Proposed 2010 Ching Shirt

"All-in Ahead"
"Can't win a race"

author Milton Slim

Gotta nice ring to it!

Wanna get to Wetts, but don't tee off until 9:50 on Saturday

Ching starting when?????????????????????


  • Maybe Joe can come up with a new design for The Hill. I'll see what he can do. Might just become our official logo then. As far as a catch phrase...well, personally, I prefer something not as racy as your suggestions. However, "Where Aces Never Hold Up" has a nice ring to it.

    As far as starting up the next season, the unofficial date is the first Thursday in Aug, that would be Aug 5. I'll confirm that soon enough.
  • AJ, I have an idea for a crest. I'll show you at the Golf tourney. It's a take of of the old Ching Minor Lacrosse crest.
  • I can try to create a logo for you guys. 2 vintage Ace cards (the cards are not white but like a brown colour like an old treasure map) with the club name on top and "Where Aces Never Hold Up." on the left side going down or at the bottom of the logo.

    What ya think?
  • Icedog wrote: »
    I can try to create a logo for you guys. 2 vintage Ace cards (the cards are not white but like a brown colour like an old treasure map) with the club name on top and "Where Aces Never Hold Up." on the left side going down or at the bottom of the logo.

    What ya think?

    Hey IceDog...when we start up again in August, bring it over for evaluation. First Thursday in August. Thanks
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