Vegas in 5 days

On sunday I am going to vegas for my first time and cant wait. Ill be trying to play as much poker as I can but I will be bring the gf so we will see how much poker i get in haha. Ill be staying at the aria. Just wondering what you guys think I should expect in terms of the players there and where the easiest money is.
Also, any suggestions as to site seeing or stuff like that.


  • Inb4 gf spent all money on slots:D
  • Depends on what your roll is.

    Renting a car? Otherwise you are kind of limited on sightseeing.

    Behind Aria is a monorail that will transport you between Bellagio and the Monte Carlo. Will save you a bit of walking.
  • yeah, first time there with your g/f.......good luck on poker time.

    I would suggest first introducing her to the mall a couple blocks north on the strip, that will give you some extra poker time.

    They have a mall by the aria (in the city centre), but all the stores are very high end, so it's very -ev to send her there.

    As for the poker, anywhere you find drunk tourists will be good......bad will be the old nitty locals. Easy to spot the difference.
  • haha thx, and she loves laying poolside and tanning, so ill get my poker time in lol. thx for all the info guys
  • we were there in April and my wife by all means is not a very good poker player, we played and stayed at Mandalay and between us we brought home over 2 k everyone there really over valued one pair it's a bit of a hike from Aria but i enjoyed the game there
  • haha thx, and she loves laying poolside and tanning, so ill get my poker time in lol. thx for all the info guys

    If she loves poolside and tanning and you're staying at the Aria you'll be fine. Very nice pool and adjoining area. Just don't forget to take your door key card with you everywhere because they do check; almost annoyingly all the time everywhere.
  • On sunday I am going to vegas for my first time and cant wait. Ill be trying to play as much poker as I can but I will be bring the gf so we will see how much poker i get in haha. Ill be staying at the aria. Just wondering what you guys think I should expect in terms of the players there and where the easiest money is.
    Also, any suggestions as to site seeing or stuff like that.

    Here is the thread for Moose, Hobbes and I. We list many interesting places to see and restaurants to eat.

    As for poker, most 1/2 tables will be fairly easy to beat. Locals and drunk tourists are pretty easy to spot.

    Have a good trip!
  • Just returned from vegas late last night, and it was an awesome trip. I got there on the 18th and was really tired, didnt really do much. Then monday walked around a bit, way too hot to be walking in vegas haha then after went to the pool with the gf. At midnight I went to the poker room as I was officially 21. I sat down with about 500 and had it up to about 1300 in no time. Eventually everyone left and one guy asked me if I wanted to play heads up so I did. First time playing HU live. We made it a 5/10 game. I played very well. Probably won about 80% of the hands. I noticed when I would limp he would always raise to 40. So i got 1010 and limped and he raised to 40, i reraised to 160 and he pushed. he had about 950 and i had him covered, I thought about it eventually calling. Board ran out K8743, he had KQ. Unlucky but owell. Was down to 500ish and quickly got it back up to about 1000, before making a dumb move. and lost it to him. I played very well but the one hand and went off to bed after that. Got to bed around 5, then woke up for 10 and registered for their $175 daily tourney where 23 people went in and I chopped first for $1350.
    On wednesday I spent the day with the GF and we saw lance burton which was a great show. I played 2-5 again thursday morning and was doing well again as I started at a table where 2 guys were playing. I discovered this trip that I play very good short handed live. So I made my 600 into about 1400 quickly then when the table got full I just couldnt get it going and again lost it, was pretty mad at myself. Spent the rest of the day with the gf. I would wake up around 6 or 7 and play till 1ish and then spend day with the gf.
    Friday my last day was a very good day for me. I started off winning about 500 at the poker table then the gf and I won some at BJ i won about 160 and she won about 100. Then we were to see a show at 9:30 but got there a little early so we played some more BJ. In 15 minutes I made $800. which was a good enough reason for me to go play more poker after I put the lady to bed. So I went down and there was a 5-10 table running, and i figured Id give it a go. If i lost i wouldnt be that upset. I sat down with about 1100 and there were a lot of deepstacks of 3000-5000. I was quickly down to about 300 so put another 500 on the table. Made some plays at some pots and got some good value with my hands. I ended up leaving there with about 2700, up 1100 which i was very happy with.
    My 2 big hands were....I straddled to $20 and got raised to 50. I was the only caller with A9d. Flop came off AK10 rainbow. i checked he bet 100 i called. turn 10d, now 2d on board. i check he bet 160 I pumped it to 400 he called. the river was a blank and I had about 800 left, I figure a push might look like a bluff so i tried to make my bet look like a value bet. And bet 400 again, he folded. I think i heard him say he had KQ which i think wouldve been a horrible call on the turn. Then very next hand there was a straddle again and same guy raised to 50 and another caller. i was in the BB and just called with JJ, flop came off 953 rainbow, i checked and reraiser check while the other bet 150, i decided to just call. other folded. turn was a 5 and i checked again, he bet 150 again, i decided to just call again. river was a 10 which put a spade flush possibility up, but I was more worried about 1010 just hitting, so I checked again he bet 350 I called and he had 910 which i figured would be the hand I was beating there.
    Overall was a great trip with some great food. I cant wait to return, probably wont be until the series next year though.
  • Overall was a great trip with some great food. I cant wait to return, probably wont be until the series next year though.

    Young baller like you only going once a year?.......tsk tsk

    All your poker done at the Aria?
  • Yeah, went to the other casinos but never played poker, went to one at the monte carlo but it was early in the morning and no tables running
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