Florida Poker room road trip?

Seriously considering a Florida poker junket sometime in the not too distant future. There are a number of times over the next few months that I can fly from Detroit to some Florida locations for $80. or less, direct return, all taxes in. Now with poker opened up to normal NL buyins recently there has to be a ton of really poor players giving it a shot... Kinda thought maybe get 2-3 guys together and do a traveling road show... Rent a car, plot out a route and give several rooms a shot.. FYI here is a website that shows some of the poker rooms in Florida... Any interest? Figure we would need 8-10 days to do it properly since Florida is a big state...

Poker rooms in Florida


  • moose wrote: »

    when do we leave?
  • two days after vegas>?
  • moose wrote: »
    two days after vegas>?

    you need that much recovery time?
  • Nah they mostly use ceramics.

    When do the Leafs play tbay?
  • moose wrote: »

    When do the Leafs play tbay?
    Tue, Nov 9th..... book it..
  • You're not retiring to Florida, are you? :D (waiting for the ban hammer....)

    If it wasn't so soon after Vegas I'd be in. Maybe if I score big :) I've always wanted to get down there. So much cool stuff to see and do. (Universal Studios, Bush Gardens, NASA Space Center, Miami Dolphins game, amazing golf courses, etc)

    Hope you guys have a good time!
  • JohnnieH wrote: »
    You're not retiring to Florida, are you? :D (waiting for the ban hammer....)

    If it wasn't so soon after Vegas I'd be in. Maybe if I score big :) I've always wanted to get down there. So much cool stuff to see and do. (Universal Studios, Bush Gardens, NASA Space Center, Miami Dolphins game, amazing golf courses, etc)

    Hope you guys have a good time!
    Screw that, I'll retire in Vegas if anywhere... And for seeing that stuff, been there, done that, if this trip happens it will a tour of as many Florida poker rooms as I could fit in......
    And I don't plan on this costing much, if anything. It will be funded by the new NLH players throughout Florida.... I think 4 people would be about right for a road trip like this...
  • Would you consider a real road trip. Like we use to do before orville. 4 guys in a car are there in 20 hours each getting 15 hours naptime. You spend that much time waiting in airports and rental car offices.
  • screenman wrote: »
    Would you consider a real road trip. Like we use to do before orville. 4 guys in a car are there in 20 hours each getting 15 hours naptime. You spend that much time waiting in airports and rental car offices.
    You mean drive to Florida? Been there, done that as well, although that was years ago. At some times I can get Spirit flights for under $100. Gas would cost more than that and travel time if we fly out of Detroit (including airport waiting time) is about 9 hrs max.. Do you not like flying?
  • compuease wrote: »
    You mean drive to Florida? Been there, done that as well, although that was years ago. At some times I can get Spirit flights for under $100. Gas would cost more than that and travel time if we fly out of Detroit (including airport waiting time) is about 9 hrs max.. Do you not like flying?

    Awesome girlfriend has shown she's able to get flights on Spirit for $9 each way. Just sayin.

    And if you're seriously going to be down there around Nov 9th, I'll be there too! We're going to St. Pete's Beach for Nov 8-12. Might be able to sneak away and play poker. It's legal to drug women on vacation so you can go play poker right?
  • Cerberus wrote: »
    Awesome girlfriend has shown she's able to get flights on Spirit for $9 each way. Just sayin.
    lol, I must be even awesomer..... I can get flights sometimes for $1. each way depending on destination/time... Actually anyone who is a Spirit Air member can.... :) Real price turns out to be something like $60-80 . when you add in the applicable airport taxes... Still great deals tho..

    Just sayin.... ;)
  • Just returned from Florida and playing a bit of poker. I saw and played in a few very nice very active poker rooms with lot's of action.
    Isle Casino in Pompano Beach(just north of Ft. Lauderdale) was the nicest of the rooms. They had a cracked aces promotion going every day from 9-10:30 in the morning paying $500!!! I played here two mornings and it was paid out 6 times at my tables in those days but sadly I could not lose with aces when I had them! I believe this promotion was just for September but all the rooms have different promotions and draws going on.
    Hollywood Hard rock was also a good room and the the best overall casino atmosphere I have seen anywhere outside Vegas and as good as anywhere in vegas IMO.
    Poker rooms at Flagler dog track and Dania Jai Alai were dives and had an underground feel altough Jai Alai is worth the visit to watch it.
    Best of luck if you guys make it down there.
  • Appreciate the info.. Will definitely take your input under advisement....
  • I would be interested - I got vacation days to burn up anyways
  • When would you be interested, for how long and when can you commit? If we're going to do this before xmas we'll have to book at least flights soon. Not sure if Moose is still interested, he mentioned that he wasn't really interested in doing a circuit, more of a flyin, play in a few spots in that area and fly out. Seem like the two main areas are Miami/Ft Lauderdale and Tampa but I believe they are are 4-5 hrs apart. If we can get 2-4 guys to commit, I can plan a route,etc that would take in as many poker rooms as we can manage.
  • Example, I could get us round trip direct flights Detroit to Ft Lauderdale, Sept 15-23 right now for $55. total each, with taxes included... Expect similar at other times through the fall..
  • I probably can't do more than 7 days realistically. Let me look at the logistics this week and get back to you.
  • compuease wrote: »
    When would you be interested, for how long and when can you commit? If we're going to do this before xmas we'll have to book at least flights soon. Not sure if Moose is still interested, he mentioned that he wasn't really interested in doing a circuit, more of a flyin, play in a few spots in that area and fly out. Seem like the two main areas are Miami/Ft Lauderdale and Tampa but I believe they are are 4-5 hrs apart. If we can get 2-4 guys to commit, I can plan a route,etc that would take in as many poker rooms as we can manage.

    In answer to this, I can go mid/late Nov for I guess up to 7-10 days. Don't really want to go for more than 7 days realistically. Ideally I would want to hit up some sporting events along the way as well so I'm not sure if that will be your cup of tea.

    Let me know if you're still in for this.
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