Specialty Loonies

Saskatchewan Roughriders Centennial $1 Circulation 5-Pack (2010)

Order directly from the mint, uncirculated, no shipping, at cost! Going to make great stocking stuffers this holiday season.


  • Our tax dollars at work. Nothing like selling something at a loss.
  • moose wrote: »
    Our tax dollars at work. Nothing like selling something at a loss.

    The mint is a crown corp and made a profit of 68M in 2009
  • Hobbes wrote: »
    The mint is a crown corp and made a profit of 68M in 2009

    Yeah because it sells dollars at a loss and 1-cent coins for $44.95.

    Penny Cufflinks

    (44.95/.02 -1) *100 = 224 650% markup. Nice.
  • Will these be circulated? If so, Shar will have to bring some to the next Royal . . .
  • ... perhaps...
  • Long time no post . . . how's your summer been?
  • Feel free to read a bit about it :) It really has been great though...once I have something other than dial up it will be much easier to post :P How are you my dear Milo? How was your summer?
  • Same shit, different levels of humidity. Nephew is getting married in the fall, so that will be cool. He is the first of the youngest generation of the family to do so, which makes it special for my Dad.

    Life has been good, poker has been middling, cats are still bonkers, and the yard looks like hell. Nothing like your automotive experiences, but that is fine with me.
    Oh, and my best friend my declare bankruptcy, thanks to the CRA. Well, and a bit of stupidity on his part.
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