Kw-wsop poker series!!! Please read

Hey guys, some of you may know me from buzzzards game as ive been a couple time and in the next month or 2 im going to attempt start a regular weekly tourney at my buddies place where a portion from the buy-in goes into a progressive WSOP pool which can be tracked each week if players request to ensure that it is legitimate.

Now players to be apart of this are going to be important and that is why im suggesting it on the forum.

This is how myself and my buddy are thinking of running and i would like your feedback:

BUY-IN $80($60+10+10)
*a donation to the house of $2-$5 for supplies would be ideal but not mandatory.

this is broken down as so;
$60 - into that days tournament
$10 - bounty chip
let me know how you guys feel about this

Start stack will be 10,000 value with 30 minute blinds, blinds starting at 25-50 with antes introduced later as the tournament progresses.

We were talking about the $1,500 seat including trip and $500 spending cash. Which will be given to the winner of the finale.
**With increasing popularity 2 packages may be rewarded**

How it will be determined...
50 Points - Appearance
10 Points - Ea. Bounty

Based on a field of 30 players
500 Pts - 1st Place
300 Pts - 2nd Place
200 Pts - 3rd Place
125 Pts - 4th Place
50 Pts - 5th Place

Top 16 in points will be eligible for the tournament finale.

*to reward higher points totals, the finale will have a staggered stack size depending on positions 1 through 16*

**to reward winning, you will be given an extra 200 chips for every win**

***If you win a tournament and are not in the top 16 you will still be eligible for the finale, you will be given 2000 less then the 16th qualifier plus your added 200 for the win***
(eg.16th would get 4500, therefore winner outside top 16 would get 2500+200 for the win, so 2700 to start)

Nothing is written is stone and would love to hear ways of tweaking or improving the tournament!!


  • How many ppl can you host? Is this in a home environment or hall? I have played at Buzzzards and many others around the area and would be interested depending on timing, # of players, etc.
  • anywhere from 2-6 tables is plausible, and this would be in a home environment
  • compuease wrote: »
    I have played at Buzzzards

    Are you sure, cause I don't remember you.
  • Buzzzardd wrote: »
    Are you sure, cause I don't remember you.

    That's cuz yur old too....
  • Buzzzardd wrote: »
    Are you sure, cause I don't remember you.

    Ya, I cashed in the one in may I believe.. My name is matt..
  • I know who you are Matt, I was talking about that compuease fellow.
  • so noone has anything to contribute... is it lack of interest or trust or what??

    tournaments will be run in cambridge either weekly or bi-weekly, at the moment like i mentioned im trying to gauge interest and tweak the structure or buy-in to accomodate to you, the players. if i get no feedback i cant begin to organize and purchae the proper equipment needed in order to start such a league
  • Well I am certainly interested if it as good a structure as Buzzzards and peferably Sundays for me... Build it and they will come..
  • Hey there.

    I will be interested and bi-weekly works for me don't know when you plan to start but keep us in the loop.

  • on weekends only for me.
  • will definately keep everyone posted!! any comments on the starting stack size or structure?? This will be either a regular saturday or sunday thing starting early afternoon leading into the evening/hopefully not long into the night.
  • will definately keep everyone posted!! any comments on the starting stack size or structure?? This will be either a regular saturday or sunday thing starting early afternoon leading into the evening/hopefully not long into the night.
    Just tell us how many players, and how long you want it to run, antes or not, and you will get several suggestions as to structure/starting stack, etc
  • A couple of suggestions, if this is going to be self dealt, don't use antes as it slows it down too much. If you like and you have enough volunteers have an assigned dealer at each table. That's the way we did it in the Orangeville league. The dealers played and payed half price. This kept the game moving much quicker. I was one there and would volunteer again. You do need to make sure the dealers are reasonably competant though... Players liked this in Orangeville.
  • I am interested depending on what day. How many weeks would you run this? I also may know a couple other guys who are not on the forum. So keep us posted.
    Thanx Steve
  • One possible flaw: someone could win the first tournament and then not show up again until the final. If they win the final (I realize they have a chip disadvantage but it is still possible), they will win the entire prize and will have only paid a total of $10 into the WSOP prize pool. I'd recommend that you set a minimum number of tournaments that people need to play in order to qualify for the final to avoid this type of situation.

    Unfortunately weekends don't work well for me otherwise I might be interested. I suspect you might get more participants with a slightly smaller weekly/bi-weekly buy-in...say $30-50 instead of $80. But I could be wrong...
  • I don't want to play but I would volunteer my time as a dealer. Just hook me up with a ride from Brantford....
  • I'd be interested in playing, weekends would be best preferably Sundays.
    i like the idea of the minimum # of shows to qualify too.
    Let us know when and there is sure to be good turn out with a nice structure
  • How many events are you going to play? Minimum events to Qualify should be 50% of total.
    10 events you should play a min of 5.
    Is the package transferrable? Meaning if I win and don't go can I sell it to another person?
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