Guelph Tuesday (sept 7)

I know i know, it's the first day of school n shit....whateves..i'm hosting cash game $40 max buy in .25/.25 blinds (we're not lookign to get rich here people, just a friendly game of poker, and i found if you play tourneis, some people dont get to hang out all night...)

Anyways, i know some people were expressing interest in a guelph game...the next one (after tomorrow) will be tuesday sept 20 at 7:30.

1. Mark
2. Tim
3. Cowboy Mike

4. Pat
5. Keith
6. Sandro

I will run with a minimum of 6 players....let me know and you can email me at

Mparalovos AT gmail DOT com if you want further directions or instructions!


  • Mark, I am interested. You will need to PM me directions.
  • Hey Mark...

    I might try to get over to play on Tuesday... Mike mentioned you were playing again.. you just need to PM me your address
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