Biweekly game in Ottawa

I'm hosting regular low-stakes games. Switching back to Saturdays after some non-stellar turn-outs on Thursday evenings.

North-east Ottawa (Montreal Rd between St Laurent Blvd & Blair Rd)

Days/Times: Every other week
(see schedule, below); Tournaments start at 7pm (weekday evenings) or 2pm (Saturday afternoons).

Tourney Buy-in:
$20 no limit hold'em freeze-outs with all buy-in money going to prize pool (see prize distribution below)

$20 optional "last longer" for those interested in upping the stakes (separate prize pool to be paid out using same prize distribution to those who participate)

18 players max, unless stated otherwise; play is 9-handed (or less)

We'll always be using Robert's Rules of Poker v.11 with "Dead button" rule and two decks (self deal, "shuffle behind / cut to the right"), unless stated otherwise.

Tournament structure: T10,000 starting stacks; 20 minute blind levels

Blinds - Elapsed time
25/50 - 0:00
50/100 - 0:20
75/150 - 0:40
100/200 - 1:00
150/300 - 1:20
- break - colour-up -
200/400 - 1:40
300/600 - 2:00
400/800 - 2:20
600/1200 - 2:40
800/1600 - 3:00
- break - colour-up -
1000/2000 - 3:20
1500/3000 - 3:40
2000/4000 - 4:00
3000/6000 - 4:20
4000/8000 - 4:40
- break - colour-up -
5000/10000 - 5:00
6000/12000 - 5:20
8000/16000 - 5:40
10000/20000 - 6:00

Pay-outs: Prizes for ~ 25% of participants, rounded to the nearest $5:

- 1st - 2nd - 3rd - 4th
5 to 8 - 65% - 35% - n/a - n/a
9 to 12 - 55% - 30% - 15% - n/a
13 to 18 - 50% - 27% - 15% - 8%

Cash games:
Tournaments will generally be followed by cash games, which can start as soon as we combine tables and play until... well, until everybody leaves (3am is fine with me). We will usually play 25¢/50¢ NLHE with maximum buy-in of $60, where you may re-load / top-up to $60 (or less) at any time between hands, preferably in $5 increments. No "going south"; when you cash out, you're done for the night (at least at that table). If you can't make the tournament but wish to join us for the cash game (probably starting by 5:00pm on Saturday), that's cool too; just give me a call or text message and I'll confirm that there's sufficient interest. And please be patient with me if I'm playing in the cash game and have tournament director and/or host duties to perform.

Schedule (may change with little notice):
[strike]Sept 30[/strike]
[strike]Oct 14[/strike]
[strike]Oct 28[/strike]
[strike]Nov 27[/strike] <- Saturday afternoon!
Dec 9 <- PLO cash game!

Other info: BYOB. Smoking on the balcony only. I might provide some munchies, but players are expected to have eaten dinner prior to playing. Tournament results are automatically collected by a customized version of The Tournament Director. By participating, you implicitly permit me to upload/post tournament results at and to post the occasional hand history and/or photo at,, and/or (see here for a typical example). If you don't want your picture posted online, please let me know.

If you are interested in attending the next game, or want to be automatically notified in advance of these games, please PM me your email address and I'll add you to the list.

Original OP quoted for posterity:
iNano78 wrote:
I'm running a regular biweekly game in Ottawa's north-east end, about 20 minutes from the Byward Market. The format is a NLHE tournament (18 players max) followed by low-stakes cash games that start when the tournament combines tables. Tournaments are $20 buy-in NLHE freeze-out, with optional $20 "last longer" side prize pool for the high(er) rollers (typically gets ~ 50% participation). Cash games are often 25¢/50¢ NLHE ($60 max), but sometimes we get a mixed game going, especially if we have two tables of players for the cash game (games can include PLHE/PLO, PLO8, Crazy Pineapple, or sometimes a fixed-limit table including anything from HORSE + 27TD). All tournaments and cash games are rake-free.

In the winter/spring, I held tournaments starting at 2pm on Saturday afternoons - and the cash games would often run into the wee hours of the morning. I'm currently debating between sticking with Saturday afternoons/evenings, or moving it to Friday nights after work (starting around 7pm). I'll post the decision later; meanwhile, please let me know if you're interested, and feel free to indicate a preference between Friday or Saturday.

I usually have some snacks on hand, and we might order in pizza between tournament and cash game so plan accordingly. BYOB.

Please post here to indicate interest, and/or private message me. If you include your email address in a message, I'll include you on my regular invitation list.





  • Sounds interesting - how do i contact you for more info

    Poker Casinos Canada
  • Hi there -

    I'm (probably) starting a good-length stint in Ottawa this week for work. Depending on a number of factors, I may or may not be there on weekends as well. I would have a VERY slight (~5%) preference for Saturday, but Fri/Sat wouldn't be a deal-breaker for me.

    Contact info PM'd.
  • Hi!! I'm interested! I PM'd you :-)
  • Sorry for the delay. Still trying to figure out what day works best, as I'm away most weekends until December. Might make it Thursdays, starting this week. Will make an announcement Monday.
  • Good. I'm ok for thursday :) I'll check back the board monday
  • Hi again! I made an little announcement on my regular poker message board (mainly people for Quebec, but their is some people from Ottawa too)

    People will maybe send you a message :) Feel free to include or not people as u wish :)

    Peek: Poker bi-mensuel à Ottawa - Forum PrincePoker
  • martytess wrote: »
    Hi again! I made an little announcement on my regular poker message board (mainly people for Quebec, but their is some people from Ottawa too)

    People will maybe send you a message :) Feel free to include or not people as u wish :)

    Peek: Poker bi-mensuel à Ottawa - Forum PrincePoker

    C'est bon. :)
  • I've got 2-3 players coming after 9pm just for the cash game, but the tourney at 7pm is somewhat anemic with only 6 players at the moment. Looking for a few more to fill out Table 1, not to mention lots of room for overflow onto Table 2 (which will be set up so the cash game doesn't have to wait for the tourney to end).

    This is a terrific opportunity to meet more amateur poker players from the Ottawa area. Message me if you're interested. And for those attending, feel free to bring a friend (esp for tournament at 7pm) - just let me know how many are coming.
  • not computer literate
    not sure if im posting correctly
    id like to play in your tournaments
    cant make thursday nights until i change work schedule, any other time is fine.
    please inform me via email tournament schedules and i can reply if and when im coming with how many people.

    very interessted so please reply

    thank you
  • please email me times, directions etc. i can start playing thursdays in a few weeks, any other day until then. :)

  • Hi, I'm interested in your game this week, what night is it? Are you looking for 1 or 2 more players?

    please email me as i'm new to this forum and don't want to miss your response

  • Email sent re: next game. By the way, they're every other Thursday. So far there's lots of room, and it's first-RSVP-first-served, so please punish the "regulars" by reserving a seat before them ... to teach them to RSVP earlier next time! :)
  • Bump.

    Game going this Thursday. Have seats. Need a few more asses to fill them. ;)

    PM me if you're interested in joining us.
  • Thursday evenings proved less than optimal for most regulars... so switching back to Saturday afternoons, at least temporarily, now that I have a few weekends in Ottawa.

    PM me if you're interested.
  • Bump for this Saturday. Have one table full so far. Will have the Leafs/Sens game on, and at least one Leafs fan in attendance... so let the trash-talking commence.
  • Hey iNano, I'm a newbie but looking to see if there's a seat still available for this weekend? questions though,, Did I read correctly? you play with 2 decks? and what does 20$ freeze outs mean?
  • DaNutz7367 wrote: »
    Hey iNano, I'm a newbie but looking to see if there's a seat still available for this weekend? questions though,, Did I read correctly? you play with 2 decks? and what does 20$ freeze outs mean?

    its winter
  • DaNutz7367 wrote: »
    Hey iNano, I'm a newbie but looking to see if there's a seat still available for this weekend? questions though,, Did I read correctly? you play with 2 decks? and what does 20$ freeze outs mean?

    PM sent. Would be great if you could make it.
    GTA Poker wrote: »
    its winter

  • Omaha_Nebraska.jpg

    cash game this Thursday @ 7pm. Friendly 10¢/25¢ blinds with a broad buy-in range from min $5 to max $40 (20 to 160 x BB). Unlimited re-buys/top-ups. PM me if interested.

    As of right now, I have 5 "yes" and 4 "maybe". Would like 1 or 2 more confirmed players to guarantee it's a "go". We will return to biweekly NLHE tourney + cash games in 2011.
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