Somebody Please Explain

The Major League Baseball trade deadline.

Wats the point if you can still trade after it?


  • It's actually the non-waiver deadline.

    They need to clear waivers after the deadline making a trade a bit more difficult as teams that are lower in the standings can claim the player off waivers. Then you either trade to the claiming team or take your player back.

    The no trade deadline is September 1.
  • /MLB school

    thank you sir
  • Not right. You can trade any time you like but after the waiver deadline the player must clear waivers first and after Sept. 1 traded players can not play in the playoffs. Also any team can make a waiver claim but the last claim always goes to the lowest team in the standings otherwise the last place team could waive any player they want. Duh.


    Two ways to get a player through waivers. Either the guy sucks and no-one wants him or his contract is so overpriced that no-one is willing to pay his salary.

    Also sometimes there will be a gentleman's agreement to a team that would normally block the trade by making a waiver claim to ship some minor leaguer after the season is over in exchange for not making a claim. ;)

    Waivers are recallable so if someone puts in a claim and a deal can't be worked out then the team can yank him back if they don't want to lose him for nothing.

    That is how we dumped Rios. Chicago claimed him off waivers and TO let him go for nothing because his contract was ridonkulous.
  • I'm sure the redsox will be asking for overbay this week.
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