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Live MTT vs Online MTT
I am going to start playing in a local weekly MTT $100.00 buyin with upto 90 players.. Have played a fair amount of 1/2 NL and quite a bit of SNG and MTT online with marginal success.. ( I am young and fairly new to the game,break even player online, maybe even slightly losing at this stage to be honest, but around break even, and about $600-800 profit this past year in 1/2 NL live which is ok for how frequently I play ) anyways, was wondering how you advanced MTT guys approach a live MTT differently then online?
Generally, these tournies are like turbo tournaments. I find that playing TAG for the first few blinds raises works well, and once you have a read on most players, I like to start punishing limpers.
People in these tournies often go to town with TP and better. When they don't have TP, they usually check/fold, so its easily exploitable.
Try to play most hands in late position. Good luck!
old men only play the nuts for the most part so trap and crack strategy works well against them. live mtt are gruelling but if you pay attention to the players you will able to spot the bad ones quick
Online and Live MTT are completely different.
Dont let anyone ever tell you these games are even close to being the same - its not even the same universe. Ranging (both opening and calling), 3 and 4 bet frequencies, and positional play all contrast significantly from live to online. BMZ made a point about table image. I think its important especially if you "look" like an internet player.
a) Opening range. In general (and based on the trends currently in mid-high stakes online), I think your opening range and frequencies should be somewhat higher/wider than what you would do online in position. The primary reason is that very few inexperienced (or "experienced") live players 3 bet you light. Nobody EVER cold 4s live. If they do youre screwed. Whereas typically online you'll get fold or a 3bet to one of your opens, your gonna get hooded more often than not live, which leads to:
b) Cbetting. Do it live. It still works. Online trends see alot of CR of cbets. This hasnt hit the live world yet.
c) 3bets. Do it live. Do it light. As long as its not frequent you can get away with it in specific spots and often enough that nobody really notices.
OPT Friday night a tightish Female player opens in LP to 600 @ 100/200. I 3bet the button with 10/7 spades to 1700 and she open folds 99. We were about 40 bigs deep. People will give you credit for hands more often than not.
Hand 2 from Orangeville: 200/400 interwebby type guy opens to 900 from the CO I 3bet the puck with K3 clubs. Somehow the hand goes to showdown and I get there with a pair of 3s. Interwebby guy laughs and gets it. The rest of the table think I have Downs. So I can get away with it 8/9 times.
d) 4bets. If you do it live, Never do it light. If you get 3bet you're either up against someone who is on to you, or someone that has the immortals. The latter more often than not.
e) Squeeze the table. 4 players limp for 50 @ 25/50. It comes to you on the puck make it something rediculous - say 350. Very rarely do you get called. If you do villain is pretty faceup and postflop is super easy. BMZ stated below. Live play theres alot of limping (even super shallow like 10bb poker). This dynamic just doesnt exist online anymore.
d) Be politically incorrect. This is important. Be ageist. Very few of the old boys have figured it out. Use the statistics to you're advantage - old dudes always have it. There are only a few out there that Ive ever played with that know what we're thinking and play against it. One of the best at this is Milton Slim. I get the feeling Compuease does it too.....
But he told me he always has the nuts so I might be wrong.
We wouldn't do that, would we? Not only that but I think Wetts is setting is us up for a new twist to his game, what ya think?
Oh and yea, if I 4 bet you I definitely do have the nuts.. My game hasn't advanced THAT far yet..
+1 especially at Wetts having Downs.
Great thread, keep it up boyz!
Funny post, pretty much you and Vekked were the guys this post was intended for so I am really hyped that you posted. You say I should 3 bet a wider range of hands in position, is it safe to say I should be willing to limp a lot more then as well with things like suited connectors in mid-late position?
Whenever I have played 1/2 NL live I have limped a lot of hands and even called 3 bets with very marginal hands knowing I can outplay some old guy or weekend gambler on a dry flop.
Yeah but thing is, when they're 3betting they usually have it, so it's not really a good idea to flat with garbage and try to outplay imo. Better to have the initiative in the hand.
Every once in a while go around the table and guage your chip position relative to the others. If you can't approximate what someone has, ask them to give you an estimate.
Never ever call an allin until you know what their chip count is and what yours is. Gives you time to think about the decision anyways. Most common mistake I make is snap calling an allin then realizing they had more chips than you thought or you had less than you thought and now 75% of your stack is gone.
yes, this....it can be profitable in situations in a cash game when you're 100+bb's deep....but remember, tournies you are generally much shorter stacked in comparison to blinds, so you can't waste them
if you can limp, you can raise
With these players, value bet light.....and almost never bluff.
Nothing makes me smile more than someone bluffing his stack to a calling station who calls with top pair no kicker.....and knowing those chips will eventually be yours.
This goes with 3-betting light as well.
This, if it's good enough to play at all, it's good enough to raise... lol.
Story from just last night, playing our weekly league game. 2 new young guys at my table, both have been playing lots of pots, 1 has a relatively large stack, one at the opposite end of the table a short stack after taking a big hit. He has about 2K. I have about 8K, blinds at 2/400. I know my image is very tight to them, not so to the regs. In the cutoff, limped to me. I have 7,8 suited, one of my favorites. Open to 1350. Folded to short stack in BB. He pushes for 650 more. I have to call and of course make my flush against AQ. He can't believe it.. lol Moral, don't limp, raise. You will be rewarded!
I don' know what point you are making here. You committed a quarter of your stack with 78 because you didn't pay attention to the size of the stacks behind you, against an opponent who shoved against you even though your image was tight. This was good play?
ummm, BB would have folded unless he had a very good hand. If he had similar chips to me and pushed, I fold... It's just that, I was paying attn, he just woke up with a hand. Point is, don't limp...
That makes sense.
I don't particularly like this move. All too often, you'll here the 'it's time to gamble' speach, as they throw the rest in with ATC (which probably has you beat).
I mean, it can get by some, but I'd want a little better holdings to do it in this spot.
what ever...... wetts 4 bet this all in with same hand and 40-50bbs....villain had aq too and like 100bbs....seems pretty standard in my books...
lol, yeh but we all know how Wetts runs...
Seriously though you doubters, you have to remember this plays more like a turbo SNG. 20 players in 3 1/2 hrs. That's pretty quick...
Also BB had already commented about how tight I was... For what he had left I couldn't fold.. Are you advocating I should have just folder 7,8 suited with only 20BB? Or pushed? naw couldn't do that. Remember blinds are only 15 min and we're going to 300/600 shortly.
if you seriously think he would fold a lot and know the table has you pegged ultra tight (especially the bb) im sure you can do it at some point of fold equity.....but especially with the blinds going up i'd be playing almost atc from the bb.....i think its ultra aggresive and i give high five.....congrats on making the 87s club....ill be there someday