Victoria Online Poker League

OK guys check it out. The official news letter for the VOPL. Reserve your spot ASAP because it will fill up. Contact with any questions. See you on the tables


  • Could you post a link to the tournmanets in November?

    I tried a google search and can not find any info on the 2010 BC poker champs in november as it states on your brochure.

    I thought the BC champs were in the spring?

  • Hey man here is a link to the 2009 BCPC event schedule. I have spoken with the River rock casino and they will not have a definite schedule until september. However they assured me that the 2010 BCPC would run very closely to last years dates. Hope to see you on the tables!

    River Rock Casino Resort - 2009 BC Poker Championships
  • As far as I know, BCLC has dumped the BC Poker Championships. There are a few other groups in the works looking to take it over. But nothing is confirmed yet.
  • good to know, we also run a league where the winner is getting the buy in for the BC's and we have been trying to find any news on 2010 schedule
  • I have no doubts it will happen..just under who's control is hard to say. Hopefully it will get back to what it once was.
  • I spoke with the River Rock two days ago and they assured me the event was taking place. They didn't post last years schedule until September and thats when she told me they would post the 2010 schedule. If you find anything concrete let me know.
  • Stay tuned for a BCPC update coming soon!!!! Good things going on there!
  • Thanks Dennis! Any chance we can get you out to Join us for the VOPL?
  • Snowjoesh wrote: »
    Thanks Dennis! Any chance we can get you out to Join us for the VOPL?

    The way I am reading the poster, I pay over 360 bucks to win a 700 buck pkg. 7 weeks at 44 bucks, and get a shot at paying another 54 bucks to play off for one of 3, 700 buck pkgs...please correct me if I am wrong..

    I want entry to the ME in a sat.

    edit- and I am not from Victoria.
    2nd edit....and I can play for 10 weeks free with the Big Slick Poker tour, and qualify for a playoff tourney for free and win a 5k main event pkg.
  • Well I guess if you were not planning on cashing in any of the first 7 events it would cost you 360, however most poker players shoot to cash in events. The 8th is the championship event and instead of making it a cash prize pool we have added the BCPC tickets. The second season of the league will start after this one concludes and will conclude with a championship event where BCPC Main event tickets are given away. We are opening the event up to all of BC in order to get more players to the BCPC.
  • Snowjoesh wrote: »
    Well I guess if you were not planning on cashing in any of the first 7 events it would cost you 360, however most poker players shoot to cash in events. The 8th is the championship event and instead of making it a cash prize pool we have added the BCPC tickets. The second season of the league will start after this one concludes and will conclude with a championship event where BCPC Main event tickets are given away. We are opening the event up to all of BC in order to get more players to the BCPC.

    ahh...ok, you are cashing every event, not adding them up at the end..gotcha.
    That makes much more sense. I might check out the software and see if I want to play...
  • What night of the week do these weekly tournies run?
  • Yes each weeks event will have its own prize pool. Broadway tables is an awesome new site which I have been on for the past 3 weeks and it is very soft. The events will run every sunday night at 6 pm. We have also added a bounty on the previous weeks champion to mix things up. Let me know if you have any other questions.
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