
  • Milo wrote: »

    last year just when i started playing poker i spent to weeks following Wikipedia link to Wikipedia link on world history of the last 100 or so years. (Made me wonder why eveyone hates Jewish people so much..... it turns out everyone's pissed at them for nailing jesus to the cross.)

    Anyways....after watching 'refer madness', it makes me realize how gullible those generations were. I don't doubt the haulocaust but it woulda been very easy to hide the real story. Would be interested in seeing another point of view, even if it wasn't valid.

    That being said i think many people of this time choose to believe it didn't happen, as in, they bury it down, and say these things didn't happen, don't happen, and won't happen.

    over 20 million rapes when russia invaded germany for the final onslaught i think i read. this was when we won.
  • The idea that Hitler killed more Russians than Stalin is demonstrably false. Just ask any Ukrainian . . .
  • Milo wrote: »
    The idea that Hitler killed more Russians than Stalin is demonstrably false. Just ask any Ukrainian . . .

    that i would take your word for.
  • That's pretty phuked up if you ask me.
    Hitler was a coward, just like all of the DIKTATER HEADS after him.
    He figured that the Germans were the master race and that everyone else was arse wipe. He hated the Jews with a passion, like most of the Middle East today.
    My Great Grandparents came over in the early 1900's from Berlin. Things were starting to change then and they new something big was going to happen, so they headed to Canada.
    In-laws from Poland; were placed in work camps and farms . Separated for about 4 years. They came over here after WW2. My wife has all of the documentation and a bunch of pictures. We found it in his house after he Died .
    My Grandfather went over as a young soldier during ww2. He fought against the homeland. I remember him telling me about what he saw. Scared the crap out of me.
    Anyway, My father-in law was working on a farm. The Gestapo came for him one night. They were going to kill him. He worked hard on this farm and the farmer took a liking to him. He hid my father in law and basically saved his life.
    just a little tid bit for all to see.
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