Cash game in Ottawa this Saturday

In case anybody's looking for a rake-free game in the capital region this weekend...

Cash game at my place on Saturday, August 14. Start time is 4pm, but if you prefer to show up later, that's cool. We'll play well into the wee hours (3am?). BYOB, and we'll probably order in some pizza and/or Swiss Chalet.

Two tables:

  • Table 1: No Limit Hold Me
    25¢/50¢, $10 min - $60 max

  • Table 2: "6-game" = H.O.R.S.E. + 27TD (fixed limit)
    $1.50/$3 bet limits (25¢ ante / 50¢ bring-in for 7CS games; 75¢ SB / $1.50 BB for flop/draw games)

Please message me if you're interested. As of Thurs Aug 12, we've got 5-6 for NLHE and 4-5 for 6-game. I have a feeling that the NLHE table will fill up at the last minute, so RSVP ASAP if you want a seat. And if we can't get at least 6 for 6-game, we might compromise with PLO or Texas Fold'em at Table 2.


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