Looking for weekly cash game


I'n new to the forum and looking for a weekly cash game. Preferably rake free free but open to rake games. Looking for .25/.50 - 1.00/2.00

I live in Halton Hills so games in Milton, Georgetown, Oakville are closet.



  • If you want to find out about games in Milton, I would suggest you come out to our weekly Monday night league tournament. Only $20. buyin but you will find out about other games from that.
  • compuease wrote: »
    If you want to find out about games in Milton, I would suggest you come out to our weekly Monday night league tournament. Only $20. buyin but you will find out about other games from that.
    Has that started again Comp? You just finished about a month ago No?
  • yep, it's running again...
  • Could you PM me the details and I will try and make it out to meet everyone.

  • Thanks for the PM's everybody. I have a cash game available every day of the week now lol

    Thanks again.
  • Could I too get the name of the place..Mark told me but I can't remember it. Thanks in advance.
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