well that was fun, warning strong language

Just had me and my whole family had a shouting match with our crazy neighbor, weeeeeeeeeeeeeee it was fun, started off with my dad and her because her stupid mutt keeps coming on our property and pissing on it and she lets it roam free no leash or anything.

So my sister goes to the door and sees what she is still carrying on about and she starts yelling at my sister, so I come to the door and she starts yelling at me to get back in my house, I am in my house you crazy bitch, and I said same goes with your daughter.(police have been there several times already).

That's right fuck with me cause I am crazier then you bitch by a million,

muahahahahahahahak,l yes yes yes , come on fuck with me!!!!!!

That goes for some of you fuckers on here too, and this just gets me warm up for court in a month's time when I will kill the fucking bastards who screwed me and there won't be enough useless cops to stop me.

tldr version

-come home,yelling match starts with my dad and neighbor
-crazy bitch comes onto our property and gets in my dad's face
-she goes on how she is going to call the cops and sue us, hahahahaha
-dad says well they have been to your place enough times.
-she starts yelling at my sister and I
-I call her a dumb crazy bitch.:)

Back to regular programming until we see her again,lol :P


  • I once read a book called 'emotional intellegence' its recommened by nearly every pro or author, from every art or sport that ive read about. one of the main themes is the emotional part of the brain actually cuts out the logic center of the brain. So when you get 'emotional' you literally and actually lose your ability to use logic.

    Knowing this it becomes obvious one should spend their time learning how to control their own emotions rather than mulling over plans to kill-all-the-muther-fuckers.

    Note: this is why punching the wall when you drunk seems like a good idea.
  • darbday wrote: »
    I once read a book called 'emotional intellegence' its recommened by nearly every pro or author, from every art or sport that ive read about. one of the main themes is the emotional part of the brain actually cuts out the logic center of the brain. So when you get 'emotional' you literally and actually lose your ability to use logic.

    Knowing this it becomes obvious one should spend their time learning how to control their own emotions rather than mulling over plans to kill-all-the-muther-fuckers.

    Note: this is why punching the wall when you drunk seems like a good idea.

    suuuuuuuuuuuuurrrrrrre............. I do feel better except I have a headache cause blood pressure is so high.

    To put into a poker prospective, I should be playing right now cause I will be super focused and up half the night now cause I am still shaking and that's not fear either except the fear of what I might actually do to whoever gets in my face next.

    I just might call up the bastards I am suing and raise some more shit, call the courthouse and raise shit with the idiot clerks, I have many people on my list,lololol.

    The days of me getting screwed and runned over are long gone my friend.
  • haha lets wait a bit and see what the other part of brain figures.
  • darbday wrote: »
    haha lets wait a bit and see what the other part of brain figures.

    meh, can't wait till the fall!!!, I will hopefully be done with this lawsuit shit, we are putting the house up for sale and moving out of this wacko neighborhood.(wish it was out of this hell hole city, but what can you do.)

    btw still no cops,lolollollol, but they are the most useless morons here anyway.

    Anyway like I said she will no doubt start up next time she sees anyone of us so something to look forward to, hahaha.

    I got my own shit to worry about anyway right now and I will say that to her.
  • hahahahahaha Derrick

    You got that right buddy!!
  • I'm starting to wonder when Philli is going to be in the MSM as the star player in a multi hour police stand-off . . . :-X
  • what is this law suit about?
  • Which one, the crazy neighbor saying she is suing us,lolol, or mine? If mine has to do with a car transaction and i just want to get it over with as it's the last bs thing I have to deal with from my past and can focus on the future.

    As for the crazy neighbor it has been peaceful which is good as I don't want to get involved in any of this crap, I tried to stay out of it but when you get in my family's face and start yelling at me I draw the line. She was watching out her back door last night while we bbq'd,lol.

    I should have filmed the incident for you guys, haha.

    I just want quite and peace so I can focus on poker and other stuff and hopefully I have some money to work with this weekend on the poker front, long weekend so should have plenty of time to play as well.(I hope)
  • If she's that bad, just put the wheels back on and move. ;)
  • Hobbes wrote: »
    If she's that bad, just put the wheels back on and move. ;)

    hehehe, we are planning to move in the fall,doing the carpets tomorrow and some odds and ends to fix the house up, that's why I am looking forward to that season. Too bad it has to be still in Barrie but can pray for a miracle to happen like me shipping the Sunday million or something.:D
  • Well it has started up again, what a nut bar this bitch is, 10:30 last night she and my dad had another shouting match, today she was standing outside waiting for my dad and she started going again saying she called the cops because my dad was harassing her,lololololololol

    Who is harassing who!!!!! I went to get the mail 1 day and there she was at the end of my driveway once again with her lil mutt running around loose on our property, she was ready to say something to me and I should have said something to her but I choose not too.

    I have a feeling Milo is going through the same thing as me and dealing with scumbags, am I right Milo?:wink2:
  • Leave me out of it, Philli . . .

    and I never suggested reporting her unleashed mutt to by-law enforcement, either. Nor did I suggest video evidence of same . . .
  • hahaha already done Milo, the police have just arrived, by law officers will be called next time and we will be taking pictures of her and her mutt if she is on our property again.
  • darbday wrote: »
    I once read a book called 'emotional intellegence' its recommened by nearly every pro or author, from every art or sport that ive read about. one of the main themes is the emotional part of the brain actually cuts out the logic center of the brain. So when you get 'emotional' you literally and actually lose your ability to use logic.

    Knowing this it becomes obvious one should spend their time learning how to control their own emotions rather than mulling over plans to kill-all-the-muther-fuckers.

    Note: this is why punching the wall when you drunk seems like a good idea.

    did you need a book to tell you that emotions aren't logical?

    i am actually scared of how many people do not consider this notion common sense. imho, making decisions based on emotions is obviously insane - that is, one ends up basing most or all of their important life decisions on completely arbitrary premises and principles.

    if one actually considers it, it's not hard to comprehend. for example, one can't explain the feeling of love in a logical way. one can't even choose who they love. many people love others who are completely bad for them, and they know this, but they can't change their feelings. some people get very angry or upset about things that they know are pointless and shouldn't bother them, yet they can't stop feeling that way. there are no logical reasons for these happenings. it just boils down to "well, that's just how i feel". obviously, there can be no logic involved in such emotional decisions.
  • Don't get darb going on the deep stuff trigs,haha:wink2:
  • ask GTA to ship you some of those 'special' dog biscuits that will put it out of your misery. Wasn't there a Dexter episode where he kidnapped the dog and gave it to another family? Think it was Dexter?
  • trigs wrote: »
    did you need a book to tell you that emotions aren't logical?

    the book just talks about the actual physical process that shows our logic center gets superseded by the emotional part. but you def nailed and yes i need a book to tell me that ^-^
  • trigs wrote: »
    did you need a book to tell you that emotions aren't logical?

    Hell no . . . that's my wife's job . . . :o

    I am so going to hell . . . >:D
  • pokerJAH wrote: »
    ask GTA to ship you some of those 'special' dog biscuits that will put it out of your misery. Wasn't there a Dexter episode where he kidnapped the dog and gave it to another family? Think it was Dexter?

    It was, except I don't think he kidnapped the dog. I think it was the woman that did it, it's just that the neighbour confronted him about it :)
  • OOH! Philli! Easy solution! Next time she gets yappy, tilt your head a little to the side, ask her if she's ever seen the show Dexter, say nothing else, add an evil smile and walk away. :D
  • Don't forget the "Jack" eyes while you're doing it . . . for reference, watch The Shining . . .
  • Philli, next time the dog is loose, you need to counter with this . . .

    <object width="480" height="385"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/gW_x-2MXrkI?fs=1&hl=en_US"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/gW_x-2MXrkI?fs=1&hl=en_US" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="480" height="385"></embed></object>

    It's video from the MGM Grand . . . trust me.
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