Vacation Time and no place to go

Starting next week (July 19 to July 30) I have some time off work for vacation. Have a few plans, but all consist of staying home and adding value to the back yard. Was thinking if I could find a tournament/game somewhere, I might take a day trip and head out. Alas, can't find a damn thing in the Southern Ontario area, other than the Brantford Thursday game.

I know we're not the poker mecca in this country, but with so many casinos with poker rooms, you would think there would be more scheduled tourney's around. Almost makes me wish I live in Alberta...almost.

Still, might head to Brantford on one of the Thursdays just for shiggles. Anyone interested? Or if you know something I don't know (which is quite easy really), point me in the right direction please.


  • Can't play the tourney but could journey down after and meet you.
  • STR82ACE wrote: »
    Starting next week (July 19 to July 30) I have some time off work for vacation. Have a few plans, but all consist of staying home and adding value to the back yard. Was thinking if I could find a tournament/game somewhere, I might take a day trip and head out. Alas, can't find a damn thing in the Southern Ontario area, other than the Brantford Thursday game.

    I know we're not the poker mecca in this country, but with so many casinos with poker rooms, you would think there would be more scheduled tourney's around. Almost makes me wish I live in Alberta...almost.

    Still, might head to Brantford on one of the Thursdays just for shiggles. Anyone interested? Or if you know something I don't know (which is quite easy really), point me in the right direction please.

    I'm playing in the one on the 22nd ($100) and possibly the bounty on the 29th ($140). There's not much else around....

    I love being on vacation....vacation poker is the best...:D
  • You should make a trip out to Alberta, I can't go 20 mins around the city without seeing a casino.....if you rather hit the scenic affair may I suggest a Banff or Jasper trip? Banff is like an hour from Calgary which also has a handful of very nice casinos.
  • Strongly considering playing the 22nd. Moose, if you're going to be there, look me up. First round on me
  • I registered for the 22nd. Let me know if you make it out there.....
  • Niagara falls! donk and go's starting at 35 bucks with probably horribad structures:wink2:, or wait maybe spend time with the family;).
  • philliivey wrote: »
    Niagara falls! donk and go's starting at 35 bucks with probably horribad structures:wink2:

    Thanks but no thanks. Those would only piss me off.
    philliivey wrote: »
    or wait maybe spend time with the family;).

    Obviously never met my family, have you?
  • I played the Brantford tournament on the 8th, well run I thought. Make sure if you are planning to play sign up at least 3 days in advance, the $100 buck tourny sold out.

    The drive to Windsor is brutal but they had quite a few tournaments listed for the summer.

    Niagara tournaments are brutal, full tournament done in 1 hour.
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