Canadian NHL Expansion

I was thinking about this the other day, and it got me wondering what other people are thinking.

Are there any Canadian cities that can support an NHL team that currently do not have one? Hamilton, Winnipeg, Quebec? Are there others? Can even these 3 support an NHL team?


  • Under the current leadership (Bettman), it will NEVER happen! Forget about it!

    A little talked about consequence of Canadian expansion is the fact that is drives more U.S. markets into financial trouble! League revenues have gone up since the last labour stoppage, because of a stronger Canadian dollar, and the fact that the Canadian markets account for a disproportionate amount of league revenues! More Canadian markets would further exasperate this trend, and cause more weak U.S. markets into financial trouble! Remember there is a salary cap and FLOOR now, and the league didn't anticipate the financial hardship this floor would create in weaker markets!
  • Canadian expansion is inevitable, in spite of Bettman. As mentioned the floor of the "Cap" will cause the troubled US franchises to look to Receivership. Eventually, the supply of "Dummies with Monies" is going to be exhausted, and the only alternative to shrinkage will be north of the border. Teams can survive here becuase of the huge gate receipts. In order, the cities to come on-stream would be:

    Hamilton/SW Ontario - the greedy SOB's are going to want Balsillie's $$$ eventually.
    Winnipeg - a viable arena in a sports crazy market.
    Quebec City - they'll have a better shot at subsidies from a "friendly" provincial, and bribe-ready federal, governments.
  • Here's a thought, and I know who's going to love me saying this: Saskatchewan. Imagine Rider Pride transfered to a hockey scene. Now that seems like hockey to me. The Saskatchewan Lightning. You heard it here first :)
  • Vancouver could use a team.....
  • dont think well see another canadian team till bettman croaks tbh....saskatchewan.....seriously....
  • DennisG wrote: »
    Vancouver could use a team.....

    That's a Leafs joke. When's the las time they had an Art Ross winner? Hell, when's the last time they had a goalie that didn't fail?
    schabs wrote: »
    dont think well see another canadian team till bettman croaks tbh....saskatchewan.....seriously....

    I'm not saying it's going to happen. I'm just saying if there's another area in Canada that isn't the always talked about 3 (Hamilton, Winnipeg, Quebec City) that could and would support a team, I believe it would be Saskatchewan.
  • I haveg heard many people say ''If Sask had hallf the support they do for the Riders for an NHL team it would be viable..." I know you aren't saying it's gonna happen but there is no chance, there was games at the World Jr's in Sask not even sold out.

    The reason the Riders can work is because they don't have 41 home games a season, you would never get 16000 (which is basically the least you could afford to have) every home game in Sask for 41 games a year, especially Tues,Weds night games in the winter.

    Especially since there a ton of people in Sask that are die hard fans of their local WHL team.

    Winnipeg is my first pick because it is a big enough city (barely) which does love sports, they can support one of the biggest AHL teams and with an NHL team I'm sure you'd get a couple thousand people from Sask every weekend driving there for games. It's high risk/high reward though, they would need to build a culture around it like Sask has done with the Roughriders.
  • I am trying to get caught up here and thought I would chime in on some of the things I have missed in the last 6 or so weeks.
    Without getting into a long winded rant about how much I Dislike Gary Bettman and what he has done to the league ( 2 Strikes ) 1 half season lost and another gone completely with NO STANLEY CUP PLAYOFFS AT ALL.
    Canadian Cities that would support an NHL Team is an easy one.
    Winnepeg for sure. They had the support during the little time they were in the WHA. Fan support was not the trouble. Proivincial and Federal Governments would not cough up any coin to build a new arena to keep the team there. Mr Bettman found a schmuck who loved to lose money and moved the team to Pheonix.
    Quebec is another great place with lots of support. The Nordique and The Habs became one of sports biggest rivalries. Quebec city fans are now for the most part Leaf Fans as they hate the Habs more than the Leaf Nation Faithfull. Same story as Government would not doll out the cash to build a brand new Arena. Bettman moved the team to Denver giving them a second shot which this time they were getting a great team who managed to win the Cup that year.
    It was not like back in the 70's with the Colorado Rockies who were simply Brutal until they folded.
    Halifax, The Hammer ( Hamilton ) Both would support an NHL Franchise.
    Jim Balsillie would be a great owner. He knows and Loves the Game.
    But Bettman and his Old Croonies have royally screwed him from ever getting a franchise.
    Bettman would rather have a team lose their shirts and die a long slow death in places like Pheonix, Tampa bay, Sunrise, and Nashville than help put teams back here in Canada. Were they would prosper and not need the welfare payments from the top 7 or 8 teams who are making tons of money.
    30 teams in a watered down league with so many shit teams 1 bankrupt and 3 who could not make there payroll from March on is not the NHL I grew up watching.
    6 teams can't even afford to pay the Minimum Salary Cap
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