Holt Poker Tour

The next event is now tentatively scheduled for August 28th. I will post the sign up or a new date approximately two weeks before then.


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  • This is still only tentative so I am not taking sign ups yet. Besides if people saw just you and I signed up, they might think it is a seniors tournament.
  • Buzzzardd wrote: »
    This is still only tentative so I am not taking sign ups yet. Besides if people saw just you and I signed up, they might think it is a seniors tournament.

    You mean it isn't?
  • Buzzzardd wrote: »
    Besides if people saw just you and I signed up, they might think it is a seniors tournament.

    Nope...but definitely a Fishing Derby ;)

    I'm going to do my damnest to get to your next game. Hopefully, it won't clash with any other plans THIS time.
  • Buzzzardd wrote: »
    The next event is now tentatively scheduled for August 28th. I will post the sign up or a new date approximately two weeks before then.

    Almost 2 weeks til the 28th. Any word yet on this date being firm?

    Prophet 22
  • If it is the 28th, I want to add 2 more players to the list. My brothers and I are getting together that weekend for a crap load of golf, some poker, and maybe watch that new fangled wrassling match they call the UFC or something like that.
  • Your wish is my command. See new tournament thread for sign up.
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