Kitchener NL Hold'em August 28th 3:30PM



  • I am still in......thanks to babysitter
  • I need to know what the address is?
  • 2BULLETS wrote: »
    I need to know what the address is?

    It is on the directions you were sent. I will resend.
  • VERY sorry but I won't be able to make it today. :(
  • Sorry Buzzard. I can't make it either. I don't mean to bail on real short notice. I was hoping to come but stuff going on here has me tied up.
    Once again sorry.
  • Hey buzz if seats are still available could I reserved 2 if 1 is wait list throw my guest in there all ill wat list it... Thanks
  • kaye won't be able to make it
  • Just leaving Milton in 2 min, may be late... If it's not too much trouble could Moose or someone I know well pay my $60. to Buzzzard before 3:25 so I get my full 10k chips? I need it! Appreciate it very much.. I'm good for it, I think..
  • Hi Dave, my plus one has bailed. I'm on my way.
  • Friend pulled out. Ill still be there! See ya soon
  • might be just a touch late thanks !:biggrin2:
  • folded wrote: »
    Tom Dwan will still be there!

    Foldedd makes this guy look like Compuease at the felt. Good lucky and fair warning to all today, wish I could be there, crazy work thing gets in the way.

    Prophet 22
  • Foldedd makes this guy look like Compuease at the felt. Good lucky and fair warning to all today, wish I could be there, crazy work thing gets in the way.

    Prophet 22

    EPIC cash game. Dave ran out of chips. Serious.
  • Foldedd makes this guy look like Compuease at the felt. Good lucky and fair warning to all today, wish I could be there, crazy work thing gets in the way.

    Prophet 22

    Thanks for hosting Dave....
    Couldn't catch a flop today in the cash game.. but the quarter $50 max saved me lots...

    Final hand was a beauty - 3 all ins. 2 pocket 10's and AK ....

    K on the flop...

    til next time..
  • moose wrote: »
    EPIC cash game. Dave ran out of chips. Serious.

    What the what?!
  • Thanks for hosting Dave. Excellent tourney, will make it back to defend next month I hope.
  • JohnnieH wrote: »
    What the what?!

    Remember the High Stakes poker episode where Durr sucks out bad and wins a million dollars. Imagine that except without the suckout. The allin in preflop with 6 high was a good one. Also Waltsfriend misreading her hand and calling allin with no pair on the river, which happened to be good, that was another interesting hand.

    After the hand posted above which went waltsfriend raise $2.50, I flat, Roger makes it $15, Pete flats, folded calls dark, waltsfirend reraises to $40, I fold, Roger folds, Pete pushes for $91, folded shoves for less, Waltsfriend calls, I think she was up over $600.
  • Thanks Dave, fun time, my first cash :)
  • Great game once again Dave !! Looking forward to the next one.
  • Great Tourney Dave, happy to grab 3rd spot in my second appearance at your place. Look forward to next Month!
  • After a whole bunch of sign ups and a whole bunch of cancellations, we ended up with 36 players for HPT 23. After a long gruelling day, STR82ACE ended up winning in his first start here. He won a huge pot in the last hand of level 8, when he called Juice's preflop allin. AJ took quite a bit of time calling, only because he had just moved to the table and hadn't seen Juice doing the same play with rags time and again. His AK held up against a bunch of crap and he was on his way to victory.
    After missing the July tournament, The Aux followed up his June win, with a strong second place finish. happyhammer06 made the drive from Burlington worthwhile by cashing 3rd.
    The host had a different day in the tournament. I didn't play a hand for the first 2-1/2 hours other then the few big blinds where nobody raised. When I did play my first hand with a preflop raise, most of the table mucked without even looking at their cards. Hopefully my new tight image will let me get away with a few bluffs next month.
    The new late rule had its first casualties. We ended up with 2 players who ended up with only $9,000 chips. The no exceptions policy is alive and will stay for all remaining tournaments. All feedback to this rule have been extremely positive and everybody that has commented has liked that we are starting right at 3:30.
    I thought we were going to have a whole crew of first time Forumers. It has been a long time since I had to send that many players directions on how to get here. Unfortunately all but two of them cancelled. It was nice to have STR82ACE here. I have played in the same tournies as him many times in the past and am glad he was able to make one here. With his win, I am sure he will be back for more of the easy money. Also it was a pleasant surprise to have 2BULLETS here for the game. It has been a long time since he has played and I am glad that he made his return to poker at the HPT. Hopefully, Jeremy will be back again also.
    The cash game was something else. moose wasn't kidding when he said I ran out of chips. waltsfriend was the big winner, but at least four players cashed out for well over $200. :) More $25 chips have been ordered and hopefully they will be here next month. Hopefully folded is here with them. He is the only person to ever felt me with 2-3 and still have me laughing so hard that I had tears in my eyes.
    Thanks, as always, to everybody who helped make the day a huge success by dealing or helping to clean up. The Cooks, waltsfriend, Little_Brother, Troy and others make these tournaments much easier to run.
    The next tournament is tentatively scheduled for September 25th at 3:30. Hopefully for this one, I will wait till we get to 20 players before I collapse the third table. What the hell, it took me 23 tournaments to make a mistake. Sorry about that and I will try to make sure it doesn't happen again.

    Final Unofficial Results

    36. The Coordinator
    35. Little_Brother
    34. mmoose
    33. folded
    32. Tony
    31. bifslik77
    30. waltsfriend
    29. Shopsy
    28. Dona
    27. proffisher
    26. shaznaz75
    25. Bill B.
    24. woog23
    23. Gargoyle
    22. moose
    21. David F.
    20. Juice
    19. compuease
    18. Cvette
    17. Buzzzardd
    16. flash05
    15. lazyant
    14. 2BULLETS
    13. Aaron
    12. damanj16
    11. Nayr_Eh
    10. chrisrowl111
    9. Troy
    8. Lori
    7. djgolfcan (Bubble)
    6. Botmac ($130)
    5. sstar ($175)
    4. BrennerM ($235)
    3. happyhammer06 ($325)
    2. The Aux ($475)
    1. STR82ACE ($820)
  • Great game Dave. Made even better by a victory for me ;) Well run game, well organized, and great group of players. Definitely will be back for more.

    Got lucky against Lori when we were 8 handed. I called her small preflop raise with KJo, hoping to catch a flop. Flop comes down AQrag, and she pushes. I had her covered but it was almost 1/3 of my stack. I took quite a bit of time to calculate the pot and estimate the other stacks on the table and determined that if I didn't win this one, I was still in good shape, and eventually called. Surprised me to see KK, and I was heartbroken, until I went runner runner club to flush out and win the pot. Sorry Lori, that was a horrible beat.

    From there, I had a very healthy portion of total chips in play and just waiting and picked my spots carefully. Headsup was quick, over in like 7 or 8 hands I think, but I had a dominating stack by this point, at least 3 or 4 to 1 or more, and Aux couldn't catch a break. GG Aux and hammer...enjoyed playing everyone on the final table.
  • Good fun AJ - Look forward to the next meeting
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