Is Action Dead in London Ontario?

Hey Everyone

Just wondering if there are any 1/2 games in London, ON or has all the action dried up?


  • looks dead to me, im trying to find something any kind of a home game setting and nothing comes up!
  • That is soo strange... with the death of the Western Fair and the number of students, there has to be some game... If anyone hears of anything let me know... I am dying to get a game closer than driving to Windsor. I don't even consider Point Edward a good game...
  • Sadly it has been dead for the last 6-8 years.
  • If you are willing to drive 1.5 hrs east there are lots going on in Halton and Peel.
    Or if I may suggest all of you meet up and put a regular thing together. I am sure you could find a few more players.
  • I'd play in any games (low to mid-stake) in London during August, if there are any going.
  • 1/2 game in North London. We were a big hit during the school year 09-10 - looking to continue this summer and into the next school year. See my other post or contact
  • I am just putting a poker room in my basement and might be interested in hosting a game once a month throughout the winter. The table will seat 8 tight or 6 comfortably. I was thinking of a Friday night thing at maybe 7ish.
    I live in St Marys so a short drive from London.
    I would also come to games in London or area if others were interested in hosting another night throughout the winter.
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