Game 8 Sign In List

Well, the current leader board looks pretty good. I'm still sitting pretty on top, and there's still a bit of distance between me and second place Wetts. But I'm sure he'll do his best to change that in the coming weeks.

Only 5 games remain including this week's game, so if you haven't got your minimum 4 games in yet, you best be thinking of coming out.

Who's In?


  • prolly play this week.
  • Put me down as a maybe. I'll let you know sometime during the week if I'm able to make it or not.
  • Hmmmmmmm . . . back to school lull?
  • inittodefendit
  • Intotakeitdownz
  • I'm not able to make it. I'll see you guys next week.
  • hmmmmmmmm
    Playing field looks abit thin tonight. Where's Wetts and ACDC? Milton Slim??

    Oh well...more points for me to extend my lead I guess ^-^
  • That's the kind of talk that will run your JJ into my AA, or your AA into my mighty 66. Prepare for DOOM, AJ . . . you've been warned. :)
  • STR82ACE 271.36.
    MILO 104.66

    You're NOT a threat.
  • To take the points lead? No.
    To bust your ass? See you tonight . . .
  • doubt i would make it in time. See all next week!
  • last minute decision

    Milton Slim
  • I'll pick up the snacks tonight as Greg isn't able to make it out either due to family illness.

    They're all afraid of me...that's it.
  • They are all simply jealous of the sleeker, slimmer, healthier AJ that debuted this summer . . . :bs:
  • Well hopefully we get some last minute additions like last week. Kris you can't get redemption on Allen if you don't show!
  • Inittogetmilo :)
  • What I ever do to you, Ace(s)? :D
  • definite maybe!!!!


    add to list please

    Milton Slim

    just a question, without Kris and Mr. Chatty, can we have music to break the silence??????
  • milo wrote: »
    what i ever do to you, ace(s)? :d

    your darn tootin!
  • initto...ehh
  • Hmmmmmm...with such a small field, maybe I'll use a mixed set of chips tonight.
  • Well, it was fun while it lasted . . . KK<77. Who knew?

    Second best soooo often tonight. See you all at the SET.
  • For a guy who wasn't sure if he was going to come out tonight, Milton Slim certainly made his play count tonight by taking down the top spot. I was able to hang in for second place (hitting quad 7's on the flop against Milo's KK certainly didn't hurt), and Kris was able to squeeze in another third place finish.

    Garry was bubble, and NinjaDan suffered chump honours tonight.

    Good game all. Hope to see you all next week. I'll update the points standings and post over the weekend.
  • recent Vegas returnee Compuease
    gave me helpful hints to wade through Tournament play
    I found that wishin' and hopin' wasn't cutting it!

    Snacks are on me!

    Milton Slim
  • That translates as "catch QQ when the guy on your left is trying to bust you with 99. Flop the set and rake in the chips."

    Well done, Dave.
  • WOW...look where Kris moved up too...nice!

    STR82ACE 317.99
    ACDC 260.48
    KEITH 257.36
    MILTONSLIM 250.47
    WETTS 238.67
    GARRYC 236.03
    CRAZYKOBY 199.29
    ALLY 181.01
    ICEDOG 177.41
    JBIRD 141.68
    MILO 121.68
    NINJADAN 79.41
    QUIET DAVE 75.58
    HVEEPOKER 66.35
    KABEK 56.15
    HARWOOD 51.38
    SHAZNAZ 50.08
    ALEXD 43
    PROPHET 34.25
    oOMORGANOo 31.19
    MUDDGUTS 16.18
    STEVEKERR 15.07
    KRIS 14.23
  • You're cruel, AJ . . .
  • STR82ACE wrote: »
    WOW...look where Kris moved up too...nice!

    STR82ACE 317.99
    ACDC 260.48
    KEITH 257.36
    MILTONSLIM 250.47
    WETTS 238.67
    GARRYC 236.03
    CRAZYKOBY 199.29
    ALLY 181.01
    ICEDOG 177.41
    JBIRD 141.68
    MILO 121.68
    NINJADAN 79.41
    QUIET DAVE 75.58
    HVEEPOKER 66.35
    KABEK 56.15
    HARWOOD 51.38
    SHAZNAZ 50.08
    ALEXD 43
    PROPHET 34.25
    oOMORGANOo 31.19
    MUDDGUTS 16.18
    STEVEKERR 15.07
    KRIS 14.23

    Who do you think we should be all over for the next few weeks??

    Just a thought!


    Who's on my computer, suggesting these things?
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