Refurbished Laptop?
Anyone have an opinion on this laptop? Basically it would be used for poker and tv/movies/internet. I don't use a HUD so that would not be an issue.
17" Laptops - Best Buy Canada
We use the current laptop (that I use for poker) for watching movies, shows, etc on the television as we d/l all the shows/movies we watch.
I don't need anything very powerful, but would like a 17" for poker as I don't use external monitors when I play.
I have had terrible experiences with HP computers in the past (2 laptops died and customer service was horrible). I currently use an Acer laptop and really like it.
17" Laptops - Best Buy Canada
We use the current laptop (that I use for poker) for watching movies, shows, etc on the television as we d/l all the shows/movies we watch.
I don't need anything very powerful, but would like a 17" for poker as I don't use external monitors when I play.
I have had terrible experiences with HP computers in the past (2 laptops died and customer service was horrible). I currently use an Acer laptop and really like it.
I don't know your financial situation or your preference, but I personally would recommend the latter.
There refurbished for a reason. Dip into your poker funds and buy a real computer.
Agreed 100%. With the exception of the spelling of "they're".
I have had nothing but bad runs with anything refurbished..someone else typically returned it for a reason.
Thanks Dennis...I was looking for this type of feedback.
They didn't teach Jah homonyms during his degrees.
What ever happened to the spell check feature on pokerforum?
Can't you expense a laptop for business purposes anyways so really it only cost you 50%?? More reason to buy new. Thought you were in the top tax bracket and your pondering spending $300?
This should be more your speed: