Golf... end of season <sniff>

As the golf season winds down, I feel a little lost! I joined a golf club this year, and played seriously for the first time in my life. I only golfed 3-4 rounds a year previously, and none for the last 7, until this year. I need 2 more decent rounds this year to get my index under 20, and I'm impressed with the progress i've made in such a short time. Lessons are worth every penny!

This past Tuesday, I shot my low 9-hole round, a 42, but I still left the course frustrated with what could have been! I chipped in from the fringe on the opening hole for birdie, and then bogeyed a long par 5, when I got in trouble with my second shot. No shot at the green from a lie amongst the trees, but I played smart and even had a long put for par. The third hole was a long par 4, 430 yards, and I par'd it for the first time eva!!! I push a 5 iron to the left on a par 3 and make bogey, and then sink a 20 footer for par on number 5, a medium par 4 dogleg!

I was 1-over thru 5 holes!!! And then the wheels came off!! Bogey, double-bogey, par, double bogey!! Blahhh!! I hate life!!

Thanks for listening!


  • Golfing today, in Princeton, NJ. Nephew gets married today, so my job (along with a few others) is to keep the father of the bride out of trouble (and people's hair) for a few hours.

    Wedding tomorrow . . . yaayyy.
  • "As the golf season winds down"or feel the rath of the BUZZZARDD

    you can say:

    The opportunity for golf seems bleak, presently. then go to garage, clean clubs, check spikes in shoes, sort through the 50 lbs. of balls you keep meaning to take out of your bag, segregate into: might use these ones and neighbours kid could use these.

    Go to Tee's indoor golf on Laird Drive with 2 or 3 buddies

    Nachos while you play, Beer and wings after, no sun screen required, chance of rain zero, and you get to play Pebble Beach..

    Do this on a hockey game night and it's a pretty good evening

    Then plan a January south Golf trip, follow up with February refresh lesson, March, scope out new equipment and plan early april south trip...
    Return and say "The opportunity of golf today, looks pretty good!"

    GA meeting held Tuesday's and Thursday's in my Garage

    My name is Dave and I'm a Golfaholic......
  • ddmilcan wrote: »
    my name is dave and i'm a golfaholic......

    hi dave!!
  • STR82ACE wrote: »
    hi dave!!

    I needed that...

    Do you know what these are?

    9:09, 8:43, 8:36


    Commit this to memory!
  • ddmilcan wrote: »
    I needed that...

    Do you know what these are?

    9:09, 8:43, 8:36

    Hard drive error messages?
  • Milo wrote: »
    Golfing today, in Princeton, NJ. Nephew gets married today, so my job (along with a few others) is to keep the father of the bride out of trouble (and people's hair) for a few hours.

    Wedding tomorrow . . . yaayyy.

    My niece is getting married today in Rome, NY... Reception is at Turning Stone... hence my upcoming trip report. I almost brought the clubs to play one of their courses here! Very windy though.. Currently having breakfast at BOb Evans in Watertown!
  • compuease wrote: »
    Hard drive error messages?

    Tee Times for Saturday, Sunday, Monday"

    Milton Slim
  • ddmilcan wrote: »
    Tee Times for Saturday, Sunday, Monday"

    Milton Slim

    You guys are such jerks. This thread tilts me to no end. haha

    I used to play twice a day everyday when I was a bit younger and didnt have to work for a living. Since then I have reduced that to probably an average of 10 rounds per year.

    Except the past two years. Haven't golfed once. All the result of a tiny benign tumour on my spine. It has since been removed (along with the bone that was completely fractured) and I can now begin my long road to recovery. I didn't need any reinforcing in my back and according to the doctor all should be back to normal shortly, but I am pretty nervous to unleash my swing too early. Esp since I swing at the ball like im gunna knock the white off it everytime.

    I am going to slowly start working on swinging in the off season and hoping to get back out there next year.

    Crossing my fingers that all goes well and my pro golfing career isnt ruined :bs: lol
  • its was a great golf year for me... took my handicap down from a 9 last fall to a 3 currently and as low as a 2... this was my first year playing golf on a regular basis, got to meet a ton of new people at the course and had lots of laughs and beers with old friends..

    still gonna be out there with buzzard and hellmuth's mole until they close the course :) time to bring out the touques and winter gloves:)
  • Still over a month to go in the golf season so don't panic yet. Played like crap all year and my handicap went the opposite way of joeheartsdi. Also, all my money went to Joe. Only had one good tourney when I shot 72 and 76 in our Labour Day Classic. My partner and I ended up in 2nd place.
    Played with waltsfriend last Sunday and she had a 6 hole stretch of par, par, par, par, par, birdie. Then she fell apart.
    Wife stopped at the Nike outlet yesterday and picked me up some turtlenecks to wear for the cooler weather. Can't wait to get out on the weekend.
    9:30, 9:30, 9:30
  • reibs wrote: »
    You guys are such jerks. This thread tilts me to no end. haha

    I used to play twice a day everyday when I was a bit younger and didnt have to work for a living. Since then I have reduced that to probably an average of 10 rounds per year.

    Except the past two years. Haven't golfed once. All the result of a tiny benign tumour on my spine. It has since been removed (along with the bone that was completely fractured) and I can now begin my long road to recovery. I didn't need any reinforcing in my back and according to the doctor all should be back to normal shortly, but I am pretty nervous to unleash my swing too early. Esp since I swing at the ball like im gunna knock the white off it everytime.

    I am going to slowly start working on swinging in the off season and hoping to get back out there next year.

    Crossing my fingers that all goes well and my pro golfing career isnt ruined :bs: lol

    Adjust your swing to fit the situation. I used to R&G, but now with no socket in right shoulder, replacement hip, artritis in most joints, I use my 60+ years experience to make it around with all parts intact, occasionally on receiving end of bets. Win or lose, beer still cold!!!

    Milton Slim
  • I'm not the golf addict as you others appear to be thank God, but I am going to try to get out this weekend for at least 9 holes somewhere. Might be my last chance to get out with the old bag (no, not the missus).
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