Royal Cup IX - Returns to it's roots! Nov 13th. 2010
Ok, it's official, Royal Cup IX is on! Nov 13th at it's original location in Milton.
Only 8 teams this time due the smaller location, and even that will be tight since most of us have added a little girth, partially offset by AJ's good work...
Team captains, please let me know your intentions asap since we may fill up quick. Preference will be given to prior teams. Details to follow in additional threads later today when I get time.
Only 8 teams this time due the smaller location, and even that will be tight since most of us have added a little girth, partially offset by AJ's good work...
Team captains, please let me know your intentions asap since we may fill up quick. Preference will be given to prior teams. Details to follow in additional threads later today when I get time.
Since I'm not the defending champion captain, I cannot confirm nor deny.
Training regime has commenced. I will be a lean, mean, poker machine.
Oh, and Shar? Prop bet: I'll put up my poker shirt if you will . . .
How am I supposed to explain this......
pffff...she'll have more
Explain WHAT?!? You're the MAN, ain't ya? You bring home the bacon, right? Didn't she have a birthday LAST year? Won't she have one again, NEXT year? Jeez, Wetts, you gotta start putting your foot down . . . pretty soon you'll be cooking and cleaning, doing laundry . . . just like ME.
You have to go the Royal. You do NOT want to end up like me . . . if she loves you, she'll understand. If she doesn't understand, well . . . you've met my wife, right? You've been warned . . .
Birthdays are highly over-rated. Unless it's somekind of milestone being celebrated in somekind of fantastic adult wonderland.
(You know like somebodies 40th)
Ryan, do you have a spot for Cameron?
Also, does anyone have one of those LCD projectors that we could borrow for the day? Would be nice to put both blinds and scoring up on a big screen.
^^Sounds interesting......let me see about my possible flights first. If I can't make this one, I promise for the spring...
and definately YAAAY at the prospect for the rc!
fixed.... I really need a bigger mailbox... never thought I would be this popular.... Why wasn't I like 40-50 years ago..
I have 5000 messages as cap
That's cuz you're paid 5 times as much as me... I only have 1000...
Paid in PM capacity right?
Confirmed. can be Captain this year if you want. I've got a list of girls who want to be in.
Also, to whomever is organizing this..odds are I like you so please try not to get your panties in a bunch when I say moving this tournament an hour away from half the players and expecting it to be even close to the drunken fun it usually probably the best way to kill this tournament outright. This location is convenient for like 8 people and, at best, equally inconvenient for everyone else. I hope you at least demanded a group discount at the nearest hotel.
CPF ruins my horny these days, so I'll just take the liberty of responding now since I won't be back to read the onslaught of hate.
A: Fuck you, I'm not a bitch..what I'm saying is true.
B: West Side Venue
C: Vanilla Ice
Any other small private club in K-W (ask the Captains for help if you're stuck)
E: LOL @ still starting it at 10:00, can we at least put limit first so when I don't leave Kitchener at 9 I'm HELPING my team.
F: I'm only showing up because I think that's more obnoxious than quitting.
No hate..... and we know you lurk.... I have the tools..
No changes (other than location).... We're not stuck and all (most captains) have offered help. It wasn't my idea to bring it back to Milton, the downtown KW location is no longer available to us. We will likely move to the Westside location for RC X..
Oh and it's Al and I organizing, me the pre org and Al day of.
Oh and it's like 20 min from Cambridge....
False, which you obviously know since you messaged me on facebook to tell me about this thread and ask about Top Set. I've read about 5 posts in some revived thread that DrTyore linked me and wouldn't stop talking about. All of them were in the last two weeks.
This is what I pressed "refresh" for this morning. Glad I wasn't disappointed.
You're right, I spent a night passing up booze and several hours rocking Al's babies to sleep..because I hate the guy and wanted to stick it to him. This played out at the last Royal when I left with my Dad, and in no way is the previous year's explanation at all true. My showing up early and offer to help was also an illusion, I developed a mind-control drug which when administered to Al, allowed me to convince him that I had in fact offered to help and that he had said there wasn't anything to do. The drugs had worn off by the time he posted the same story in my defense..that was accomplished by my hiring a team of elite hackers who cracked CPF and his account and posted the story in the three minutes it would take for the security team to locate them and fix the CPF Laser on their location.
It was the perfect crime, and I would have got away with it too..if it hadn't been for you, meddling kid.
Prophet 22
Showing up early in no way shortens the day of someone who is already there. Did you offer to let everyone sleep in while you picked up everything and set up yourself? Your offer was just about as genuine as someone who offers to pay for dinner first, knowing the other person will refuse so at least you can feel good about yourself for having offered.
Why dont we get a hotel room for night and just paint the town red?????? I mean its milton.....should be somewhere to party, right?????
As a side note, could someone PM me the address, for the life of me i cant remember where this thing is taking place......
PM sent..