Tourney TONIGHT Oct 15th

$60.00 Tournament, 5K in starting chips, optional $10 2K add on at time of purchase only. 20 minute blinds, complimentary food and drinks with server, satellite TV, great people great times! PM or text/call 647 926 2854 for details.


  • Tourney starts at 8pm. I checked - Hope to see some of you out there tonight.
  • Thanks DJ can't believe I missed that!!
  • Can you tell us how much of the $60. buyin goes into the prize pool? I know the $10 addon goes to the house but how about the initial $60?

    Can you give us the first few blind levels? IE..


    Or does it start smaller, say 25/50?
  • 100% payout, the $10 add-on goes to the dealers directly. Blinds start 25/50, 50/100, 100/200, 200/400, 300/600, 500/1000, 600/1200, etc... Blinds go up every 20 mins.
  • Sounds reasonable, and my luck has to change around there so pencil me in..

    Hopefully we'll get more than 1 table...
  • where is the place, want join the party
  • Hey Comp,

    We have one table committed already so let's shoot for 3 :) Poker Dealer I will send you a PM regarding details.
  • Cuallin wrote: »
    Hey Comp,

    We have one table committed already so let's shoot for 3 :) Poker Dealer I will send you a PM regarding details.

    Me too please. Won't commit just yet though, not sure what is happening yet
  • Just sent a PM
  • STR82ACE wrote: »
    Me too please. Won't commit just yet though, not sure what is happening yet

    Ok, lets pokerforum it!
  • that structure is terrible
  • I have emailed this info to a few of my Milton poker cronies and will let you know..
  • SteveKerr wrote: »
    that structure is terrible

    Any worse than any evening tourney? Come on Steve...
  • Constructive feedback always welcome, we haven't had complaints from our actual players but we're open to valid concerns. BTW since I've had PMs asking yes we have TVs and will be showing the Leafs game, in case they pull out a fourth in a row.

    Thanks Comp I appreciate the support
  • Actually Comp the structure is a lot worse.

    I go to ching hill on thursday nights, and the structure is made to end hopefully around 11pm and starting at 8pm. Ching hill starts with 1500 chips blinds at 5 - 10, 10 - 20, 20 - 40, 30 - 60, 50 - 100 and 20min blinds

    That thursday night Ching Hill structure is pretty close to the same if not better then this one.

    Comp you've played at Ching Hill and it is designed to have a somewhat early night on a Thursday since most player have to work on the Friday
  • Cuallin wrote: »
    Constructive feedback always welcome, we haven't had complaints from our actual players but we're open to valid concerns. BTW since I've had PMs asking yes we have TVs and will be showing the Leafs game, in case they pull out a fourth in a row.

    Thanks Comp I appreciate the support

    lol, don't be too hasty.... Steve also has my support, he runs a VERY VERY good non raked game that many here, including myself, have played at. Lot's of VERY good players (much better than me, lol). Now I do like the fact that your game is here in Milton and as long as the bad players come out I should come out ahead over the long run. Issue is, how long is long run?
  • Cuallin wrote: »
    yes we have TVs and will be showing the Leafs game,

    You're NOT selling this to me anymore.
  • SteveKerr wrote: »
    Actually Comp the structure is a lot worse.

    I go to ching hill on thursday nights, and the structure is made to end hopefully around 11pm and starting at 8pm. Ching hill starts with 1500 chips blinds at 5 - 10, 10 - 20, 20 - 40, 30 - 60, 50 - 100 and 20min blinds

    That thursday night structure is better then this one we are discussing.

    I respectfully disagree as far as structure goes.. Ching has 150BB to start, this one has 140, so not much difference there. With similar # of players this one should be close to 11pm finish. This is certainly no worse that lots of daily Vegas tournies of even larger buyins and rake. And if I am right and the players are much worse than Ching hill then it's probably a wash.
    I know that you are also running your games Friday nights so that may be clouding the issue a bit but lets be fair.

    After tonight, if I make it, I'll try and give an impartial assessment and review, win or lose.

    Your own games are much different and for a different purpose.
  • STR82ACE wrote: »
    You're NOT selling this to me anymore.

    lol, cept if it's the Bruins vs Leafs right AJ?
  • Actually from a ratio perspective the structure is quite similar your starting blind is 10 times the available chips and so is ours, in fact if they take the add on they have a bit more than that, we have run both and have been told that players like to have the deeper stack. Each to their own I guess but you are welcome to come us a try :)
  • Wow I need to type faster :)
  • i Guess it is just me. I never play any of the Vegas Daily's as the structures are terrible. I like to be able to play poker.

    Majority of players think a deeper stack means better tournament, but in fact the way the blinds go up and how much time is at each level is a big factor.

    Good luck to those that will be playing in this tonight but a skill level of 4 out of 6 and a patience factor of around 6.58 just is not worth it to me on a Friday night. During the week no problem I would play.
  • geez I am starting to sound like Blondfish lol
  • SteveKerr wrote: »
    geez I am starting to sound like Blondfish lol

    lololo, POTD.....

    Seriously Steve, I respect your league, your play,,,,, but F**, you are too good for me..... I like bad players.......

    umm, AJ, are you coming out tonight? :)
  • compuease wrote: »
    umm, AJ, are you coming out tonight? :)

    still up in the air. Apparently the kid has Apple Day duties this weekend, so don't know if I got volunteered as a driver or not at this moment.
  • OK, I promised an impartial review so here it is. We had 19 players, so not bad for a new club.
    Buyin was $60. for 5K chips, all to the prize pool. $10. for an extra 2K which paid for dealers, etc. Blinds were 20 min starting at 25/50. Play was pretty typical for club game, lots of loose calling and fairly wide range of bluffs. In this kind of game I just played my usual tight game in position and chipped up to 12K at my peak, however I never really had any big hands. Made final table of 10 with blinds at 300/600 at around 10:10. I only had about starting stack by now after bleeding off. Pushed ducks with no callers. Down to 8 and I push 77 UTG+2 at 400/800, called by the BB who had 900 less. His 66 turns a 6 and I'm crippled. Out 2 hands later at 10:30. So as far as length goes this likely would have ended at 11:15-11:30. Avg stack would have been about 19K when I went out, so this is definitely playable but deep stack it isn't..

    Good things:
    1. It's close.
    2. Food and non alcoholic drinks (including Red Bull) are free.
    3. Tournament is low rake (14%) which is as low as any decent Vegas tourney.
    4. For the cash game players there seems to be a ready supply of players donating.
    5. Oganizers are friendly and trying hard.

    Bad things.
    1/ Critical mass is still to low, this game could go either way, it could last for quite a while or be gone in a month, too early to tell.
    2/ Location is kinda drab althought the tables/chairs are good.
    3/ My raises aren't respected.. :)
    4/ I haven't made any money here yet.... lol...
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