Ontario drivers . . .


Just spent several days in the USA. Driving was a pleasure . . . you come up on slower traffic, and you pull out and pass. If you're in the passing lane, and come up on a slower car, they move over. Just a joy to experience. From Princeton NJ through Eastern PA, and all along the Southern Tier Expwy in NY, I was able to maintain a steady 130 km/h. Soon as I cross the Queenston-Lewiston . . . BANG !!! It's like everybody forgot the rules of the road, not to mention courtesy. Pretty sad when you can move faster on two-lane highways then you can on the QEW.

When I got my AZ license years back, my instructor would say that he did not know how many box-tops it took to get your license in Ontario, but is wasn't enough. Still true today, it seems.


  • Milo wrote: »


    Montreal drivers are the worst. Ontario is a close second though :D
  • JohnnieH wrote: »

    Montreal drivers are the worst. Ontario is a close second though :D

  • Johnnie is right, Drivers in Quebec are the worst drivers in Canada. I have driven through enough to be able to form an opinion.
    Problem, There are too many trucks on our overly congested highways, I would like to know where half of these guys got their DL's from.
    How many of these guys roll their rigs in the GTA alone in a month.
    Immigrant drivers is the biggest thing and then rubberneckers.
    No one unless you have spent at least 10 years living anywhere other than the GTA . Examples are the biggest snowfall areas of Ontario , Barrie north, London or farther west Niagara Region actually know how to drive. A 3 inch snowfall causes panic Chaos and anarchy here. lmao
    Try driving Hwy 24 up near Collingwood, 69 Past Honey Harbour or HWY 401 In the Chatam area during a real snowfall .
  • HVEEPOKER wrote: »
    Immigrant drivers is the biggest thing

  • HVEEPOKER wrote:
    Immigrant drivers is the biggest

    Dude, that is so not cool. Just because somebody isn't born in Canada does not make them a worse driver then anybody else.

    I'm embarrassed to have someone like you as a member of this forum.

  • For the record, I saw less than a dozen trucks in Ontario . . .

    What I did see were people pulling out of their lane INTO the merging lane, just so they could creep ahead a few car-lengths, and then have to slam on their brakes to squeeze back in. In the States, people would pull left to allow merging traffic in, and then slide back to the right when space was available.

    The big problem seems to be that everyone here thinks that their particular need for the road is more important than anyone elses, and thus they are justified in whatever assholery strikes their fancy. I literally had a woman honking at me from my right rear quarter panel (her front bumper was about half-way up the side of my rental van. She wanted me to stop so she could pull in ahead of me rather than into the space being left open by the car behind me. When I moved forward and she pulled in behind I got the high beam flicker for about 30 seconds. This with 3 lanes of bumper to bumper traffic near the Ford facility in Oakville.

    Oh, and HVEE? She was a white chick . . .

    end rant\
  • Go to Victoria, drive there for a few days and see how you feel. Sooooooo many old people driving. Every day is Sunday!
  • JohnnieH wrote: »
    Dude, that is so not cool. Just because somebody isn't born in Canada does not make them a worse driver then anybody else.

    I'm embarrassed to have someone like you as a member of this forum.


    ..I have lived in many parts of the world and I can tell you that 2nd and 3rd world cultures drive like maniacs with no real rules and little traffic control ( marked lanes, lights, signs ), what little there is ignored my the majority of the population and most laws aren't enforced.

    Don't think he was being racist it's natural that if someone moved from one of these cultures ( as many in the GTA have ) they would be what we would call a bad driver.

    No need to get overly dramatic.
  • JtotheLew wrote: »
    ..I have lived in many parts of the world and I can tell you that 2nd and 3rd world cultures drive like maniacs with no real rules and little traffic control ( marked lanes, lights, signs ), what little there is ignored my the majority of the population and most laws aren't enforced.

    Don't think he was being racist it's natural that if someone moved from one of these cultures ( as many in the GTA have ) they would be what we would call a bad driver.

    No need to get overly dramatic.

    Except he didn't specifically say "2nd or 3rd world" citizens. He threw the "immigrant" blanket over everyone.
  • I am not being racist Johnnie. Jtothelew is bang on. It's a fact. I am going to see if I can get my hands on accident stats for Ontario.
    I have been here all of my life and logged a lot of miles and seen a lot of crashes.
    Just the other day on the QEW I came up behind a van. The van looked like it should not even be on the road. Rear bumper hangin off the back ready to fall onto the hwy. Side all caved in front drivers side smashed and a woman driving 60 kmh in the center lane.
    I will not say where I figured she was from , and I see this all of the time.
    I watched a person on Saturday night were I live now from My Balcony get into his car with his wife and back out of his parking spot right into a truck that was parked 30ft away from him.
    I drove a truck for a while too. I was fully loaded driving down Dixie Rd in Mississauga a few years ago. It was winter and I was doing the speed limit. 60 kmh with 22 tons in the back. I had a guy with a load of people pull out right in front of me. Thank God I was paying attention cause there would have been an awful mess if I had T-Boned Him.
    On My way up to Milton the other day at Britannia and Trafalgar I had a guy turn right onto Trafalgar into the middle lane right in front of me and then left right in front of an oncoming car to get into the esso station.
    People just don't get it.
    There is no structure in a lot of these other countries. People come here and figure they can do the same thing they did back home.
    They can't figure out why after they have buried 3 or 4 of their family members who died in accidents.
  • HVEEPOKER wrote: »
    I am not being racist Johnnie. Jtothelew is bang on. It's a fact. I am going to see if I can get my hands on accident stats for Ontario.
    I have been here all of my life and logged a lot of miles and seen a lot of crashes.
    Just the other day on the QEW I came up behind a van. The van looked like it should not even be on the road. Rear bumper hangin off the back ready to fall onto the hwy. Side all caved in front drivers side smashed and a woman driving 60 kmh in the center lane.
    I will not say where I figured she was from , and I see this all of the time.
    I watched a person on Saturday night were I live now from My Balcony get into his car with his wife and back out of his parking spot right into a truck that was parked 30ft away from him.
    I drove a truck for a while too. I was fully loaded driving down Dixie Rd in Mississauga a few years ago. It was winter and I was doing the speed limit. 60 kmh with 22 tons in the back. I had a guy with a load of people pull out right in front of me. Thank God I was paying attention cause there would have been an awful mess if I had T-Boned Him.
    On My way up to Milton the other day at Britannia and Trafalgar I had a guy turn right onto Trafalgar into the middle lane right in front of me and then left right in front of an oncoming car to get into the esso station.
    People just don't get it.
    There is no structure in a lot of these other countries. People come here and figure they can do the same thing they did back home.
    They can't figure out why after they have buried 3 or 4 of their family members who died in accidents.

    Anecdotal evidence FTW!

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