Game 2 This Thursday

Okay, with the first game in the books already, its time to start the list for the next game. Thursday night, 8pm.

Who's In??
TheForgottenOneAgain (Sorry Dave)


  • Sure . . .
  • Well, Seeing as I have to bring your table back and all , I might as well play poker too. See you then.. lol
  • I'll be there.
  • I'll be is my goal to win at least one 90/10 this year :D
  • Hi there,

    Please count me in and also PM me the directions.

  • shaznaz75 wrote: »
    Hi there,

    Please count me in and also PM me the directions.


    You have mail! Welcome to The Hill!
  • Sorry AJ but i can't make this game. I'm heading down to GBH tomorrow and i have the WSOP game at my place on Friday. To much poker makes for a unpleasant wife. I'll see you on game 3
  • What's goin on people of the hill!? I'm In.
  • Hey guys, how late does the game usually last?
  • For some...8:15

    For most, around 10 or 10:30

    For one or two...around 11 or so, usually all done by 11:30...unless there are two HUGE rocks going headsup.
  • be a good place to put the Holter monitor to the test lol. I'm in
  • Bumpity bump

    Lots of room open for more players. I expect Kris to show up, not sure about a couple of others. New players always welcome.
  • STR82ACE wrote: »
    For the host...8:15

    For most, around 10 or 10:30

    For one or two...around 11 or so, usually all done by 11:30...unless there are two HUGE rocks going headsup.

    Fixed it for you, AJ.
  • OK

    Will message if unable to attend

    Milton Slim
  • ddmilcan wrote: »

    Will message if unable to attend

    Milton Slim

    The magic card is a special one this evening. all the more reason you should be in attendance.
  • Wetts1012 wrote: »
    The magic card is a special one this evening. all the more reason you should be in attendance.

    Yea...its the one we put on the BOTTOM of the deck! >:D
  • STR82ACE wrote: »
    Yea...its the one we put on the BOTTOM of the deck! >:D

    The magic card, for your information, is never napkins.
  • card of choice at golf last night!

    Boffo Biff!! Good Choice!

    Milton Slim
  • Gotta work late, dont think I will be able to make it.
  • Same place as last week?
  • Icedog wrote: »
    Same place as last week?
    Same Place every week..
    AJ I dropped your table off....
  • Icedog wrote: »
    Same place as last week?

    Yep...same Bat Time...same Bat channel
    HVEEPOKER wrote: »
    AJ I dropped your table off....

    I see that...Thanks Ron

    Harwood...shouldn't you suddenly be coming down with something right about now??
  • STR82ACE wrote: »
    Yep...same Bat Time...same Bat channel

    I see that...Thanks Ron

    Harwood...shouldn't you suddenly be coming down with something right about now??
    Your Welcome and thanks again for lending it to me . I am going to be real close for time getting there again. Appt with our agent at 7.
    Have to get out by 7:30
  • Actually, you have lots of time. You have until the end of the second blind level to arrive, which would be about 8:40pm
  • STR82ACE wrote: »
    Actually, you have lots of time. You have until the end of the second blind level to arrive, which would be about 8:40pm
    Sorry. I have to bow out tonight. Offer in on the house, so I have to stick around. I will be back next week.
  • So who won tonight?

    Damned if I can remember his name >:D But he did get monster hands all night long and never went below 2000 after the first blind level. Headsup action had him against IceDog with pocket 6's against KJo. The pair held up and Icedog cursed KJo as he walked out the door with second place money.

    Third place was Jason and Darryl bubbled.

    Great game everyone. Hope to see everyone back next week.
  • Anonymous...
    very effective from a tax stand point

    Milton Slim

    Not completely buying into the magic card....
    I think we need to know the card at least 24 hours ahead.
    So we can make friends!
  • ddmilcan wrote: »
    very effective from a tax stand point

    Milton Slim

    Not completely buying into the magic card....
    I think we need to know the card at least 24 hours ahead.
    So we can make friends!

    congrats.... I think..
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