i mean, really?

You can keep snap banning me like a girl Scoops, but why dont you let me explain myself?

we are all here for the same reason, poker.

stop being racist and let me face the bull head on.


I can scramble my IP, just like I have been, so if you wanna keep this game up, we can do that.


  • Yea...

    Solid proof that you wanted to give maturity a shot... just accept you burned this bridge, go to pocket 5's or 2+2.

  • Racist? Who knew that "Douche-nozzle" was an ethnicity?
  • mark;

    I just tried to get a petition going, just to see, and I get snap banned for no reason. Its frustrating.

    This is where I like to talk poker, Im already on those other sites.

  • faw-q wrote: »
    stop being racist

    If hating you is racist, then I'm going to cut some holes in my bedsheets and start holding secret meetings in the forest behind my house.

    You are the biggest douchebag/diva/fucking loser ever to sign up to this forum, and you know it. I hope advanced medical science finds some kind of treatment for whatever obvious mental health issues you have.

    Why don't you take your massive poker winnings *snicker* and go buy yourself a life?

    Don't bother answering, you are already on my ignore list.
  • JohnnieH wrote: »
    If hating you is racist, then I'm going to cut some holes in my bedsheets and start holding secret meetings in the forest behind my house.

    You are the biggest douchebag/diva/fucking loser ever to sign up to this forum, and you know it. I hope advanced medical science finds some kind of treatment for whatever obvious mental health issues you have.

    Why don't you take your massive poker winnings *snicker* and go buy yourself a life?

    Don't bother answering, you are already on my ignore list.

    Sorry johnnie, I cant see what you wrote, whoever drives a v6 mustang is on my insta ignore list.

    I didnt even really do anything to warrant this permanent ban, which is why this is pure racism, plain and simple. Either you are threatened by me and my game, or, you are holding my race against me.

    Please let me keep posting, Id like to chat with you guys to improve my game. thanx.
  • I'll take this whole site to judge judy if I have to.
  • I would also like an explination as to why I am perma banned. I never did anything to anybody.
  • Sigh...

    Fed, you broke the rules, you stole from someone, you lied, agitated, and generally tromped around like a buffoon. I am saying this from a place of pity now, you haven't changed. You say you want to, but you don't put forth any effort. Go, take time, and realize what it is that YOU have done to get to this point, how YOUR choices put you where you are.

    Blaming other people or outside factors is a balm to sooth people's hurt egos. Taking the time to straight up look at yourself and fixing what is wrong, that's maturity.

    Do that, and hell, I'll vouch to get you back on here and even buy you a beer (in 4 years when you're 19 - hey, I never said *I* was fully mature)

  • Not that I am a Global Warming Apologist, but I think a different sort of melt-down has begun here . . .
  • faw-q wrote: »

    I do not think this word means what you think it does . . .
  • mark;

    Thank you for that response. I agree, I messed up when I first came here, I let my ego get in the way.

    I created a couple good friendships and a couple enemies. Thats life.

    You guys may not like me, and the things I say, or do.. but in the end, you have to realize that I'm a person too. I may be a clown, but its who I am.

    I promise not to degrade ppl, and to start biting my tongue and try my best to contribute to this great community.

    My game has gotten alot stronger of late, and I want to share my successes and losses with you guys.

    Just give me a chance, thats all I ask.

  • faw-q wrote: »
    I didnt even really do anything to warrant this permanent ban, which is why this is pure racism, plain and simple. Either you are threatened by me and my game, or, you are holding my race against me.

    None of the above. The site is paid for and operated by an individual, thus making this a private domain. The owner of the site and any persons he/she appointed to as an admin/mod and therefore has the right to restrict access to anyone/everyone to his/her discretion with/without grounds.
  • Fed,

    You had your chances. That's the part you're not getting. You came back on here, and within 1/2 dozen posts started tearing into members that have been on here for years, who are respected. Your promises, quite frankly, mean nothing right now. You have no credibility here.

    I honestly don't know what you can possibly do to get it back, but that's neither my problem, or my interest. Best I can hope for ya is that you learn and can apply it to aspects of your life that you haven't buried already.

  • I appreciate those words.

    Honestly, ive turned a new leaf. Im just looking to talk poker and shoot the shit, and thats all.

    Im done degrading ppl, and making an ass of myself.

    If im not welcome at this time, thats fine, I would just like to know what I need to do to return in the future.


    also, inb4 hobbes and others talking smack
  • Lets set up some heads up matches. PM me.
  • Lets set up some heads up matches. PM me.

    I only play stud and omaha at this point reef.

    If that interests you, PM me before I get banned (if I do....hope not)

    You dont want me to rake in the dough on ya, like I did before when we played, do ya? :D
  • Didn't read the other posts


  • I think the username you selected to use in your honest effort to demonstrate repentance is proof enough that you are actually not capable of it.
  • STR82ACE wrote: »
    Didn't read the other posts



    fyp ;)
  • guys;

    I created this newest acct. in a tilt register to the site move.

    i insta made a bad name. Id like to change it if i can stick around.

    str82ace, best of luck shedding those lbs, wetts i hope you get out of your recent run bad, and i hope all is well hobbes :)
  • im still waiting for your 2 cents jeff.
  • I really don't know why you keep coming back here. You know what's going to happen every time you try. You cried wolf one too many times and now no one gives a shit. You have lost any credibility you may have once been able to gain on here.
  • Guys, guys, come on! If you ignore him, maybe he'll go away....
  • syphilaids wrote: »
    Guys, guys, come on! If you ignore him, maybe he'll go away....
    naw its funner to just insta ban all the time.

    Stop responding to him/her!!

    You are giving him exactly what he/she wants!!

    It is the same reason why Kristy liked him/her so much. Just his/her presence puts you on tilt!!

    If you all ignore him, he won't have any fun, and he'll/she'll go away.
  • datamn wrote: »
    this is not directed at fed... It is for everyone else:

    Stop responding to him/her!!

    You are giving him exactly what he/she wants!!

    It is the same reason why kristy liked him/her so much. Just his/her presence puts you on tilt!!

    If you all ignore him, he won't have any fun, and he'll/she'll go away.

  • Cerberus wrote: »
    1 trillion?:confused2:
This discussion has been closed.