Question Week: joeheartsdi

1. who is/was your Daddy and what does/did he do?
2. how many animals have you tagged in your driving life? (assume you drive that is!)
3. what is the one song you are most embarrassed to admit you like?
4. when Milo asks you what you would give up between meat, booze or sex, what will your answer be? lol
5. do you have World Cup fever?
6. you are down to HU in the Main Event. You feel pain shooting in your arm and are concerned you might be getting a warning sign of an impending heart attack. Do you pull out and seek medical attention and finish runner up or do you cross your fingers and hope to finish the game and then get help?


  • Favourite sport?

    Favourite team in any sport?

    Do you think the reason Dora and Deigo are always on "adventures" trying to find stuff and save endangered animals is because they're on the run from Arizona authorities?

    New game my Welsh friend taught me: Shag, Marry, Kill. You match these three to what you would do to them, shag marry or kill...

    Britney Spears
    Lindsey Lohan
    The Situation from Jersey Whore... I mean Jersey Shore
  • Who do you like in the World Cup?

    Any regrets in your life to this point?

    Where did you grow up?

    What sports do you like?

    Desert Island: What three books do you bring, and why?

    Will you be irked if I do not ask you my traditional question?
  • What's the history of your forum name?
  • Cage match, who wins: Eeyore v. Odie?

    Same question: Anne Hathaway v. Salma Hayek?
  • 1. who is/was your Daddy and what does/did he do?
    My daddy is Eli and currently is sitting at home, probably watching price is right re-runs... He use to work at A.G Simpson in cambridge before they closed down, he was there for 25+ years...

    2. how many animals have you tagged in your driving life? (assume you drive that is!)
    Never hit any large animals, but i am the destroyer of the little ones..

    3. what is the one song you are most embarrassed to admit you like?
    hips dont lie - shakira

    4. when Milo asks you what you would give up between meat, booze or sex, what will your answer be? lol
    sex... meat and booze are too valuable..

    5. do you have World Cup fever?
    no... but i do love watching people dive and drop to the ground like they have been shot..

    6. you are down to HU in the Main Event. You feel pain shooting in your arm and are concerned you might be getting a warning sign of an impending heart attack. Do you pull out and seek medical attention and finish runner up or do you cross your fingers and hope to finish the game and then get help
    I push blind..
  • Favourite sport?
    Golf, Hockey and fishing.. all 3 i love..

    Favourite team in any sport?
    I was a florida panthers fan moreso a huge John Vanbiesbrouck fan in the day that stopped when mccade was traded there now i hate them.. its the mccabe factor..

    Do you think the reason Dora and Deigo are always on "adventures" trying to find stuff and save endangered animals is because they're on the run from Arizona authorities?
    "swiper no swiping!" ... i was just in panama the last week and believe all spanish person's are a little crazy :)

    New game my Welsh friend taught me: Shag, Marry, Kill. You match these three to what you would do to them, shag marry or kill...

    Britney Spears
    Lindsey Lohan
    The Situation from Jersey Whore... I mean Jersey Shore
    Marry: Britney - shes cleaned up her act and looks damn fine..
    Shag: Lohan - she would probably invite a chick into the mix...
    Kill: Situation - obvious.
  • Did you just kill question week?
  • How come I've never heard of you?
  • Who do you like in the World Cup?
    hate it..

    Any regrets in your life to this point?
    i regret not continuing with with my hockey.. tore a muscle in my knee and haven't played ice hockey competitively since..

    Where did you grow up?
    Born in k-w but spent most of my life in the boonies (Elmira, St. Jacobs)

    Desert Island: What three books do you bring, and why?
    Golf Digest, because i wanna know why I always flub my chip shots :)

    Will you be irked if I do not ask you my traditional question?
  • What's the history of your forum name?
    My name is Joe and my name comes from my wife, her name is Danielle but we call her Di or Dee and i heart her.
  • Did you just kill question week?
    I tend to be forgotten :)
  • How come I've never heard of you?
    Prolly because I dont post much or play much, i'm a recreational poker player... just play Bristol's and Holt Poker games...I dont even play online..
  • Where is the Panama TR?
  • You haven't been hitched long enough for this to be close, but here goes . . .

    booze, broads, or meat, which one gets the heave-ho?
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