
  • HVEEPOKER wrote: »
    If this was to Start at say 4:30 (nudge nudge wink wink ) I could play.

    Trouble is if this is still a double knockout it will take 9-10 hrs to complete so don't think that would work... And 2:30 am is just too late for an old guy...
  • compuease wrote: »
    Would you like me to unregister so that others think they have a chance? Then you save the last spot for me and I just show up after the others have paid?

    that sir is collusion! (what cut would I get?)
  • Can't believe that we can't get more people out for this? HU is a thing we all need to work on for those final tables we hope to make...
    Come on guys (and gals) this should be an easy sell out.
  • I know some of you that have signed up for this like to play in AJ's saturday tourney's. I just noticed that he has one scheduled for the same day.

    If I don't have enough to run my game by next Friday, which will be a week and a day before, I will cancel it and that way you have the chance to confirm to play at AJs.
  • Blazin 72 has to work.

    Prophet 22
  • one more withdrawl sadly. I declare this event officially dead in the water. Everyone head to AJ's that day and conquer there.

    Comp, since you would have won anyway, I'll try and collect at least $25 off of everyone that was going to play. Can you remove the link on the calender page too?
  • Too bad Ed. Well, it took you a few tries to get a SNG going too. I predict February will be the magic month for a heads up tourney.
  • Muddguts wrote: »
    one more withdrawl sadly. I declare this event officially dead in the water. Everyone head to AJ's that day and conquer there.

    Comp, since you would have won anyway, I'll try and collect at least $25 off of everyone that was going to play. Can you remove the link on the calender page too?

    lol, like everyone else believed that? Too bad, would love to get a HU tourney in. Quimby and I are playing our Bristol St., HU final this Wed eve.

    Perhaps try yours again early next year?
  • Sorry for the conflict Ed. Dec 4th was the only Saturday open for me for the month, and I totally forgot about your HU event. I hope my game isn't the reason for your decision, I don't have a lot of players signed up yet either, but I feel confident.

    Again, sorry for the conflict.
  • don't sweat it AJ, it's nice that people have choices for games around here. My tourney was announced long ago and couldn't fill up, not your fault at all
  • And the golf season is regretably coming to a close

    And an even bigger plus. I know a fedora wearing DD that comes from Milton

    I will donate! in future, want another shot at Prophet!!

    Milton Slim
  • I didn't show up because my grandfather passed away. I appreciate your assuming nature. You weren't at the top of my mind buddy. Is that a good enough reason for you?
  • deadbuzz wrote: »
    I didn't show up because my grandfather passed away. I appreciate your assuming nature. You weren't at the top of my mind buddy. Is that a good enough reason for you?

    I was 99% sure that a reason like this would surface after my posting in your thread today. I'd be less skeptical if you replied to the game's thread, your PM, a text or call a couple of months earlier, however if it's the truth then I am truly sorry for loss.
  • Muddguts wrote: »
    I was 99% sure that a reason like this would surface after my posting in your thread today. I'd be less skeptical if you replied to the game's thread, your PM, a text or call a couple of months earlier, however if it's the truth then I am truly sorry for loss.

    Twas the same reason used in high school after skipping class... IMO...

    However if true, wonder why the others didn't come? or call...
  • Cause he's an idiot. Real classy person muddguts. You basically call me a liar un front of this forum. Hope this reflects on your game and nobody shows up to any of your events.
  • deadbuzz wrote: »
    Cause he's an idiot. Real classy person muddguts. You basically call me a liar un front of this forum. Hope this reflects on your game and nobody shows up to any of your events.

    Funny you should call a respected member of this forum an idiot... Not a very good way to get respect yourself... We're not calling you a liar, merely questioning why a simple call or message after the fact explaining the situation wasn't made...
    Can't imagine you getting players from this forum to your raked game with that sort of attitude... good luck...
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