4 Milton Rocks off to play the Brantford July 4th $300. event

Four Milton Rocks, including moi are off to play this tourney. I personally have never played one of the Brantford tournaments but am looking for advice from those who have. Are the players generally pretty tight or aggressive? A lot of calling stations? I'm used to sizing up the opposition pretty quickly but since these are quick blinds and structure, 20 min, 2500 chips, any info could give me a leg up...


  • To me these play exactly like a Bristol. Watch your opponents, avoid the dangerous ones and steal away as the blinds get higher.
  • moose wrote: »
    To me these play exactly like a Bristol. Watch your opponents, avoid the dangerous ones and steal away as the blinds get higher.

    You were stealing at Bristol? tsk, tsk, and here I thought we were all friends...
    Seriously though, appreciate the info and will heed it.
  • No I mean the blind levels and chip stacks play similar to a Bristol.
  • A much better way to build your poker bankroll than any US tournament, especially if you know how to calculate Patience Factor, pot odds, and if a deal, all-in or call is +$EV. I've seen some laughable deals made (up to eight-way!) because some players are so terrified of variance.

    There are a lot of players who make bad calls without getting the correct odds. Some of the limit cash game players have no idea about proper bet sizing in an NLHE tournament.
    compuease wrote: »
    I personally have never played one of the Brantford tournaments but am looking for advice from those who have.
  • i played a 100 buy in...loose passive to say the least...most of guys wanted to see a flop, so lots of limping..the 300 may be tougher..for me i think id rather play the 280 deep stack at the Blue heron on july 14...hey Compueuse..i really miss those sunday Orangeville tournaments..or Belwood..oh well..
  • marban wrote: »
    i played a 100 buy in...loose passive to say the least...most of guys wanted to see a flop, so lots of limping..the 300 may be tougher..for me i think id rather play the 280 deep stack at the Blue heron on july 14...hey Compueuse..i really miss those sunday Orangeville tournaments..or Belwood..oh well..
    I miss those as well, hopefully they will restart in the fall.. Fingers crossed.
    May play the Blue Heron as well... Oh and I love a table of loose passives...
  • What's the start time?

    I'm up for taking a trip into the BCC to meet/greet some PFC'ers...
  • zunni74 wrote: »
    What's the start time?

    I'm up for taking a trip into the BCC to meet/greet some PFC'ers...

    10am... ungodly hour for poker players.... although I never did claim to be one..

    Actually 4 Milton Rocks but only 1 (me) pfc'er.. However all of us have represented the Rocks at the Royal Cup...

    I will be wearing my traditional (for poker that is) black fedora...
  • Just look for the guy that is 50% dust.
  • moose wrote: »
    To me these play exactly like a Bristol. Watch your opponents, avoid the dangerous ones and steal away as the blinds get higher.

    What is this "Bristol" you speak of?
  • 800OVER wrote: »
    What is this "Bristol" you speak of?



    Edit : Re Brantford tourny. I would not throw $300 down with the stack size and blinds. $100 is all I feel comfortable playing bingo with. Also would like to see OPT resurrected.
  • +1


    Edit : Re Brantford tourny. I would not throw $300 down with the stack size and blinds. $100 is all I feel comfortable playing bingo with.
    Not really my choice, part of a league participation.... However I'm old so ok with bingo.. :)
    Also would like to see OPT resurrected.

    +1 for sure...
  • westside8 wrote: »
    TR plz?

    I plan on it....
  • +1


    Edit : Re Brantford tourny. I would not throw $300 down with the stack size and blinds. $100 is all I feel comfortable playing bingo with. Also would like to see OPT resurrected.

    whoa, who is this hellmuths mole that speaks:o
  • Will be tweeting our progress as we go here:

    Jeff Cookson (jeff_cookson) on Twitter
  • Ok, trip report for todays debacle.... 4 of us travelled to Brantford in 2 vehicles, about 55 min door to door. Arrived at 9:40 for 10am start. 50 runners, 2500 chips, 20 min blinds, crappy structure, especially for a $300. buyin. Not one I would recommend at all. Abridged version, had QQ 3 times early made good amount on first one but no action on other 2. 1st break after 4 levels and I'm sitting ok at 3400 with blinds going to 100/200. All 4 of us are still in but I have the most. It goes quick from here, stole a couple of pots with bets on the river when no one seems to want them. This kept me from getting too short. After about level 6 we collapse to 3 tables and we lose 1 rock when she gets rivered after getting it in ahead. Collapse to 2 tables and I get moved to the same table as the other 2 surviving Rocks. Blinds are at 400/800 and both other Rocks, Mark and Scott get it in with a big stack, they have 10,10 and J,J vs big stacks A,Q. Q on the flop and they are both gone. A few hands later I push 6,9 suited from late position into A,Q but make a flush on the river.. wooo hooo, up to 4200... Next round I push 8,8 onto KQ suited, Q on the flop and I'm done in 13th after 2 hrs and 50 min... Ridiculous fast structure for $300. A 50 player tournament done in probably under 4 hrs, crazy..
    Pros, nice room and friendly enough staff, at least 2 of the dealers were very fast.
    Con's, bad structure, no free drinks, a lot of regulars that all seemed to know each other and the staff.. No obvious collusion but I'm sure it happens.

    Other good news was that I got back early enough to still make one of my grandsons birthday party...
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