Sick! Opinions wanted on Cash Casino Red Deers $5000+300 Aug. 6th/2010

Just throwing this up to see what people think....So Cash Casino Red Deer is throwing a $5000 plus $300 on August 6th. Right now the start time time is set at 6pm. They plan to start with T20,000 and half hour blinds. The rumor is 20 players are interested.

Soooo. I have talked to the PLO crowd and they think they could be in. Red Deer is getting approvals to run a few sats just before, but they would have to be $550. Realistically, 15-20 players would make it a success in the eyes of those who want to play this.

And thats the fun part. Immediately after the initial e-mail was sent to let people know, some players went through the roof. They said this was the most retarded thing they have ever heard. If they had time to save or if it was advertised months in advance this would work, but otherwise, it will never fly.

The blind levels were also a cause of concern. Short for this size. At best the players might go to 45 minutes if they can get a noon or 2 start, which from the interested players point of view is a must. The players who requested the game thought, lets play but not make a WSOP out of it. The PLO guys seem to agree.

I think this this is great example of how the "levels" of play really pan out and put things into perspective. These guys are by no means better than a ton of less bankrolled players, but they can play when ever and where ever they want. The reason the start date is so soon is so the interest stays not builds and essentially, this is a huge private game with an open invite.

On one side of the coin is this; if you need a ton of notice and thought, this probably isn't a game for you. Most players I have spoken to that play at the higher stakes can be anywhere at anytime. They plan last minute, because well, could be fun. The fact that it is in Red Deer makes it convenient to players from Calgary and Edmonton and a short flight for players from Vancouver or Toronto. Talking to guys that play multiple WSOP events, they take kinda of a shit or get off the pot approach. You go down looking to break even or win big, but there is no need to stick around in between. If only 20 people play it is a 5k risk to win 30-40k, but you only have to beat 19. On any given night the players at this level will risk 5k at the cash game and if they come out 30k ahead it was one hell of a good day.
It is also a great opportunity to network with players who are other wise out of touch with casino and tournaments, as they just aren't that involved in the medium stakes.

On the other side of the coin, players say this is a disaster situation. It stinks of poor planning (or would appear to be so to the general public) and hurts the reputation of anyone involved. Because it is a participating room, it needs to be a sanctioned CPT event, but the structures and inevitable "perceived" low turn out will look bad. The quicker format, while chosen by the players since the real money is always in the cash game after, looks terrible in relation to the buy in. A ton of money will be taken out of play that could be spread over larger series like the COPC and unfortunately, more often than not at least a few players will have their bankrolls crushed in the PLO aftermath, again taking large dollars out of the medium stakes community. There is also concerns about whether or not the room can be prepared to cater to the needs of the high stakes crowd. Comps, wire transfers, the fact that they kinda play by their own rules as the trust level is there.. banter, phones etc are always present. Those that aren't inner circle will certainly object and it just leads to arguments.

I like a few things about it, but can't disagree at all with the negatives.

a) Good on the Room for trying to make different things available and not always focusing on their "bottom line". They did the $500 HU and now this. Sure, they will do alright on the rake, but they didn't sit down for 3 months figuring out how to soak every dollar.

b) It looks good for Canadian players that bigger games are being catered to, only because it shows that we have enough whales to consider it. Each one should get bigger and already there is talk of making this annual. Like the Player invitational at WSOP or Tourney of Champs. Smaller field but all players with the money to bust each other up.

I have said enough, so lets poll and lets hear it!


  • I really don't see the problem here...if the structure is set, and the buy in set...people have the choice to play. No one is twisting their arms.

    The only way I can see it being an issue, when being CPT the player points allotment for the tourney. Many players that can't play on short notice, or don't like the structure, etc...will bitch and moan as they won't be playing and racking up points...

    Maybe I am misunderstood in how player points work and this won't be an issue??

    Risking 5k in a cash game is different than in a top heavy payout tourney.
  • tldr;

    They need to stop hosting these novel events in Red Deer and start heading North or South towards civilization. It makes no sense to hold them in such a minor centre.
  • I have to agree with GTA here.
    I would be surprised if anyone outside of Alberta even plays in this.
    NOT ENOUGH NOTICE. It sounds thrown together with very little planning. Not worth the time .
    I am very opinionated on a lot of subjects. The CPT is one of them .
    Very few if any events other than Calgary and Red Deer. And all in small venues.
    If I am going to invest 5k and my time in a tournament I would rather do it in a larger MTT atmosphere. I would rather risk it where I will get a maximum return on my time and money.
    5 k to play a 2 table tourney with 20 players to win 50k is almost like a bingo game. It's just a longer version of a sit n go imo.
    CPT has to get off their asses and promote the game all across the country. Especially here in Ont , Que and the Maratimes. More larger scale bigger buy-in events in the larger venues. More tournaments.

  • Sounds like this game will take money out the the poker economy.
    Therefore it's bad for poker players in general, except for the winners.
  • Lol @ 5K buyin with 30 minute blinds.....

    I would guess there will be an ultra low turnout for this event.....but, meh.

    If they want to run it, all the power....just wish they'd concentrate more on attracting poker players rather than shooters.....because that is all they will get for this kind of format.
  • Nothing but bingo players who won a seat through a satellite.
  • This tourney seems great. Im definitely down to come down for the day from edmonton. However, i cant really find much info about it on the casinos site or anything.
  • you find much, as it was just a private game that developed into an event. The Calgary PLO guys say they have 8. thursday a $550 super sat is being run to get a few more.
    20k stacks 30 min levels till 300-600 then 45 min. pay the reg by the 4th and get a steak dinner, otherwise you get a $15 meal voucher. 20 players is realistc, the side game is what everyone is after. Talked to the 5-10 table in Edmonton and a few big players said they would attend as well.

    Hope it helps.
  • Thanks for the help! Ill definitely come down on the friday. Will the cash game after be 25-50 you think? PLO prolly eh?
  • With the guys going I would say 25-50 would be a safe bet, DC or PLO. 10-25 minimum for sure. Keep an eye on this thread as if anything goes south on this I want to give notice. I am contacting the casino every few days to make sure and have spoken to one of the higher ups for the chain, so it all seems serious about running.
  • sounds like they got a 5k SNG with a post PLO game, not that we all didn't see that coming.
  • jontm wrote: »
    sounds like they got a 5k SNG with a post PLO game, not that we all didn't see that coming.

    except for you based on your previous posts
  • I was told there was 20 there before our local network. I discounted it to ten. With the Ten from here that would have been twenty. As it stands they are playing a full ring of 25-50 with a short wait list. Good on them for trying, even if the locals were blowing smoke up their asses. Either way the players we can count on are just going with it and having fun, happy that it is close for both Edmonton and Calgary. Who knows, next year?
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