Edmonton Casino Info

Just moved to Edmonton for a year and a half for work.

What casinos offer what games/action typically on what nights (weekends vs weekdays)?

What poker rooms should be avoided (chance of getting stabbed by drug dealers)?

Looking for all info -- NL cash, PLO/DC cash, LHE cash? What limits? What decent scheduled MTTs?


  • "What poker rooms should be avoided (chance of getting stabbed by drug dealers)?"

  • Why don't you shoot me a pm and we can exchange numbers.
    I'm a poker whore in Edmonton and can tell you all about the different casinos around town
  • Meistro wrote: »
    "What poker rooms should be avoided (chance of getting stabbed by drug dealers)?"


    Just a completely ignorant post.

    If were keeping score btw...deaths by drug dealer stabbings at baccarat = 0 deaths by roof collapsing at yellowhead = 1. that doesnt mean yellowhead should be avoided...just pointing out the likelihood of getting stabbed at baccarat is remote as having a building collapse on you.
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