Poker Holidays

Have a few days left this year........deciding on a destination.


Event: BCPC
Date: Nov. 19-28th
Location: Vancouver
Tournies: 3 total, 500, 1K & 2.7K

Upside: Cheaper to attend (stay with family)
Downside: Only 3 tournies, not much options other than cash on off days

Event: NAPT
Date: Nov. 4-21st
Location: The Bike in L.A.
Tournies: Multiple b/i's

Upside: Can qualify for ME online, multiple options for games and b/i's
Downside: Will be expensive if no package won

Event: Venetian Deepstack
Date: Oct 28 - Nov 21st
Location: Multiple b/i's

Upside: Vegas baby....multiple options for games and b/i's (or venue)
Comped room at a cheap ass harrah's property
Downside: Not sure there is's Vegas man


  • Can't go wrong in Vegas! :)
  • Blondefish says stay in Canada. I have never been to LA before so I may opt for that choice just for something different. Also, lots to do in California as well besides cards.
  • pokerJAH wrote: »
    Blondefish says stay in Canada.

    say it ain't

    been to Vegas numerous times, never L.A., was at the BCPC last year...don't think it stopped raining the whole week I was there (tourney was great though)

    meant to do this as a poll.......guess I facked that up
  • I would really like to see some BCPC sats come out anytime.
  • DennisG wrote: »
    I would really like to see some BCPC sats come out anytime.

    sigh.....seems like there won't be any online satty's for AB/BC live tournies in the near future due to the gov'ts idiocy:bs:
  • Keep me posted if you go to Vegas mid-late Nov for the end of VDeep.

    I might be in.
  • Vegas + NAPT. It's a short flight/drive out there..haha
  • Wetts1012 wrote: »
    Keep me posted if you go to Vegas mid-late Nov for the end of VDeep.

    I might be in.

    Leaning towards Vegas.....couldn't even win a satty to the satty for the NAPT.

    Thinking somewhere between 12-22, depending if I want to satty into the ME.

    I'll probably confirm at the end of the week my dates.

    Here's the link to the Deepstack schedule:
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