WE ARE MOVING SOON, We will be switcing forum software in the coming days. I am not sure of the exact time and date but sometime this week. I will do my best to make sure the disruption is as little as possible but the site could be down for a good hour for the move. If you want to know about the new forum sofware please visit this Discussion

Thanks and goodnight

I cherish this forum and the members here. I have learned a lot and I will continue to learn a lot. As a tip of my hat to this group I am giving you a sneak peek at the January issue of Dave's Desk. I will continue to take an active part in the forum. And, thanks to this group in particular for their past and future support of Canadian Poker Player Magazine.


Column name: From Dave’s Desk

Title: Thanks and goodnight

By Dave Scharf

Most importantly this month, I want to apologize to Kevin Kammavong of Calgary. Kevin was the subject of last month’s Poker Player Spotlight. Although his name was correct throughout the magazine, we misspelled his name on our cover. Unfortunately, what’s done is done and all I am able to do is offer my sincere apology. I am sorry.

On a positive note, it was very cool to see Kevin, the Canadian Poker Tour money leader, dealing the final table at the Elbow River Inn’s CPT Major Event on December 11, 2004.

Second most importantly, I am saying “goodbye” to Canadian Poker Player and the Canadian Poker Tour. This will be my last issue as the editor of this magazine. I have made some mistakes this past year. Nonetheless, I am very proud of this magazine. It has been an honor to be associated with such an erudite group of writers. And, I am most proud of my role in co-founding the first year of the Canadian Poker Tour.

Stepping aside has not been an easy decision for me personally. People who know me know what a passion I have for poker. I play about 1,000 hours a year – not as many as a professional player, but enough to be considered a very serious hobbyist. I spend many more hours than that every year thinking, talking, and writing about poker. In fact, it may be because of my passion for poker that I need to move on. I am not, at present, spending enough time with my two sons (ages 8 and 5), nor am I spending enough time playing poker to be content. I need to simplify my life and return to those basic things that make me happy – my family, my job as a radio announcer with C95 in Saskatoon, and playing poker. Life has become too complicated.

I want to say thank you to the remarkable group of casino staff that share a passion for poker. I have met dealers, floor staff, and managers from casinos right across Canada in my brief year here. Your passion for the game and dedication to your customers – the players – is awesome. In particular I want to name Terry Cavadini from Casino Nova Scotia, Marc Bilodeau from Casino Rama, Lee Athias from Great Blue Heron Casino, Max Dressler, Les Cloutier, and Stacey Delwo from Casino Regina, Len Vadeboncoeur from the Emerald Casino, Joe Chapple, Mike O-Connor, and Deb Olson from Cash Casino, Remi Tetreault from Elbow River Inn, Joanne Jost from ABS Casinos, and Daryl McCullough from Great Canadian Casinos. I missed more people than I named. Sufficed to say, in the midst of this poker-tidal-wave sweeping the world, the Canadian poker industry is in good hands. Thanks to all of you for your support of the inaugural season of the Canadian Poker Tour – over $1 million has been paid out in the first ten weeks of the season.

And, of course, I want to say thank you to the players for your support. I have received email from every single province and territory in Canada over the past year. Poker players have the reputation of being complainers. I have had my share of complaints this past year, but the overwhelming majority of email has been supportive of our efforts. There is a desire out there for a Canadian national poker magazine and, for the most part, we have been living up to expectation. Thank you for your support and encouragement – your kind words have gone a long way this past year.

I am now, like many of you, a subscriber, a supporter, and a cheerleader. May you have the good luck to be busted by me in second place at the next tournament we meet each other.


  • Whatever your reasons are for leaving, and i'll assume them to be private, I as a reader on this forum have found your thoughts, contributions to this site and more importantly to poker in canada in general to be monumental.

    I hope we always have a resource like you around, i know it's made me a better poker player.
  • Sorry to see you go Dave but I am glad it is for great reasons. Enjoy your return to some sort of normality. :wink:

    Cheers :D
  • I agree with esool and Chugs...thanks very much, Dave!
  • Now we get you all to ourselves Muhuhuhahahaa!!

    No really, what a respectable reason to leave a busy and complicated situation. Thanks for the well-deserved kudos that you gave this "group" of people here, what a great group of friends we have here.

  • Congrats on your efforts up to this point Dave. I'm not sure there would even be a CPT without enthusiam like yours. Good luck in all your future ventures.
  • Besides the messages I've sent you privately, I'd also like to add publicly that you rock, Dave.

    All the best with your new (or renewed) activities, poker and otherwise.

  • Even though I have not posted a great deal in here , I have still been comming here often to read up on any helpful tips you have given to others.. Thanks for all the all the info and dedication you have provided!
  • Thank you Dave. You have helped start some huge projects for poker in Canada, and you should be proud of your accomplishments!

    Good job, and enjoy the next stages in your life.
  • Poker would not be where it is in Canada without Dave's contributions, on so many levels.

    Thanks Dave, and we look forward to your continued contributions.

  • I am not, at present, spending enough time with my two sons (ages 8 and 5), nor am I spending enough time playing poker to be content. I need to simplify my life and return to those basic things that make me happy – my family, my job ]

    At least your leaving for all the right reasons.

    Myself like everyone else at this forum,and everyone who plays poker across this country is very sorry to lose someone like you at the helm of our collective poker voice.

    Thank you for everything youve done to improve the game in canada, you will be missed

    Good luck
  • Dave,

    Once again you've made a great decision with all the information you have. There is nothing more important than our families and the smiles on our kids faces will never be replaced by any pots, or tournament wins.

    When I came to this forum, I was wondering what the heck is different about a Canadian Poker player and why do we need a separate forum and magazine. As I've partipated, I've noticed the subtle differences in many ways including this one.

    When the forum went down, I was dying for some content. So, I dug up your WSOP report and watched your performance. I gotta say, I loved the shirt. Hope to see you there, and/or meet up with you sometime.

  • I was thinking of putting up a thread in the 'Ask Dave' forum about how to balance the demands of family, work and poker stardom. I guess you beat me to it!

    I'm sure this is an issue many forum members deal with.
  • As a newer member to the forum and a new subscriber to cpp I'd like to thank you for all you have done for poker in Canada.. Having only met you once and talking online you have inspired me to become a better poker player and hopfully a better person..

    I'm glad you plan to hang around this forum and hope your decisions are great for you and I look forward to hopfully meeting you again/ Beating you at the tables in the future..

    Cheers Mate!!
    Love the family first attitude and wish you the best..
    Darren Szmata
  • Dave...

    Thanks for all your efforts for poker in Canada. I have no doubt that the CPT will eventually get on TV and I'll have you to thank for all the great face time I end up getting!! (jk)

    I'm looking forward to the day when I finally get a chance to sit across the felt from you... and have the pain train run me down!!

    Kids are precious... (I have a 4 and 1 yr old)... so take care of them!!!
  • Thanks for all your efforts in supporting the poker scene in Canada.
  • Good luck on your future endeavors. Your book was the first that I bought and it was before I even knew about this forum. Hope to meet you one day.
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