Kitchener LL SnG's - July 9, 2010, 8pm ?

Last minute, but have the itch to play, so just putting out some feelers to see if anyone is interested in playing later tonight. Post or shoot me a PM, and if we get enough people we'll go.


  • Me. 9ish.
  • Tentative.

    Trevor call me if we get some people out.
  • Shooting for 9pm now, and Mario is interested, so we have 5. Probably need 1 or 2 more to go, but we're close. Give it another 1/2 hour or so, so hopefully we get some more interest!
  • Dealer's choice cash game? Heading home from work now. Will check in again after I get something to eat.
  • Doesn't look like we're going to get enough people :( . Maybe next time...
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