Great Blue Heron Fall Poker Classic

I went and played this past Wednesday and saw actyper there as well.

I ended up taking down 4th spot for $8200.

This tournament has a great structure starting with 10k in chips and blinds increasing every 30mins.

I am sorry to say that I busted actyper when he got moved to my table short stacked and pushed with pocket 9's into my pocket K's, it would have been nice to have two forum members at the final table.

4 handed was insane with the chip leader having half the chips in play and sitting directly to my left, and the other 3 of us basically split the other half evenly.

In the end my A 2 was no good against K Q with a K on the river. (no this was not against the chip leader).

It was a fun and exciting day and I seemed to be on my game with good reads all day and only minor mistakes that didn't hurt my chip stack to bad. I never did manage to crack the 200k mark in chips with my biggest stack being about 190k.

crazykoby bought 25% of action so he made some money as well.

I am actually surprised that not many forum members go to GBH for any of their tournaments that they hold monthly


  • How many players did they have Steve and what was the buyin? Maybe i should give one of these a go... Or would I be overmatched? :)
  • This was $1100 and had 96 players.

    They hold monthly tournaments and most of the buy ins are $550 with 5k starting stack and 30min levels.

    They usually hold 4 $1100's a year

    The $550's always sell out at 110 players
  • Congrats! Does the loud Bob still play these +EV CPT tournaments?
    SteveKerr wrote: »
    I ended up taking down 4th spot for $8200.
  • BlondeFish wrote: »
    Congrats! Does the loud Bob still play these +EV CPT tournaments?

    I haven't seen Bob in the last few tournaments I have played at GBH
  • SteveKerr wrote: »
    crazykoby bought 25% of action so he made some money as well.

    I was suppose to play in this as well, but due to an crisis at work was unable. I had feeling that Steve was going to own this tourney, so texted him the morning of and asked if he wanted to sell off 25% (something that we have done with each other several times).

    My read was spot on! I never had to play a single hand and still managed to pick up $2025.00 less the 25% of the buyin i owe Steve. :)

    thanks Steve!!
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