~Adventures with Shar~

Well so far it has been a very interesting summer.... but not moreso than the last few weeks.

Lets start on with blowing out a rear tire on the very last trip out to the lake, loaded with stuff from my move..only about 10k from the cottage...fixed it ofcourse, but had not replaced my spare yet...

On my way to work, driving along the highway, singing at the steering wheel...I have a fleeting thought..why the hell do I hear a helicopter...about 5 seconds later realize that ..... YES..... I had a flat on the other side...

So, I leave my car on the side of the highway, thankfully I was right in the valley and Lumsden is right there..down the hill, into shrubbery that was very full of water... get to the other road and walk to the gas station..not much I could do at that point, so I hitch a ride to town and am only 10 mins late for work.

I let the RCMP know that I would be back for my car, but I needed a few days as I was still catching up on moving bills etc. It was fine...then they had it towed the day I was going to change the tire..not really a big deal...

I get to the compound with my new tire, and for the first time ever in my life, changed a tire...and all by myself too!!! I was quite pleased with myself until he pointed out there was a oil leak....lovely....and even though I drive on grid roads ... there was nothing I remember hitting that would do this, and I wasn't leaking oil before I left it, but again ... o well. You deal and move on right?

He gives me some oil to put in my car to get it home, and I get it up on blocks. Once I look underneath I know I did not do this damage....he had pinched and scraped my (brand new in march) oil pan, on my VW Golf.......RAWR!!!!!!! I even got my uncle to look and it was not me who did it.

Needless to say, I had the owner come out and look...and because of the condition of some of the roads here, I really would have no case..he did however reimburse me for the cost of the tow etc because he felt that they could have done some of the scraping underneath....

Because it was just a pinch I decided to fix it...did this today!! Bought this stuff called JB Weld...will know by the end of the weekend how I did, but it looks good so far.

I also got to use a chain saw for the first time today. I spent the day with my uncle cutting trees n such. Got to use a pole saw and the big gas chainsaw!!! Considering that my tool collection consists of a hammer and a butter knife, this was just fucking awesome!!! Made my arms feel all tingley.

I need to start collecting some tools so I can build my garden boxes next spring! Pretty sure that would take a bit more than just a hammer.

Well, I hope everyone has had a wonderful summer...I am going to mark the end of mine tomorrow, with a football game, a beer, and some cards!!



  • you did more mechanical work in this post than i did in the first 25 years of my life.
  • darbday wrote: »
    you did more mechanical work in this post than i did in the first 25 years of my life.

    +1 and she's used a chainsaw.

    Sounds like an eventful summer, Shar!
  • Fact: Chainsaws can save your life!!

    Well, that...and a good pair of Nikes

    YouTube - Nike Why Chainsaw Commercial Banned Sneakerfiles.com
  • Fucking AWESOME . . . and the ad was good too.

    Said it before, car chicks are HAWT.
  • Sweetness,

    as the air begins to chill all the degenerates head back inside to their computer screens to hopefully fill up the weekly PFC games.

    Women that can use power tools are very cool so you had quite a summer full of personal development. Nothing like grease under your fingers, a car that works, and stack of firewood ready for next winter (give it a year at least to dry out nicely : )
  • OP stories are useless without pics.
  • Pics will have to come at another time, as it is, on dial-up I had to copy and paste my post so I did not get auto logged out/timed out. I can't even watch AJ's right now :(

    I am still not sure if high speed is even available where I am yet..should find out soon though. Wasn't worried about that until the summer was over...guess I should look into it now eh? Gotta make sure I am prepared for the forum games!!

  • Sharantyr wrote: »
    I am still not sure if high speed is even available where I am yet..

    Jesus...did you move to BumF**K Nowhere or somewhere equally exotic? No high speed? Shouldn't happen today, should it?
  • I do know I could not get internet through my sattelite provider.....It is not a service that is allowed in Saskatchewan :(
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